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Approved NPC Arruna and Siena Al'Dira

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Name: Arruna and Siena Al'Dira
Loyalties: Doctor Agnusdei
Role: Lab Assistants, Slaves
Development Threads: Not quite a development thread for them, but they were first referenced here - The Journals of Etorre Agnusdei, M.D. - Volume VI
Age: 20
Species: Twi'lek
Force-Sensitive: No
Appearance: The two are twins. Both are tall, athletic, and have light blue/grayish skin tones.
Personality: Both are submissive, though have been known to exhibit aggressive personalities on occasion. Both are highly intelligent and competent in their fields and generally apply their best work towards Agnusdei's plans; something that keeps them alive and free of experimentation. Their mannerisms are normal to a pair of young, intelligent Twi'lek women and, when away from the Doctor and the experiments he has them work on, they attempt to achieve a degree of normalcy in their every day lives.
Weapon of Choice: Both carry small knives for defensive purposes, but know better than to use them on Agnusdei as they know not whether the one they are attacking is the real one.
Wealth: None, they're slaves. They only own the clothes they wear and whatever is allotted to them by Agnusdei.
Combat Function: None outside of basic self defense.
Skills: Both have degrees in medical fields and have functioning and applicable skills and knowledge in a variety of fields ranging from basic anatomy to experimental neurology.
Notable Possessions: Slave collars and the small tracking device implanted under their skin.
Other Notes: Both are loyal to Agnusdei out of fear and have exhibited the beginnings of Stockholm Syndrome, believing that loyalty towards Agnusdei is in their best interest and to aid him in his work is their sole task in life.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Doctor Agnusdei"]

I am not seeing it and if it is there please point it out. Mannerisms are part of the personality. How do they act without the doctor? How did they come to be slaves? (reasoning for this is if they hold advanced degrees how/why did they become slaves)
[member="Matsu Ike"]

This post, specifically the second paragraph, starting at sentence four and continuing until the end of the paragraph.

I edited in mannerisms, though left it fairly vague as I wish to explore that more as the roleplays go on. I prefer to do that with all of my PC characters and extend it also to my NPCs as well.

As for how they came to the Doctor's possession I'll explain it in short here as there is no History section under the template. The pair were sent to him after he requested Twi'lek brains to test. Unfortunately, he'd requested male brains (and only the brains), but they sent him two female twi'leks completely intact instead. They were abducted from a medical school on New Holstice one year previously and since the two had medical backgrounds, he opted to keep them alive to help him instead. Such is described in the post, though it is a bit more descriptive there than here.
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