Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arms Dynamics HoloMarket

Auriel Auriel

Purchase approved.

Note: For safety reasons, the IFF chips have been wiped. Arms Dynamics is not responsible for any injury, death, undeath, or other force-related shenanigans related to the (mis)use of our products. Please have a nice day.

Commissions are now open! We are currently offering ships, weapons, vehicles, and armour at limited or lower.
If you would like to make a purchase use the following form:
Name of product: (Recommended)
Image: (Highly recommended)
What is it: (Vehicle, armour, etc.)
How many do you need: (Limited, semi-unique, unique)
Classification: (Tank, blaster, heavy armour, starfighter)
Notes: (What you want as a general outline, things like strengths and weaknesses, special features, or if applicable the stats of the submission)
Payment: (Accepting closed market goods, a promise of assistance, strange animals, or faction specific money if you are backed (ORC Talons, TSE credits, etc. )
Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

Your contract has been accepted, Arms Dynamics technicians will assist in the installation and training for the use of the weapons. Please note the inverted damage fall-off. Damage to the focussing lenses is unfortunately non-refundable.

WARNING: If 3rd party lenses are used you may run the risk of a class-b catastrophic overload resulting in power feedback and the detonation of your primary reactor.

Thank you for your business,

Chris Walker

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