Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arriving at Ziost

Through his travels Hunter had become ruthless, cunning, and an expert in subterfuge. He was carving a way through the Galaxy like his Mandalorian blade carved through flesh...bloody. It was not long till he began to hear rumors of the Splintered Sith Empire's Masters beginning to rise again. In a Cantina on Nar Shaddaa Hunter was drinking the night away when a crew of Bounty Hunters sat near him at a table and began to speak of a gathering. Hunter of course was wary and listened to everything before making a decision, decided to find out a bit more on the subject matter. He continued to drink and listen as he found that the Bounty Hunters were just stopping by and on their way to this meeting place. Hunter smiled as he paid his tab and left, but not before stretching and leaving a bit extra as he looked at the Barman.

"A round for that table..."

He would say casually pointing and talking in a voice loud enough for the Bounty Hunter's to hear. There was a small cheer as one rather scrawny Nemodian from the table laugh and clap.

"Thanks you stupid drunk bastard."

The Nemodian would say in his native tongue as the others around him laughed and joined in as well. Hunter left in a good mood as he now had a stomach full of liquor he made his way to the Docks so that he may locate their ship. Upon arrival he was being intercepted by two human guards asking him about his business.

"Hey there lost?"

They would ask as Hunter would move with grace, not breaking his stride, Hunter pulled out two antique WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistols and shot both guards in the head. He quickly bent down to retrieve a data-pad from one of the guards as Twi-leks, droids, merchants, etc. began to scatter. Hunter holstered the pistols as he found what he was looking for on the data-pad. He kept walking as he soon found the Bounty Hunter's ship, it was an old Mandalorian almost looked like the famous Slave-1 model that was on display in Mandalore.

"This is just too easy."

Hunter went to the ship and looked for a few minutes, finding an escape hatch which he quickly scurried up to and climbed into the ship. He then laughed as he reached the cockpit and sat down in the pilot's chair, flipping switches as he started ignition sequences and weapons check. No guards checked as they ran by the ship, and no one looked towards him as he lifted off from the dock and propelled himself up into the skies of Nar Shaddaa.

As he reached space he quickly jumped to Hyperspace to quickly get out of the system. Setting a course for Ziost he stepped away from the ship as he engaged an Auto Pilot. He walked out into the other sections of the ship to examine it when a beeping from the cockpit would signal a transmission as Hunter just laughed already knowing what it was. Yet as he walked back up to the cockpit he came across an armory, he smiled again as he walked inside and made sure to outfit himself with newer weapons that were more accurate than his WESTAR-35's. The beeping continued until Hunter accessed a comm in the Armory and had the holo deck in the armory play back the message. Of course it was the Nemodian from earlier cursing at Hunter telling him that they will track Hunter down and make sure he pays.

"Good luck...Ziost is a big place, and if what you fuckers were saying is will never find me before I find you."

Hunter would say to himself as he closed the message. He walked back up to the cockpit as he flew the ship out of Hyperspace and into the upper atmosphere of Ziost. He activated the Self Destruct on the ship before reaching an escape pod. He jettisoned out and off of the ship as he flew into the Arid and rather bare terrain of Ziost. He arrived to a small gnarled forest as he landed and activated the self destruct on the escape pod as he walked out. He reached the forest in no time as the Explosions rattled behind him.

"Well..if there IS anyone here on this planet...they would have surely heard or seen that."

Hunter said to himself as he began to explore the forest.
Well yes, someone had in fact seen what had occured. But the thing was, D' Orrin was following Hunter the entire time when the guy left the bar. Orrin activated the stealth camo function on his armor and followed quietly. Curious to see why someone had just bought a round of drinks for people and then just up and left. That in itself seemed strange to Orrin, and strange things usually led to something worth checking into. Not knowing the situation with the guards, Orrin did nothing to stop them from being killed. But when Hunter began to pilot the ship, Orrin called his own and as his ship was flying through the air, D' Orrin would levitate himself on a crash course with his ship. Except he phased through it and materialized fully inside of the cockpit. Taking up the controls of the ship and continuing to track the signature of the old Slave-1 replicant. When it exploded he was taken back, as that was the last thing he had figured would happen. Though his ship's sensory equipment had picked up the escape pod that managed to leave the wreakage in tact. That was what Orrin was now tracking. Things seemed to grow more and more interesting by the moment. And once more there was an explosion. Why were things always exploding around this guy? But perhaps Hunter was attempting to kill all lines capable of tracking him, such as tracking beacons that he wasn't aware of in the ship and escape pod. Orrin cloaked his ship and then set it to autopilot. Right after he'd phase through the cockpit and free fall a small ways to the surface. Landing in a crouching position with a good sound of impact shooting out into the area. Any animals that were around would scatter from the scene of his landing as Orrin would begin to stand. His right optical unit blinking an electric blue while he was shifting through visual settings in an attempt to pick up Hunter's trail.
Hunter was stalking through the forest, his black hair was in his face as he looked around...the sense of being watched was strong in the area as Hunter made sure to stick low to the ground rather than to take to the trees. The sense was was not abnormal for him, in fact it kept him alive when the skirmishes at Mandalore were still in full swing. Hunter looked back as he ducked into the hollow of a tree, making sure to slow his breathing, and his eyes scanned for even the slightest shimmer in case whomever was following him was cloaked.

"Come out, Come out wherever you are."

Hunter would whisper as he would pul out a modernized WESTAR-35. Making sure to keep it at the ready in case of an attack. He brushed his hair out of his face then stood motionless as bugs and other lifeforms crawled on him. His training was absolute and taught him to not only be brave, but not to let his environment make him weak.
@[member="Hunter Yagami"], @D' Orrin

It had been only a short time ago, that the spirit of Darth Voracitos had assembled the Warlords of his League, from all across the galaxy. He remained in orbit here, continuing to monitor the situation of Ziost for any indication that the other factions would attempt to sack the world and any remaining Sith on it as he had expected to happen. However, even after some time it appeared that beyond a few individuals the galaxy did not seem to care very much about his Proclamation of Fire. This angered him only slightly, having expected a much larger band of conquerors to fall to his aid. Though he expected hesitance even in those who did allegedly join the League, because they thought it a trap of some kind.

But as he monitored the ancient Sith world something did catch his attention.

"By the force what mad man have we here?" His spiritual voice echoed in the chambers of his Girth's Throne Room, where upon the Grand Illustrious Throne sat a dwarfed mere Holocron, that commanded unimaginably enormous strength in the force... to enormous perhaps, even for Voracitos.

He watched as a ship of whose make he could not accurately determine at the speed it was travelling, essentially falling to the surface like a speeding bullet. It appeared undamaged to him, and did not seem to have any ailment that would have caused it to fly in such a way, other than the ailment of a pilot. Luckily, as the deliberately detonating ship came to the atmosphere, his sensors and probe droids indicated to him an escape pod had jettisoned.

He decided such out of place destructive voracity could only mean a Sith, a Sith in the making, or otherwise a toll to be utilized by the Sith if proven to be insensitive to their ways. A squad of probes triangulated the crash site, and with the given information appeared in its center as his ghostly form.

On the surface he looked in several directions, though he was shrouded in darkness. He could however, see through it clearly, but he liked to emulate natural reactions of life now that he would no longer need to again. Thus he indulged himself, and set a tree on fire to illuminate the darkness.

"Do you yet live?" His voice boomed through the forest.
@[member="Darth Voracitos"]

Hunter was still hiding in the tree, noticing that whomever or whatever had been following him had managed to disappear. Hunter still remained silent as the wind blew through the area, it was a different sort of wind. The type of wind that takes your breath away just did not cut it. It was as if the very area he was hiding in just sucumbed to death. That was when he heard it.

"Do you yet live?"
-Darth Voracitos
Hunter felt it, for the first time ever...he felt fear, the hairs on the back of his neck and arms stood at attention as he holstered his blasters.

"Yes...I still live..."

Was all Hunter could manage with ragged breath. He contemplated stepping from his hiding place, but the voice he heard...the voice he heard was without body...ethreal.

Kathryn Dae

@[member="Hunter Yagami"]@[member="D' Orrin"]@[member="Darth Voracitos"]

Kathryn had remained on Ziost since the formation of the League. Her newfound Master, Darth Voracitos had kept her close, oft sending her out into the forests to prove herself over and over again. She had made a point to patch her datapad to the ship's systems, so that she could be kept in the loop in case of anything unexpected happening to her master's ship. With no warning, an explosion overhead followed by the incoming alarms from the droids and sensors triangulating something's trajectory rang out in Kathryn's ears. Her lightsaber was soon in her hand, and it's calm yet lethal hum soon joined the chorus of sounds echoing across the area. With no second thought, she made her way towards the predicted crash site, and the ever increasing feeling that Voracitus was near by...
"Oh great. Just friggin great." And thus was his response to the booming voice that was somewhat omnipresent. Orrin wasn't the greatest person in the sense of purity, but he wasn't a full blown Sith either. And if the power felt behind the voice was of any indication, then Orrin wasn't taking this one in a one on one. But on the bright side, Hunter spoke. Something for Orrin to pick up. And thus Orrin would move close to where Hunter had positioned himself and then would begin to look around. Scanning with his cybernetic right eye for a moment as he shifted through various visual options before he'd fold his arms up in front of his chest.
"Yeah. This is not going to be fun. You alive out there Mr. I wanna blow stuff up for no good reason?"
@[member="Hunter Yagami"], @[member="Kathryn Dae"], @D' Orrin

Lazy eyes turned toward the shrouded voice, over the now blazing tree's roaring flames. The light from the fire licked its way through his phantasmal form, and his outer spiritual membrane quavered slightly as he sensed the familiar presence of his newest apprentice. She was full of fire, dedicated. That was a perfect form to mold in tutelage, and he sent her here into this forest while he pondered on exactly what it was he would do with her. He didn't want to make any more mistakes.

The first time he literally sent his apprentice on a suicide mission, he turned out okay eventually, but Voracitos was displeased to say the least, that he could not hold the crystal Heart of Graush, which turned out to be missing for all eternity to search. Some how the Pillar of Knowledge had missed this detail of Dathka Graush's Tomb. He survived and went on to aid him in his coup of Ashin at the Battle of Roche, though he lost contact.

The second apprentice had the pleasure of being personally Tortured by Chagrin by Voracitos himself. He had lost touch with this one as he had the first, though he seemed to remember that the Anzat's mental integrity deteriorated into multiple personalities.

He hoped that this time, the feminine human would prevail over the masculine aliens.

"Do you know of this place, what is found here?" He spoke to the two in the bushes. Briefly, his head would appear to have swiveled to the side, but no sooner would you have blink the position of his head returned. In that short instant, he transmitted a message to his apprentice, Kathryn Dae.

Kathryn, I found you a treat, and a challenge. Stow your lightsaber, combat these unarmed. I wish to see what you can do when deprived.
@[member="Darth Voracitos"]
Hunter was still holding his place inside the hollow of the tree, his hair still standing at end on his arms, neck, and back, it was as if someone had jolted him with electricity. He felt the heat in the area rise as if on fire. Then he closed his eyes, reaching out, trying his hardest to meditate as ancient scrolls he found during his travels showed. Soon he felt them...there were three distinct aura of living things with great power inside the forest...but there was still that one he felt before...but...there is no way that could be possible.

Hunter then stepped out from the tree...out in plain sight as he felt the presence increase in strength as if surging like a violent ocean. His hair on his head even began to rustle as if being blown by some powerful wind.

"Do you know of this place, what is found here?"

He heard the voice and the feeling of fear gripped his body like a vice once more. Hunter knew though...Fear was good. Fear led to emotion...and emotion...would lead to power.

"Yes...There is power here...I know that to now be the truth."

He sat down on the ground and waited as he began to meditate...waiting for whatever may come. He knew that there would be many trials and tribulations if he wanted he would wait.
(OOC: soooo bump? or we just gonna keep moving slow, sorry if I seem a bit dickish...just used to more flowing and fast paced rp lol)

@[member="Darth Voracitos"] @D' Orrin @[member="Kathryn Dae"]

Kathryn Dae

[Apologies about the post delay - moving into a new flat is hard work!]

Your will, my actions.

The thought was a simple one, yet it would undoubtedly be heard by her master, @[member="Darth Voracitos"]. Much as she didn't wish to engage without her lightsaber, she knew that this was merely another test that would push her further to her goal of becoming a true Sith, worthy of recognition by the Galaxy.

Her lightsaber disignited aa she placed it back onto her sparse utility belt. While many carried a collecion of items, Kathryn only took meagre supplies with her - a weeks worth of rations in capsule format, a commslink, her somewhat worn and battered datapad, and of course, her lightsaber. After all, where would she be without that? Dead on Korriban, most likely.

Upping her pace to a light jog through the undergrowth, Kathryn focused her mind on the combat to come. She planned to approach from above - the trees were large and gnarled enough to climb, and she had become adept at it from the missions set to her by her master. Getting the more literal drop on the foe was a good thing, as surprise attacks were almost always more devistating to whichever lifeforms were unfortunate enough to be her target. Yet she didnt have time to plan for long, as she had soon found her way to the perimeter of the clearing that the crash had taken place at...

@[member="Hunter Yagami"]@[member="D' Orrin"]
@Hunter Yagami, @Kathryn Dae, @D' Orrin

A light chuckle uplifted the Warlord's mood slightly.

"A good answer, I am power." He decided that while his apprentice positioned herself for ambush, he too would move in closer to observe more clearly. Only the biggest details could be seen through the force, and he wanted to see the tiniest ones now. It was crucial he observed, as this was crafting the frameworks of apprenticeship... he wanted to ensure that this time he did not fail in his endeavors. There was another nearby as well, and he felt that this one would attempt to resist his will, reject it even. If he proved a problem, he would remove him from the situation, and deal with him separately. He continued to speak.

"I am a power, that has belonged to a number of beings, and thus far many have found me to be an unwieldy weapon. I am a power that none can control, for I am a weapon of its own fruition. There are some however, whom I have chosen because I believe they may understand me someday. Through understanding... perhaps... they may too, sharpen their minds to mine file." Often times, he refused to speak plainly, thus was the case now. This was probably categorized under gloating. He did not yet reveal his true appearance, not until a moment before the fight ensues, to draw the attention of his apprentice's target, away from her momentarily before her threat is realized.

This was a double test. It was meant for both combatants, one to see how far they had to go, the other to see if they were of any worth. The third variable however, would test on one more heavily than the other. He was okay with this, testing usually was never quite fair. However, if it proved to be determent to discerning if the other was worth anything, he would remove it.

Voracitos seems to have always been this quite observing manipulator.
@[member="Darth Voracitos"], @[member="Kathryn Dae"], @D' Orrin

Hunter still sat there in his meditative state, and within doing so he was at one with the world around him. He was not angry, not in a hurry, and now...he was inquisitive. He listened to the first words with deep interest as power coursed through him, making the hairs on his body act as if electrified.

Darth Voracitos said:
"A good answer, I am power."
Hunter heard it then, clear as a bell as if there was a man walking around a predator does with prey.

Darth Voracitos said:
"I am a power, that has belonged to a number of beings, and thus far many have found me to be an unwieldy weapon. I am a power that none can control, for I am a weapon of its own fruition. There are some however, whom I have chosen because I believe they may understand me someday. Through understanding... perhaps... they may too, sharpen their minds to mine file."
The male voice continued still disembodied, but yet right there with him as Hunter tried to increase his grasp on this feeling, feeling an ebb and flow around him like the earth was breathing his air through his own lungs.

"If you are indeed power, then I am need of your services...if you can grant me some modicum of knowledge of this...then my searching will finally have met it's first REAL marking point...a place where I can mature in this mysterious feeling I have now."

Hunter said as he remained still, waiting for whatever may come.
@[member="Kathryn Dae"], @[member="Hunter Yagami"]

"You will have it, should you prove useful to me. I sense you could be a powerful weapon of mine, very powerful indeed. First though, let's see what you can accomplish when faced with an equal, then we will see if you can take on... greater, challenges." He voiced, waiting for his apprentice to attack Hunter and the other one.
"Oh. Great." He'd say to himself as he'd still be feelings the words reverberating through the force. A slow shake of his head from one side to the next as he'd then go about quieting his mind. His eyes closing as his mind expanded itself outside of his mortal coil. At that time he was attempting to sense if others were around.

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