Arris Windrun
Bet on me
Arris is a human with visible cybernetics and implant seams in her skin. Her blonde hair is usually tied up in a ponytail, otherwise just over shoulder length when let down. Her grey eyes have an artificial glint to them and an uncanny lack of blood vessels or redness of the sort. She is heavier than she looks but of an athletic stature nonetheless, her figure is one some might find attractive from bust to waist, with a conventionally pretty face if they can excuse the panels. She wears the usual garments of a credit-starved spacer: a leather jacket and fashionable pants, both of which end where her artificial limbs begin. Were it all skin Arris would look rather silly in her digs.
Arms: Cyberarms Mod VI [X]
Legs: Cyberlegs Mod II [X]
Eyes: Cybernetic Eyes Mod III [X]
- Implant Armor [X]
- Cardio-Muscular Package [X]
- Pain Dampener [X]
- Cyberjack [X]
- Nerve Enhancement Package [X]
- Bio-Stabilizer [X]
- Com-Link [X]
- Vocal Emulator [X]
Coming soon to a character sheet near you.
Arris sees herself as a rockstar with a temporary wealth and fame deficiency, but in reality, she’s just a gambler with an unchecked ego.
From a young age, Arris has been chasing the big-time, be it swoop races or shockboxing. Naturally, she found herself indebted to sketchy investors and venue managers over everything from unpaid fees to coughing up bad bets after a big loss. She’s turned to slicing, petty theft, and occasional muscle work to pay back what she owed, leaving her quite cynical of the way of the galaxy.
This belief can be summed up quite simply: Everyone has an angle and you need to either work it or avoid people. Usually some combination of both.
In the more vulnerable confines of her mind, however, Arris is just as scared as anybody and chases distractions instead of confronting her inner demons. Her greatest fear is being anything other than how she wants to be seen; that and dying alone and unknown.
Fully Loaded Cyborg: Arris is the complete package, or so her former “employer” would say, with some of the best implants and cybernetic replacements credits can buy. She is faster and stronger than any organic human, with elevated senses and extra toys included.
Daredevil: Arris is ready to take on the world… or at least backwater swoop races. Her demeanor is that of a daredevil, a certain fearlessness that kicks in whenever ego or credits are on the line, granting her that unexpected edge which surprises spectators and opponents alike.
Overtuned: Being the “complete package” has some downsides. Significant and sustained use of cybernetics damages her body, requiring medical attention and repairs in the worst scenarios. Otherwise, she needs to carefully limit their use to avoid such consequences.
Goddess Complex: With great ego comes great familiarity with the gutter. Arris loves to overcommit, overextend, and lose both credits and pride on the fly. This means she attracts trouble in the form of authority, rivals, and bad habits galore. Whether it’s betting big on a bad hand or picking a fight with the guy who will hunt her down forever, Arris rarely quits when she should.
Arris Windrun was born and raised in the city of Nashal on the planet Talus in the Corellian System. Her parents are unimportant, a role best left to the imaginary silhouettes standing behind a young girl as she finds her way in the world. She was sheltered, she was fed, and more importantly, she was left alone. As a teen, she dropped out of school in favor of petty criminal work. By that point, she had already sliced into garages, jacked speeders, and scammed her share of spacers. It wasn’t long before the local fixers and shakers saw her true potential: a fearless and reckless young woman willing to do more than the average goon for less.
This is when her story really began. See, a local crime boss saw the appeal. Her oversized ego had the fortunate side effect of bringing in oversized bets, which proved a great opportunity for fights and races. Whenever she began to win regularly, an offer came in… “We can fix this” or “We can improve that” and soon enough she was accepting her first cybernetics to get a better shot at the big leagues. What started small–with seamless implants–soon ended with whole limb replacements. The worst part was that she lost sight of her limitations, and soon took on challenges beyond her capabilities. She started to lose big and lost often, all the while she owed payments for those very upgrades she had been given.
Eventually, the cost grew too high and the crime boss’ patience ran out. He intended to repossess what she had been given, her life be damned, and that was a price Arris wasn’t willing to pay. So she did the only sensible thing a young woman could do. She ran. She fled. She drifted from one world to the next but therein laid a problem. This crime boss and she had the same fatal flaw, an unwillingness to give up even when the bets became untenable. He put a price on her head and that price kept increasing the longer she was gone, until all she had left were backwaters far removed from surveillance systems and updated bounty boards.
With her opportunities dwindled by the need for obscurity, Arris now spends most of her days getting intoxicated at seedy cantinas and losing the rest of her credits on card games only to make it all up again in the fighting rings. It is a particular kind of ouroboros where the tail comforts the head as much as it chokes it, too.
Whether Arris Windrun can escape her fate remains to be seen, but one thing can be sure… Win or lose, the bets will be big.