Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arranged Benefits (Lady Kay)

After her meeting with Alicia, Nierce had a renewed sense of purpose. In fact, she actually felt like her little plan might work. Now that she had a potentially powerful backer, all it would take was the help of a few more individuals and they might actually be able to make strides at striking at the heart of darkness. Or, as she called it, blotting out her enemies with a wickedly hidden finger. This was, after all, all for her own gain.

Back on her ship, she had a call placed requesting a meeting with the woman that she'd seen Alicia briefly speak with at the arena. The senator for the world they were currently on was something of an enigma for her, but if she could swing it, she'd bring her into the fold as well. The request would ask the woman to meet her in a few hours at a somewhat upscale restaurant. Nierce changed into a better dress for the occasion, not wanting to look too shabby.

She approached the restaurant and indicated she had a reservation for two. She was the first to arrive so she took to their table off to the side, equipped with technology to block out all other sound and keep their own conversation quiet if they wished, and ordered a dry martini while she waited.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

It wasn't unexpected to get an invitation to a business dinner after attending a sporting event. That's part of the reason that she went to the event in the first place.

Kay entered the restaurant dressed in elegance, but not too much. She didn't want to seem as though she was made of money. Senators don't get paid THAT much. Most of her money went to saving slaves anyways. She was directed to the private table and bowed her head to the woman.

"Evening. You were at the swoopduels, were you not? I hope you enjoyed yourself." Kay sat herself down and ordered her usual, Sapir tea.
Nierce bowed her head in return.

"I was, yes. And I did enjoy it, despite finding it somewhat barbaric at times."

The Twi'lek woman crossed her legs and let one foot dangle back and forth lightly, careful not to allow it to kick the senator across from her. She reached over and flicked on the noise cancelling technology, as well as the dampening tech. Only when their server approached would anyone be able to talk to them. She waited to speak further until she had her martini in hand, and the senator had her drink as well.

"I'm sure you don't know who I am, which is good. I will simply say that my name is Nierce and I represent an interest in taking down the axis powers of the galaxy through strengthening the people that they have subjugated that they might rise up from within. I'm looking for allies."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Kay cupped her tea in her hands as she listened. For a brief moment, she sounded like any other small group looking to try to overthrow the most powerful governments, only to fade away when they failed. But then Nierce spoke of how it would be accomplished and that is what drew her attention.

"Lovely to meet you, Nierce. And I must say that your idea seems very intriguing. It sounds almost like what I am doing now against the Hutt Cartel. I'd like to help where I can.."
"Well, that's good to hear."

She sipped her drink and then settled the glass down as she looked across at the senator. Not an unattractive woman, to put it mildly, Nierce still found that she wasn't uncomfortable near her. That was saying a lot. On top of that, she needed the senators help.

"We need people, goods, money, and arms. And we'd prefer if it was all done in secret, obviously. I'd be the point of contact for everything. If you know anyone that would want to assist, you could contact me with their contact information, and I will speak with them personally."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

She sipped her tea. "For people...well in my missions I tend to hire different people all the time. It better hides when and where that I will strike. As for money, Senators don't make a whole lot, despite what some may think. I had a much higher salary when I was the COO of ArmaTech. Speaking of which...what oppressive government would you after first?"
"They need not be people you've hired. You may know people in the Republic that would be of good use to us as well."

She finished her drink, and when the server appeared to take their order, she ordered a fish dish that she'd picked out while waiting for Kay to arrive. While she waited for the woman to order, if she decided to do so, Nierce contemplated the fact that a Sith and a Jedi were conversing, though the Sith was masking her presence very deeply within herself to make it appear as though she was nothing more than a simple Twi'lek woman with a plan.

When the server left, she shook her head.

"Not one target. All of them. That's how the Resistance works, Lady Senator. Our operatives infiltrate many worlds at a time and seek to bring about the end of tyrannical rule. If we were to target one world at a time, our mission would never be successful. The enemy would just rebuild somewhere else."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Kay just asked the server for a small appetizer. She sipped her tea. "I don't know a lot of people in the Republic, I'm afraid. I am not in Republic space as often as I should be."

Once the server had left, she nodded as she listened until it was her turn to speak again. "I was meaning which organization would you go after first? The One Sith? The Techno Union? The Hutt Cartel? There are some smaller ones out there too, and subfactions."
"The plan is to go after all of them, Lady Kay. Every single one. Not individually, but all at the same time. If we weaken them all, then the Republic or whomever can sweep in and defeat them."

That was, well, sort of the truth of the matter. She was seeking to ingratiate herself with the Senator as a means for her own advancement, but also because she did, genuinely, want to defeat the axis powers of the galaxy, and that meant that her fledgling movement was in need of both members and the support of individuals with certain amounts of power, which was why she'd spoken with Alicia and was now speaking with the senator.

"We cannot allow the others to sit and grow stronger, crushing the people that live on their worlds, while we single out one. We would only make the job more difficult. Since we are not the primary fighting force ourselves, we can easily send one or two operatives to individual worlds throughout the galaxy."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

"That's a bold undertaking. But I understand your reasoning behind it. I can certainly send some people your way that have helped me fight against the Cartel."

Kay sipped her tea. "And I'll certainly keep an eye out for others. I may have enemies, but I have even more in allies."

What had happened on Naboo disturbed her, especially in that she could do so little about it. But maybe through this plan, Naboo could be liberated.
"That's all I ask for."

She looked at the food when it was finally brought and was careful to maintain good manners. She didn't want to be perceived as a slob or chow hound or something of that nature, which she most certainly was not. In fact, she'd always been taught by her parents to be courteous when eating, so she didn't even take a bite until Lady Kay had taken a bite of hers. Not that she didn't prepare it to be eaten by cutting it into bite size morsels while she waited.

"If you come across people, please notify me directly and I will contact them. I will make sure that you have my comm codes, and you can be assured that our transmissions will be secure. If ever you need the assistance of the Resistance, do not hesitate to request it."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Kay picked up one of her appetisers with her fork and ate it, chewing and swallowing it before speaking. "I will, thank you. And I am quite used to going into enemy territory. I'm not like others of my position. I'm a lady of action as well as words."

And it was the truth. But then again, most people knew that.
Nierce smiled.

"I know. I did my research."

She took a bite of her food and chewed it quietly while she thought things over. Now that she'd successfully accomplished the task of enlisting a senator to her cause, she'd also gotten an in for Alicia to use Nierce as a means to contact the woman about the Cartel. That was good. It meant that she could leave when she was done here.

"You will need to continue to be a woman of action if ever we are to rid the galaxy of the disease that festers within it. It will take time, but each move creates a crack. The more cracks in their armor, the easier it is to break them. With the Resistance to help, the Republic and its allies will soon overcome."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

She nodded. "I will certainly try. Although there are many that want me to stop. I am creating too much trouble for myself right now. But thankfully, I have other ways of getting things done without being directly involved."

Kay ate a bit more of her appetizer, thinking of the Republic's agents investigating her. There could be a risk that she would lose her position or get arrested. Only time would tell.
"That is always the best way of getting things done."

She nodded approvingly. Yes, this was going to work out the way that she hoped it would. The question was, would it work out for her 'boss'? She ate more of her meal and looked around them briefly before looking at the senator. It was clear that something was eating at the woman.

"You've got someone after you, don't you?"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay paused her eating and sipped her tea after [member="Nierce"] asked her a loaded question. It almost made her want to laugh. But of course she didn't as that would be quite rude. Instead she cradled her cup in her hands as they rested just past her appetizer plate. Her thumbs traced the design on the cup as she spoke, "Yes, though not just one person. I have many. There is a bounty on my head whenever I am in Cartel territory, and many in the Cartel hunt me down whenever I am near. And due to current laws within the Republic, I am to be under investigation to be sure that my loyalties are with them."

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