Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ar'rek Zavros

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

NAME: Ar'rek Zavros
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Initiate
SPECIES: Togruta
AGE: 32
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.85 Meters
EYES: Black
HAIR: Blue White Lekku
SKIN: Red-Orange


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Togruta Biology: The Montrals, the Togrutii word for the hollow horns that sit on their heads, give Togrutas a sort of passive echolocation, allowing them to track movement of physical objects nearby giving Ar'rek a huge advantage in battle as well as tracking.
  • Ori'ramikad Operative: Though her service to the Mandalorian Supercommandos was during The Bear's reign as Mand'alor, she is still tough as nails and sharp as a blade. Her specialties lie in one-handed dueling with blaster pistol and stealth.
  • Barkeep: No, not what you're thinking. Her many years as a barkeep at the Oyu'bat Tapcaf in Keldabe has made her very irratable. She gets it! She know's she's beautiful and that you wish you could do this and that but you can't because you're married or she's a Togruta etc. Doesn't mean she won't use it against you. It also means that she can be very irritable from the long hours.
  • Volcano Temper: When she isn't dealing with customers crap, Ar'rek has a very volatile temper and once she enters a rage there is no going back, so watch what you say! Or not...I mean, its not like she was a supercommando or anything.

Tall, red, and beautiful, Ar'rek holds the hearts of men in her hands. Her dark eyes strike fear into the enemies who see them and her head tails give her an exotic appearance.

Born and raised on Mandalore, Ar'rek was groomed to be a warrior from the ripe age of eight, just as all Mandalorian children. She spent most of her training on the harsh jungle world of Dxun, a moon known for its flesh eating diseases and carnivorous beasts. Survival training was harsh, but it was where she learned how to use her natural gift of echolocation. During her training, her younger brother and sister were born, a set of twins. They gave her a lot of grief when they were younger.

After she "became a woman" Ar'rek married her first husband, a young Twi'lek. The couple was intent on adopting, due to Ar'rek wishing to live out her life. The two warriors became an incredible pair, an "Army of Two", and were both added to the Bear's Ori'ramikad. This only lasted a few months however, as the next Mandalore disbanded the group. As a result, Ar'rek became a barkeep at the Oyu'bat Tapcaf, and her husband left to the stars, no doubt dead by now. Though this weighs heavy on her heart, she knows that death is just as much a part of a Mandalorian's life as death.

The Roughcut

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