Karenth sat silently in the custom built room that sealed off him from everyone on the ship, or rather what used to be everyone, now only two remained, himself and a Sith Pureblood that had survived the slaver raid that was repelled by him and the Pureblood. It was simple really, the slavers seemed to think that both of them were Sith, which considering how he had treated the one that he captured who now sat in the corner of the ship still tied up with two broken arms and his right femur broken it was certainly a treat.
Causing pain wasnt exactly something he liked but he had done it accidentally so many times he had developed a knowledge of how best to cause damage without killing the victim. He hated the fact that he knew this but such knowledge had warded off the rest of the Slavers from coming after him and coincidentally they Pureblood must have done something similar to have also been left alone. Though now he sat in his room, the door locked and sealed waiting for the life support to fail and for the Sith and himself to die.
Perhaps though, someone would arrive first.
Causing pain wasnt exactly something he liked but he had done it accidentally so many times he had developed a knowledge of how best to cause damage without killing the victim. He hated the fact that he knew this but such knowledge had warded off the rest of the Slavers from coming after him and coincidentally they Pureblood must have done something similar to have also been left alone. Though now he sat in his room, the door locked and sealed waiting for the life support to fail and for the Sith and himself to die.
Perhaps though, someone would arrive first.