Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Arron Starstrider

Age36 GSY
Height1.93 Meters
Weight98 kg
Force SensitiveYes
VoiceCole Cassidy / McCree






Jedi: Having been trained since he was young, Arron has the skills and aptitude one should expect from a knighted Jedi. Both in lightsaber combat and with the Force. Furthermore, he has taken on the rare skill of combat with a lightwhip, feeling the weapon's nature puts some opponents off-guard.

Man of the People: Having grown up in a farming community, Arron identifies well with the "salt of the earth" types across the Galaxy. There are very few people he wouldn't try to win over with some old-fashioned charm and hospitality. Aside from Sith and Darksiders.


Unorthodox: Because he tends to draw much of his tactics and persona from his Corellian and Taanabian "cowboy" heritage, his unorthodox methods sometimes draw the ire from his more traditionalist / conservative Jedi peers.

Overprotective: His desire to protect those in need can lead to overbearing behavior, sometimes stifling others' independence.

Arron Starstrider's story begins on the verdant agricultural planet of Taanab, where his family, the Starstriders, had long established themselves as esteemed ranchers. Their lineage traced back to resilient Corellian settlers who arrived after the tumultuous events of the Galactic Civil War. Over generations, the Starstriders became synonymous with ranching, particularly in raising nerfs and other livestock. Arron’s upbringing on the ranch was typical of a boy in such an environment, filled with daily chores, school lessons, and the deep bonds formed with his family and the animals they cared for.

However, Arron’s life took a dramatic turn during one fateful childhood day. While tending to the livestock, he found himself inadvertently trapped in a pen with an enraged bull nerf. The massive creature, typically docile, was in a rare fit of rage, and young Arron was in immediate danger. As the bull charged, a sudden and inexplicable calm washed over the boy. He instinctively reached out with a power he didn’t understand at the time—the Force. This latent ability allowed him to soothe the beast momentarily, enough for his father to rescue him from what would have otherwise been a deadly encounter.

Recognizing the significance of this incident, Arron's family made the difficult decision to send him to the New Jedi Order, believing that his gift needed proper training and guidance. Under the watchful eyes of Jedi mentors, Arron dedicated himself to the rigorous training regimen, honing his skills and learning the ways of the Force. His natural affinity for understanding and helping others drew him to the path of the Jedi Sentinel, a role that balanced combat prowess with practical problem-solving abilities. Arron’s humble origins and close ties to everyday people of the galaxy made this path a natural fit for him.

As a Jedi Sentinel, Arron felt a deep sense of duty to protect and serve those who often lived on the fringes of society, far from the relative safety and order of the Core Worlds. His missions took him to lawless regions of the galaxy, where he worked tirelessly to bring justice and stability. Arron’s ability to blend into various environments, combined with his combat skills and Force abilities, made him a formidable protector and a beacon of hope for those in need.
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[color=#DEB887]”I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”[/color]

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