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Codex Denied Arslan Vahali | Sularen Association

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Final Dawn Central Command

  • Intent: To create an NPC Ally for the Sularen Association
  • Image Credit: Here
  • Role: Head of House Vahali and Proxy for the Sularen Association within the Corporate Authorities of Denon
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 43
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Light Brown Eyes with brown hair. Wears a classic aristocratic uniform with a long grey and red cape.
  • Name: Arsland Vahali
  • Loyalties:
    • Corporate Authorities of Denon
      • Executive Directorship Board
    • Sularen Association [Secret]
    • Denon-Ardru Mutual
  • Wealth: Very Wealthy : As the Head of the Influential House of Vahali and Chief Operating Officer of Denon-Ardru Mutual , Arslan Vahali has managed to amass alot of wealth and is currently one of the wealthiest men in Denon.
  • Notable Possessions:
    • Various Estates throughout Denon and Neighboring Planets
    • A Private Militarized Fleet For his Corporation
    • A Private Yatch
    • Mining Facilities throughout the Galaxy.
  • Skills:
    • Skilled Diplomat
    • Experienced Swordsmen
    • Political Maneuvering
  • Personality:
    • Cunning
    • Ruthless
    • Humanocentric
    • Opportunist
    • Pro-Imperialist
  • Weapon of Choice:
    • Vibrosword
  • Combat Function:
    • Swordfighting
    • Close-Quarters Combat
    • Melee Combat
  • Wealth
  • Manipulative
  • Materialistic
  • Overconfident

Born in Denon in 818 ABY , Arslan Vahali was the heir to the House of Vahali who once held massive influence over Denon over five centuries in the past before the Gulag Plague decimated the influential Family ending their reign over Denon. However as he grew up Arslan grew ambitions dreaming of restoring his family's lost prestige as they were still in hiding.

Once his dad passed away and he took over House Vahali , Arslan began building a fortune for himself after managing to take over Denon-Ardu Mutual increasing his wealth and giving him a huge swath of influence over Denon that is until the Exile Corporate Officials from the Sith-Occupied Corporate Sector arrived. These exiles established their Corporations on Denon slowly gaining influence over the Local Government with Vahali's own influence diminishing.

However rather then oppose the soon-to-be founded Corporate Authorities of Denon , Vahali joined them soon becoming a member of the Executive Directorship Board and rising to become one of it's earliest powerful figures until the arrival of the Big Five , a group of Corporate Officials who came to dominate the Executive Directorship Board with Vahali's influence diminishing as time went on.

However Vahali's decline was halted when Cal Morrow was chosen as the Prex of the C.A.D. Secretly intending to get rid of the overly corrupt Big Five , Cal Morrow enlisted the aid of various rival minor Corporations such as Vahali and Denon-Ardu helping him progressively restore his former influence over Denon as part of a more darker plot. With the help of Prex Morrow , Vahali was able to transform Denon-Ardu into a formidable rival of Diviak Manfloon's Mining Union as Morrow intends to replace Manfloon with Vahali as a means to replace the Big Five with effective puppets in order to overthrow the ExO and take over the position for himself. Though being fully aware of the plot , Vahali fully supports Morrow in his bid for power as he believes he could profit alot from such plans.
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