"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Name: Arryn. This is an alias as it is the name of a famous 'heretic' executed by the Eldorai state for the terrible and most sinful heresy of proclaiming that the nature of Ashira was not wholly divine, but was also infused with the spirit of a mortal woman. Her true name is Lidanya Lizareios. She only reveals it to trusted confidantes.
Faction: Independent
Rank: Dark Witch Initiate
Species: Eldorai
Age: 58
Height: 180m
Weight: 62 kg
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Dark
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: Yes
Strengths and Weaknesses:
- Agility: Being an Eldorai, Arryn is more nimble and dexterous than a human. Thus she is able to escape harm by retreating or move quickly and quietly.
- Force Strength: Though still an initiate, she has a powerful potential, blending the more traditional Eldorai elemental powers with skills she learned since leaving Kaeshana.
- Unfettered: Time has hardened her and she is more than capable of using and disposing of others as required. She tells herself it's for the right reasons, but this may a case of moral myopia. Arryn is very driven and passionate about her goals, sometimes to her detriment.
- Jack of all trades: Everything to do with explosives, lock-picking, escape artist stuff and hacking...yeah, living underground has given Arryn a varied skill set. She's self-reliant and has a lot of experience in the criminal underworld.
- Glass cannon: She has the usual physical weaknesses associated with her race. She has an enhanced metabolism and lacks in physical strength and stamina compared to a human.
- Isolated: Her political and religious views alienate her from most of her people, since she has rejected many of the beliefs the Eldorai hold dear. She is rather driven, zealous and can thus be hard to get along with. The events of the Exodus, the years of tribulation on Kaeshana and its subsequent conquest by the First Order have deeply embittered her.
- Ideological imbalance: Few Eldorai become Jedi or Sith - they preach a view of the Galaxy that is alien to most of the Space Elves. She's probably fallen to the dark side, but doesn't understand the concept and is more than a little in denial.
- Hatred: She has a lot of anger in her. It is directed against the Eldorai aristocracy that, in her eyes, held the common people back and abandoned Kaeshana, against Firemane for enabling them and the First Order and their Sith allies for subjugating her homeworld. Her anger gives her fuel, but could easily be her undoing.
Appearance: She is that radically different from most of her race. She is tall and slender, with dark hair, pale skin and grey eyes. She bears the usual Eldorai pointed ears and long hands. However, she does have some unique markings. A deep scar runs across her right cheek and neither repeated medical treatment nor the Force have erased it. It was inflicted by an Eldorai interrogator during her time in prison.
One of her pointed ears was cut off, which is seen as a mark of shame amongst her people. Medical technology has evolved far enough for her ear to be restored, but it still appears slightly different. Her eyes are piercing, alert and more than a little judgemental. She lost her right hand as punishment for stabbing an Ashiran Priestess during confession at the Angelii's prison. It was later replaced by a mechanical prothesis. While this comes with some benefits, it makes her vulnerable to ion/EMP attacks and alienates her further from the mainstream of her people, since many Eldorai see cybernetics as unnatural.
In terms of attire, she tends to wear hooded robes or a suit of light armour. She also favours gloves and practical boots. She cannot be accused of daintiness, but is capable of grace.
Arryn is a child of her times and though she has left Kaeshana, it has left its mark upon her. She retains some of the recognisable traitors of her people. For one, she has a calm, aloof manner of speaking. This especially applies when dealing with non-Eldorai. Exposure to the Galaxy and the deprivations of life on Kaeshana since the Exodus have tempered her views, but she's still quite sexist.
It is evident that Arryn has some deep-seated anger issues and a lot of rage inside her. She became alienated from the Angelii and the Eldorai Matriarchy at a young age, rebelling against the stultifying culture of Kaeshana and becoming associated with radical reformist groups before she went on to become a terrorist.
Arryn lost faith in the Great Goddess Ashira at an early age, adopting the heretical views of her namesake, whose doctrine was rejected by the First Celestial Council of Nicaea. She is also an Illyrian, venerating the Eldorai Goddess of Death who was cast into the Underworld after rebelling against Ashira. Unlike many Eldorai, Arryn espouses radical republican views, seeing monarchies as inherently corrupt and only beneficial to the upper class.
Hardened by years underground, she she has become cynical, even cruel. The defining moment in her life was the Exodus, when she was among the Forsaken, the Eldorai left behind on the desolate planet. To her, it was a betrayal, for many of those left behind were commoners deemed 'non-essential'. What followed was a struggle for survival as Kaeshana was assailed by natural disasters, internecine strife between the natives and attacks from slavers and Archangel, until the surviving population had thinned considerably. Arryn was among those trying to wrest some order from the chaos.
What embittered her further was the inability of the Tygaran Alliance and the Galactic Alliance to prevent Kaeshana's conquest by the First Order, for she was among those 'Dark Eldorai' who decided to support the coalition of the willing in an alliance of convenience against what they saw as a foreign invader. She feels strong resentment against the old Eldorai nobility.
While ruthless in the pursuit of her objectives, Arryn does have a code of ethics she follows, though it is a rather skewed one. She is not given to pointless or gratuitous acts of cruelty, and will give opponents who fought well a clean death. Arryn is distrustful and cynical, but her reserved nature gives way to passionate fervour when one broaches a matter she has strong opinions on. This can make her quite dogmatic. For someone with anti-authoritian views, Arryn can be quite authoritarian herself.
Presently, Arryn associates with Naamah Aesham and her crew. She came in contact with the shapeshifting atoner during an Archangel attack on an Eldorai settlement, when Naamah risked her life for the Forsaken and sent out a distress signal that was answered by an unexpected source, Darth Skygge and her Apprentices. When the few survivors fled on Skygge's ship, Arryn went with them, taking Naamah with her. Arryn reveals a less reserved and more playful side around the Clawdite. Both share common goals, such as taking down the machine cult Archangel. But she still pursues her own agenda. She seeks to build up her own network among the Eldorai exodites and exiles who refuse to submit to the Eldorai Matriarchy, but also will not bend a knee to Kaeshana's new rulers.
Weapons of Choice:
Arryn is a practical combatant and doesn't share the disdain some Eldorai might feel for 'outsider weapons'. Thus she is skiled in the use of ranged and melee weapons. She still carries the Sarix from her Angelii days, along with a concealed vibroblade hidden in her wrist sheath. She lacks proper training with a lightsabre, but is eager to rectify this, seeing it as another powerful tool she can make use of to fight her enemies more effectively.
Journal entry:
We Eldorai are a proud people. We are a strong people. We are a resilient people. What we are not is a tolerant people. Or a forgiving one. For centuries we have been leashed by tyrants who wrapped themselves in the faith to appear righteous.
Now, we are divided. Our homeworld is under the foreign yoke of the First Order and Sith. Our leaders have fled to distant Tygara, where they let Firemane command them. The nobility failed us. We will be avenged. One day the notions of justice and the public good will not be empty phrases.
Millennia ago, Arryn was a cleric executed for propagating the so-called heresy that Ashira was not wholly divine, but also infused with a spirit of a mortal woman. I bear her name, but where she was a woman of peace, I bear the blade and the gun.
As has once been said, power comes out of the barrel of a gun. I grew up in a remote province of Kaeshana, far away from the metropolis of Santaissa. My family were simple farmers and while my Sciia manifested early, I kept my abilities secret, not wanting to leave my home.
An accident brought them to the attention of the Queen's minions and I was conscripted by the Angelii when I was an adult. They tried to indoctrinate me into thinking that we were righteous defenders of the Queen and she Ashira's divinely appointed viceroy. Sometimes, we fought the wicked - slavers and pirates who preyed on our people. All too often, we fought each other, becoming tools in the nobles' idiotic game of thrones.
When the Protectorate, when Firemane came to the planet and 'opened us up', little changed. They got into bed with our leaders and made them their puppets. I fought in their wars across the stars, from desolate Gehenna to volcanic Sullust.
Then I rebelled and joined those who'd realised that reform within the system was not the answer. It had to be torn down and replaced by a government by the people and for the people. For this crime, I was persecuted.
Many would call me a terrorist, a traitor or a 'Dark Eldorai', but when the system leaves you no options but violence, the only viable path is that of the sword. When Nemesis came to Kaeshana, the upper class abandoned us.
I stayed behind. We, the so called Dashdae Eldorai, became the protectors as our world spiralled into chaos, the survivors fought amongst themselves and devil machines and slavers descended upon us like vultures. Then, finally, almost as an afterthought, the so-called Tygaran Alliance and their Firemane mistresses returned with honeyed words and promises. I feel only scorn for them.
The First Order came us well, eager to oppress us under the guise of a humanitarian mission. Reluctantly, my sisters and I made common cause with our distant 'cousins' and their foreign allies, the Galactic Alliance. We fought - and lost. They abandoned us once more. Some of us escaped before the enemy tightened their chokehold. The time will come when they rue the day.
I shall not submit to the imperialist tyranny forced upon our world. For now I walk with Naamah Aesham. She aided us against the devil machines and I consider her something of a friend. Should she cross me, I shall kill her without a second thought. There are Eldorai who fled to the stars but did not bend a knee to Tygara: The exiles, the outcasts. I shall seek them out and gather them.