Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Artist Art Testing



MusicPomergranite Seeds - Julian Moon
Warrior - AURORA
RankJedi Knight
Exiled Princess of Ukatis
FactionGalactic Alliance
AliasLady Velvet
Darth Priss [Tegan Starfall]
Coco [Dominick von Ascania]
Force SensitiveYes
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBlue
Skin ColorPale
StatusWidowed, dating Makko Vyres Makko Vyres
Married to Horace von Cholmondeley III Horace von Cholmondeley III
AlignmentLawful Good

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    » Intent
    : To flesh out a stub of a canon planet myself and others have been writing on.
    » Image Credit:
    » Me in photoshop using Earth-like planet texture and solar texture.​
    » Pinterest, from The Witcher series.​
    » Pinterest, couldn't find original source.​
    » Found of Pinterest, made in Midjourneyai
    » Pinterest, couldn't find original source.​
    » Pinterest, from The Witcher series.​
    » Pinterest, from The Witcher series.​
    » Pinterest, AI art (uncertain of origin)​
    » Canon: Ukatis
    » Permissions: N/A
    » Links:
    » Wedlocked and Loaded | [GA Dominion of Ukatis]​
    » A Union of Duty [Marriage Between Prince Horace and Corazona]​
    » The Ukatis Harvest Festival [Annual harvest festival]​
    » Vergence in the Wood [Discovery of dark-sided Force nexus]​
    » The Monster of Ukatis [Pylantian crash-landing on a field in Ukatis]​
    » National Treasure: Crown of Ukatis [Questionably successful treasure heist on the royal palace]​
    » Built to Break [Discovery of kyber crystals]​
    » The Purification of Ukatis [NJO purification of dark-sided Force nexus]​
    » A Price Paid [Murder of Prince Horace by his wife]​
    » The Chips Are Falling [Rescue of Corazona by GA operatives from execution]​
    » Blackout | ME Invasion of GA-held Yag'Dhul, Kiffu, Thyferra & Ukatis [Mandalorian Enclave invasion of Ukatis]​
    » The Healing of Ukatis [Relief thread for refugees]​
    » Subs:
    » Ukatian Racyon [Common wildlife and pets]​
    » Necula Blend [Tea]​

    » Planet Name
    : Ukatis
    » Demonym: Ukatian, Ukatish
    » Region: Inner Rim
    » System Name: Ukatis system
    » System Features:
    » Two small suns [Seres, Cephla]​
    » Four moons [Thundra, Rowan, Kilsie, Nima]​
    » Location:

    » Major Imports: Durasteel ore, medical supplies, technological goods, foodstuffs
    » Major Exports: Vodka, tea, luxury chocolate, starship parts, electrical components, labor
    » Unexploited Resources: Kyber crystals

    » Gravity
    : Standard
    » Climate: Temperate, tends to be on the colder side
    » Primary Terrain: Grassland, forests and mountains
    » Atmosphere: Type I


    » Capital City:
    » Planetary Features:
    » About 85% of Ukatis is rural farmland and forests. Populations are sparse and scattered, usually concentrated in small towns and villages.​
    » About 10% of Ukatis is semi-urban areas. These include larger towns and boroughs that border Ukatis' cities. Some of these areas are still active farmland, though quite a few fields are now unworkable and are home to a rapid spread of factories.​
    » The remaining 5% of Ukatis is spread between two large modernized cities – the capital Axilla, and Daphnes. Despite only taking up a small portion of the planet, a little over half of Ukatis' population lives in these two cities.​
    » Small deposits of kyber crystals are dotted around the planet in caves. Only a few have been discovered thus far.​

    Major Locations:

    » Axilla- The capital city, Axilla is fully modernized to the galactic standard. Notable structures include:
    » Axilla Starport​
    » University of Axilla​
    » Roham Military Academy​
    » Lindor College​
    » Madame von Berlioz's Finishing School for Young Ladies​
    » Terino Distillery - Producer of Ukatian vodka
    » Quince Shopping District​
    » Ovli Market - Flea market with local crafts, produce and delicacies
    » Lomei Confection Company - Producer of Ukatian chocolates
    » Daphnes - The second largest city on Ukatis, Daphnes is known as the home of the Ukatian Ballet Company and the Daphnes Museum of the Arts. Life in Daphnes is not as fast-paced as it is in Axilla, but it is an attractive city for many aspiring Ukatian artists to move to. Developers in Daphnes have been slowly encroaching on the surrounding farmland to expand the city's industrial footprint.

    » Wyndvane - A villages that was razed to the ground the during Ukatian civil war. Strangely, no bodies were found among the rubble, and the ruins of this village remain standing to this day. No one is allowed to investigate the village.

    Force Nexus:

    » Intent
    : Established via roleplay as a reason for the siphoning of forest life in Ukatis' Faron region. The dark-side nexus laid dormant until it was awakened by the heavy Jedi presence on Ukatis, and lashed out as a means to defend itself. The New Jedi Order successfully purified this nexus, turning it light.
    » Nexus Name: Wyndvane Nexus
    » Nexus Alignment: Light, previously dark
    » Size: Medium
    » Strength: Weak (A weak influence on the area and the people on it. A fragile nexus that can potentially be altered by people or events, i.e. a lightside nexus could be corrupted by atrocity or a dark side nexus cleansed by the actions of a mass of Jedi.)
    » Accessibility: The nexus is as a river deep within a forest. While there are no great beasts or barrier guarding it, one must meadner through thick brush and an uneven landscape to reach the nexus. While the local fauna aren't any more dangerous than in the rest of the heavily wooded areas of Ukatis, some territorial creatures (bears, etc.) may find travelers to be a threat.
    » Effects: Items submerged within the nexus' waters may obtain minor imbuement with the light-side of the force. It is said that bathing within its waters has a healing effect, though to what extent is unknown - and depends upon who you ask.

    » Native Species
    : Human
    » Immigrated Species: N/A
    » Population: Moderate
    » Demographics: Primarily human (~99%)
    » Primary Languages: Galactic Basic [Widespread], Old Ukatish [Sporadic], High Ukatish [Sparse]
    » Culture:
    » Patriarchal
    Ukatis is largely a patriarchal society, where the status of women within a family, region, or company is dictated by the male in charge. Some families adhere to more traditional Ukatian social norms, where women manage their household and children while men work outside of the home. This attitude is more prevalent in rural areas than in Ukatis' few urban areas, which have more influence from the galaxy. Urban areas, while more difficult to live in, offer both men and women different avenues to work – but there is more diverse work available for women. Even in rural areas, some men choose to allow their daughters to work, learn to hunt and fight, study, and choose their own husbands. While commoner women live in less luxury, they tend to have more freedoms afforded to them than their noble counterparts, who observe strict Ukatian traditions in marriage, childbearing and deference to their husbands and fathers.

    » Nobility- All nobles regardless of sex are well-educated, well-mannered, and speak High Ukatish fluently. Sons either receive a post-secondary education at Axilla College or offworld, or join the Ukatian military. Daughters often go to finishing school and prepare for marriage. Nobles are held in high regard above the commoners. Although not frequently, a commoner of exceptional status (such as a valiant knight or soldier) can be granted titles of nobility. These "jumed-up" nobles are often looked down upon by old money nobility. Nobles are also far more likely to adhere to traditional ways than commoners. High Ukatish is a langauge specific to the Ukatian nobility.

    » Commoners -
    The treatment of commoners varies greatly depending on where they are on Ukatis. Rural commoners are viewed as simpler folk, who tend to follow regional traditions. Urban commoners can vary greatly in their mindset, especially as many have emigrated to the city from the countryside. Urban commoners tend to be more welcoming of non-humans and cultures outside of Ukatis, but still have the capacity to be guarded and wary. With the industrial boom, a few commoners have begun to amass wealth on par with the nobility, though these "new money" families are often viewed as beneath the ancient noble houses. Urban commoners are afforded more opportunities than rural folk, including more varieties of food, clothing, and schooling.

    » Education - Education standards vary widely between territory and class. Although Ukatis law indicates that all children must receive schooling until the age of 13, how strictly or loosely this is enforced varies. The children of poor farmers are likely to drop out of school before 13 in order to work, but the children of noble families are often educated beyond the age of 13. Post-secondary education is available in the capital, though entry to the University of Axilla is restricted only to men from noble or wealthy families. Education for young noble women includes finishing school, but a woman must go offworld if she wants to pursue a university education.

    » Diet - Seasonal vegetables and grains are common fare. Meat is typically consumed on days of celebration for rural commoners, but is eaten more regularly in the capital, and commonplace for nobility. Ukatian cities have a wider range of imported foodstuffs, and even a few non-Ukatian restaurants.

    » Clothing -
    Rural area clothing tends to be more traditional and includes dresses for women, tunic and trousers for men. Modern galactic fashion is beginning to spread in the cities, especially among the younger crowd. Some young women cut and dye their hair and wear pants, much to the surprise of their older relatives.

    » Marriage - Traditional marriage is viewed as a practical transaction. Dowries still occur in rural areas, but less common the closer you moved towards the capital. Commoners often enjoy more freedom in their marriages, many of which are "love matches" - nobility views this as impractical, as marriages between noble houses are more akin to business deals that consolidate land, power and resources.

    » The Force - Ukatians have been aware of the Force for a long time, referring to it as the "mystic". Mystics born into nobility were trained as Seers for the royal court, whose visions were relied on regarding military strategy, crop output, and business deals. Seers were typically only trained to interpret visions and use psychometry to a degree, but not in any particular art of combat or more practical applications of the Force. A family could choose to not train their child for any reason, but this was not common as Seers added to a family's value. Commoners who were gifted as mystics often went untrained, but there are some historical accounts of commoners accomplishing "fantastical feats" like moving large objects without touching them, or even causing telekinetic destruction.

    In Ukatis' history, those gifted as mystics occasionally trained offworld as either Jedi or Sith and thus received a more comprehensive education in the Force. Darth Ukatis, once known as Crenical von Ascania, was one such Sith.

    » Arts and Entertainment -
    The arts are prevalent in all classes of Ukatian society. Nobility consider it a mark of their class to have an appreciation for ballets, plays and orchestras in the play halls of Daphnes. Commoners attend street performances and stage plays by less prestigious theater troupes. These acts can be found in rural areas, but many Ukatain children grew up listening to elders tell them fantastical but questionable stories of Ukatain history. Ukatians consider proper story telling to be an art, and see it as an important aspect of passing down their culture and family lore.

    Sports like jousting, fencing, and racing are quite popular with Ukatians of all ages.

    Holotvs and other such products are becoming increasingly popular on Ukatis. The cities and suburban areas have full holonet access, which spottily covers rural areas. The rising popularity of holotvs has increased the general Ukatian's knowledge of life beyond the stars and kickstarted a general interest in places like Coruscant, Naboo, and other more developed worlds.

    » Outsiders - Humans and humanoids from beyond Ukatis will likely not be spared a passing glance. Humans with strange skin colors (pink, blue, green etc.) may attract stares, and those with increasingly non-human features will find themselves stared at quite often. In urban areas, many Ukatains are either curious about or ambivalent towards foreigners, who are likely to be regarded warmly. However, there still exist Ukatians who are wary of off-worlders given their poor perceptions of Ukatians, and those who do not think that Ukatis should be absorbing cultural influence from the greater galaxy.

    Natives speak heavily accented basic, so even baseline humans that visually blend in can give themselves away by speaking.

    Those in rural areas tend to be warier of offworlders, especially of the non-human variety. Once that wariness is worked past, a visitor may find Ukatians to be quite warm and hospitable.


    » Government
    : Monarchy
    » Affiliation: N/A, previously Galactic Alliance
    » Wealth: Low
    » Ukatis' economy is still developing, and largely agriculture and labor based. Crops farmed in the rural regions contribute to the domestic food supply and are rarely shipped off world with the exception of tea leaves. Some urban laborers work in factories producing technological components for starships and electronics to be exported offworld. Some galactic enterprises have shifted production of certain materials and parts to Ukatis because labor is considered cheap.​
    » Stability: Medium
    » Ukatis' fairly stable society has been impacted by the recent Mandalorian Enclave invasion, and the aging King's lack of a clear successor following the death of his only son. While some Ukatians think that tradition should be kept alive, there are those who believe that a monarchy is old-fashioned and a more democratic leadership would be needed to keep up with the modern galaxy.​
    » Freedom & Oppression:
    » Ukatis is a feudalistic society, wherein the territory of the planet is split among the Noble Lords who answer to the King. The freedom of the average man depends on the Lord in control of said territory, though slavery is prohibited. Generally, no one is restricted from consuming goods or media that originate offworld, and Ukatisns are free to move around or leave their home planet, though his is cost prohibitive for many. Though commoners are not prohibited from holding positions of high regard (military general, physician, professor), these positions are often held by members of nobility or Ukatis' wealthier class. However, as Ukatis modernizes, upward mobility is becoming more possible for commoners in urban areas.​


    » Military
    : Moderately militarized by galactic standards. While mandatory conscription has been done away with, a family is expected to have at least one son serve in the military. Failure to do so could reflect poorly on a family's social status.
    » The Ukatian military involves an order of knighthood that acends as follows: Squire > Knight > Baron > Viscount > Count > Duke.​
    » Until recently, women have not been permitted to join the military. Presently, women may serve only in nursing or administrative roles.​

    » Technology: Galactic Standard [Axilla and Daphnes only]
    » Ukatis' two cities have reached galactic standard levels of technology which includes a bustling spaceport, modern medical facilities, a university, and all of the amenities one would expect of a capital city.​
    » Sub-Galactic Standard [rural areas]​
    » Some areas have adapted to more modern farming methods, while others are more simplistic. Small towns provide a social hub where people can sell their wares, visit pubs and restaurants, and seek entertainment.​


    • Historians place the initial discovery of Ukatis around 350,000 BBY – 250,000 BBY, though the original records have been lost to time. Early Ukatians were not literate, and historical accounts of the planet started appearing around 120,000 BBY.

      A planet of rolling fields, forests and mountains, early Ukatians sustained themselves by farming simple crops and taming local fauna. Small farming communities were scattered around the planet, the leaders of which became the forefathers of Ukatis' noble houses. By 100,000 BBY, a feudalist system was solidified and Ukatis' first king, Aegir, established the planet's monarchy in the capital of Axilla.

      For the vast majority of its life, Ukatis kept itself in relative isolation. Cycles of famine and civil war saw aristocratic families rise to power then stamped out, with the crown changing hands more than a dozen times in the span of a hundred thousand years. There were stretches of time where Ukatis lived in relative peace and tranquility for hundreds of years, only for the planet to plunge itself into turmoil over someone's lust for power, or discontent due to lack of food.

      In 15,000 BBY, Ukatis was first visited by a group of galactic historians seeking to compile information about the uncharted planets of the Inner Rim. Ukatians were extremely wary of these outsiders, but the current monarchy was comparatively lax and eventually welcomed the researchers – who were all human. Ukatis did not build its first spaceport until 14,500 BBY, but would continue to host the very occasional visitor.

      Ukatians were often regarded as a simple, backwards people with a resistance to learning new information. While somewhat true, this mindset is often encouraged by the ruling class in order to keep commoners from becoming too curious about things outside of Ukatis, especially regarding more democratically governed planets. As many Ukatians had little interest in the outside galaxy, Ukatis' journey towards modernization was extremely slow. Ukatians that left home and returned were at best viewed as strange, and at worst ostracized by their community. This mindset began to lessen as time went on, but the depiction of the backwards Ukatian still persists into the modern era.

      In 3996 BBY, King Gloucester ordered a blockade to halt trade in an attempt to reduce the momentum of a growing rebellion. During this time, a smuggler and Jedi by the name of Jolee Bindo was shot down by Ukatis enforcer Nayma, leading to Bindo's incarceration in the capital. The Jedi managed to break out of prison, kidnapping Nayma in the process, though the pair eventually fell in love and married, leaving Ukatis [citation].

      By 3959 BBY, Ukatis was considered part of the 'civilized' galaxy.

    • As galactic powers rose and fell, the territory of Ukatis changed hands many times over the course of history.

      Around 850 ABY, Ukatis was on the brink of collapse. Coming into power after his Uncle's death, the new King Throaen was incredibly wary of galactic influence, and immediately ceased trade with other systems and cut off Ukatis' ties to the greater galaxy. Several years of poor harvests and the King's refusal to open trade routes or accept offworld intervention lead to a sweeping famine. In response to King Throaen's attempt to keep Ukatis insular, several of the noble houses banded together and rebelled against the throne, overthrowing the current monarch and decimating House Throaen in the process. Among the noble lords who'd vanquished their king, the forward thinking House Cholmondeley was chosen to ascend to the throne, supported by houses Ascania and Leyweald.

      Trade routes reopened, allowing food and offworld goods to flow into Ukatis once more. The planet and her people slowly recovered, accepting aid from those who offered it.

      Around 860 ABY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems incorporated Ukatis into its sphere of influence, bringing with them much needed supplies and galactic ties that would help stabilize the planet. Under the CIS, Ukatis' military was bolstered and trade routes were re-established to make Ukatis a stop along both the Corellian Trade Spine and the Rimma Trade Route. With an influx of resources and capital, Ukatis began an annual festival in Axilla to celebrate their newfound prosperity.

      When the Confederacy's power waned and with the galaxy ablaze, Ukatis looked to the Galactic Alliance for protection. While the two were in talks, a number of Force sensitive individuals from noble houses were sent to Coruscant to train as Jedi; among them were Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania and Albrecht von Duschendorff.

      To celebrate the Galactic Alliance officially welcoming Ukatis into it's sphere of influence, Alliance officials were invited to the engagement celebration between Prince Horace von Cholmondeley III Horace von Cholmondeley III and the Corazona von Ascania . This royal engagement was sudden and surprising to not only Corazona herself, but to the Jedi who'd attended the celebration. It was here where Ukatis' patriarchal standards were first highlighted in a true negative light to the galaxy; the engagement was all but forced, with both Prince Horace and Corazona insistent on adhering to Ukatian tradition, albeit with reluctance.

      The celebration turned disastrous. Viscount Marcel von Ascania Marcel von Ascania was struck by Jedi Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble in retribution for abusing his daughter, a chandelier was sent crashing to the polished marble floor, and Jedi Starlin Rand Starlin Rand was briefly imprisoned on charges for attempting to mind-trick Prince Horace. Though their partnership was maintained after much re-negotiation, both Ukatis and the Galactic Alliance left with a distaste for one another.

      Though wielding little political power, Princess Corazona worked with the Alliance to establish a series of medical clinics across Ukatis' more rural areas. This act began to endear the common people to the Alliance, who were invited to attend the Ukatis Harvest Festival held near the Ascania countryside estate. There, both Alliance personnel and various off-worlders were received warmly.

      Not long after the festival, Corazona and Jed Master Valery Noble Valery Noble investigated reports of a forested area in nearby Faron territory that was dying at an alarming rate. The pair discovered a river in the forest that reeked of dark influence – a force nexus. Concerningly, this river was located near the ruins of Wyndvane; said village had been razed to the ground during the Ukatian civil war, but no bodies were found among the rubble.

      The truth only known to a few Ukatian nobles and lorekeepers, sworn to secrecy by King Horace von Cholmondeley II ; Cholmondeley forces were advised by a court Seer to slaughter the village and sacrifice them to the river. Dipping their weapons into the water, the nexus imbued them with the power of the dark side of the force and enabled them to emerge victorious in the war.

      It was theorized that the nexus had lain dormant for many years until the heavy Jedi presence during the festival caused it to awaken. Lead by Corazona and Valery, a team of Jedi successfully purify the nexus.

      Several months after, Ukatis was hit by a heist lead by infamous criminal and intergalactic bird of mistery, Kingsley Kingsley and his crew. A team of thieves broke into the royal palace on Axilla during the Banquet on Jewels, intent on raiding the treasure vault. The night ended in an attempted murder, one broken crown, and bounty on each of the criminals involved.

      Tragedy struck after almost of year of marriage between Prince Horace and Princess Corazona with the Prince's untimely death. The official story sold to the Ukatian public and galaxy news outlets insisted that Horace's death was an accident, and his widow, unable to handle the strain of her husband's death, left for Coruscant to recuperate in peace.

      The truth, known only to a handful of individuals involved, is that Princess Corazona murdered her husband by pushing him out a window during a bitter dispute. The court was set on executing her, but forceful intervention by the Alliance negotiated the execution to an exile. Ukatis did not appreciate being threatened, and the court was further soured on the Alliance.

    • Nearly a year after Horace's death, Ukatis became an unfortunate target in a concurrent series of devastating assaults lead by the Mandalorian Enclave. The combined efforts of the Alliance and Ukatian forces were enough to drive off the Mandalorian incursion, though Axilla sustained heavy damage including the loss of many lives, homes, and historical buildings.

      Notable actions during this invasion include:

      Jasper Kai'el - Arriving at Ukatis aboard a civilian evac transport, Jasper is accompanied by padawans Braze and Ryana Mina. He begins to organize evacuation efforts but is quickly drawn to the scene of Domina Prime, the bizarre alien Mandalorian wreaking havoc in the square near the Royal Palace, notably killing many and injuring others, one of whom she tortures on an open comm channel. The two engage in a battle, where Jasper forgoes his lightsaber in favor of martial arts, recognizing an ineffectiveness of his blade. While Ryana and Braze offer some support with the force, the two duke it out with Domina making use of her biological weapons and Jasper recognizing a weakness to ice, using blood from his wounds to make use of runic force abilities. After a long, drawn out battle, the two fight to a standstill and are forced to regroup with their respective parties, Jasper having provided some distraction for the evacuation of civilians.
      -Written by Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
      Rayia Asai- She was mostly engaged in a particular duel with Hilal Visla and some npc ground forces. She engaged in mostly defensive actions for her teammates: batting back blaster bolts, attempting to immobilize the mandos, constructing barricades from the debris. Barring some coordinated attacks with her mentor, the statue throw and staking a mandalorian through the visor with the pommel of her Light-Fang as she calls it.

      She would have also taken damage from the gas, Hilal's suit and being tossed into the statue pedestal. This coupled with Jonyna's injuries at Hilal's hands was enough to cause her to fully shift on the battlefield. Her monstrous, massive, metal and bone-plated bestial cat side rampaged a bit against both sides before the two sides disengaged and Rayia ran off.
      -Written by Rayia Si Rayia Si

      Jonyna Si-
      Jonyna Si, in an attempt to protect the streets of the Ukatian Capital, slaid several Mandalorians alongside her padawans, before engaging in combat with Hilal Vizla. While Hilal was adamant at causing as much collaterial damage as possible, Jonyna did her best to protect her adopted son and daughter, and fought with great vigor, nearly smashing her own sword, and forcing the rabid mando to not only summon an automanous suit to assist her, but also steal Ko Vuto's Lightsaber in the process.

      Jonyna was forced to retreat due to grevious injuries, but she also forced Hilal to retreat after teaming up with her padawans and pushing the Mando back. She hopes that the generous donation for Si Tech will allow Ukatis to heal, and will send assistance in any reconstuction efforts in the future, should the Enclave strike again.
      -Written by Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

      Corazona von Ascania, Makko Vyres Makko Vyres and Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania - As the invasion began in earnest, civilians took refuge in the network of tunnels beneath the palace. While Dominick shephered them through the passages and outside the city limits to safety, Cora and Makko engaged a pair of Mandalorian warriors, stopping them from furthering their advance into the tunnels and buying time for civilians to escape.

    • ukatis24.png
      Though the Mandalorians only attacked the capital, aftershocks were felt all throughout Ukatis as the poorer rural areas struggled to accommodate refugees and furnish Axilla with much needed food and supplies. Though the Alliance immediately stepped in with aid, Ukatians were shocked to learn that the attack on their world was collateral damage in the ongoing war between the Alliance and Enclave, and that the Mandalorians had no desire to take Ukatis for themselves.

      This lead to two outcomes: Ukatians reflexively recoiling at the sight of a Mandalorian helm, and their hesitance to rejoin the Galactic Allaince.

      Shortly after the attack, House Ascania sent out a request for donations to releif efforts. The outpouring of assistance Ukatis received from the galaxy was truly incredible - individuals, families, various groups and organizations and even several large companies pledged food, water, medical supplies and labor in order to ease the burden of disaster on the civilian population. Their combined efforts and generosity are slowly helping to rebuild the capital, settle the population, and restore some sence of normalcy to the war-torn planet.

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Marcel von Ascania Marcel von Ascania - Father
Luciana von AscaniaMother
Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania Dear Brother
Fantine von Ascania Fantine von Ascania Precious Sister
Six additional younger siblings-
Giselle von AscaniaPaternal Cousin
Valery Noble Valery Noble Esteemed Master
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Cherished Mentor
Vera Noble Vera Noble Little-Sister Friend
Horace von Cholmondeley III Horace von Cholmondeley III Ex-husband [Deceased]
Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Trying again ♥️
Darth NwulCaptor, former lover
Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Big-Brother Friend
Desric Terassi Desric Terassi Senator Friend
Mathilde Leyweald Mathilde Leyweald Dearest Friend
Sion LorrayGentle Friend
Jand Talo Jand Talo Bladesman Friend
Cailen CorsoYounger-Brother Friend
Jalen Kai'elSassy Friend
BB-610 BB-610 Brave Friend
Silas WestgardStreetwise Friend
Maeve Linahan Maeve Linahan Idolized Friend
Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Ex-Smuggler Friend
Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon Stoic Acquaintance
Iris Arani Iris Arani Artsy Friend
MaranLoud Acquaintance
Tenn KalosQuiet Acquaintance
Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Shrewd Friend
Dreidi XeraicWitchy Friend
LoomiShy Friend
Thelma GothUnbiased Friend
Braze Braze Brat Acquaintance
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Healer Friend
Amani Serys Amani Serys Guardian Friend
Colette Colette Practical Friend
Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Trying His Best
Hex Hex Uhh
Horace von Cholmondeley IIKing of Ukatis
Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze Passionate Mandalorian
AlbrechtLacks Decorum
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Scarred Me
Darth MoriEnemy
Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall Uncouth Gremlin

Marcel von Ascania Marcel von Ascania [Father] - I've nothing to say to you.
Luciana von Ascania [Mother] - Pale ghost of a woman.​
Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania - Dear brother.​
Fantine von Ascania Fantine von Ascania - Cherished sister.​
- Six additional younger siblings -​
Giselle von Ascania - Paternal cousin.​
Close Bonds
Valery Noble Valery Noble - Esteemed Master and mother figure.​
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Mentor and father figure.​
Makko Vyres Makko Vyres - My love.​
Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el - Like an elder brother.​
Vera Noble Vera Noble - Like a little sister.​
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus - More worthy than she thinks.​
Desric Terassi Desric Terassi - Fellow noble, politically astute.​
Mathilde Leyweald Mathilde Leyweald - My oldest friend.​
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa - Political mentor of sorts.​
Jand Talo Jand Talo - Bladesman and surprisingly good company.​
Maeve Linahan Maeve Linahan - Prickly but I idolize her.​
Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar - Better than he thinks he is.​
Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze - Passionate and protective.​
Braze Braze - Not entirely a brat.​
Colette Colette - Practical and loyal.​
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond - A gentle strength.​
Amani Serys Amani Serys - A healer, a Queen, a Jedi.​
BB-610 BB-610 - Bravest little astromech.​
Hex Hex - You're...alright. I suppose.​
Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon - Where've you gone?​
Iris Arani Iris Arani -Artsy with lovely eyes.​
Horace von Cholmondeley III Horace von Cholmondeley III - May you rot in the Nether.​
Jogon Jogon - Ugly and unmannered.​
Sinestra Sinestra - Cannot hold a proper conversation.​
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex - Scarred me.​
Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall - Uncouth gremlin.​
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  • Loyalties: Nwul, The Golden Covenant
    Rank: Sith Acolyte
    Species: Jensaa
    Age: Appears adult
    Sex: None, feminine appearing
    Height: 4'11"
    Eyes: None
    Hair: None
    Skin: None
    Special Posession: Human-like mask wreathed with dark hair
    Force Sensitive: Yes
    Homeworld: Thule

    As a semi-corporeal being comprised of multiple souls, Osisa has no body; instead, she is a cloudy mass of energy and mist shaped into the vaguely humanoid appearance of a small woman. She tends to wear loose, flowing robes that engulf her diminutive form. Her "arms" are often wrapped in bandage-like material or otherwise covered with long gloves. Though she does not have a face, Osisa wears a mask wreathed with dark, synthetic hair in order to appear more human. The upper portion of her mask is draped in dark fabric where her eyes would be, but the lower half of her mask is shaped to give the appearance of a youthfully feminine human nose, mouth and chin.

    Jensaa do not have speech organs, and thus Osisa communicates exclusively through telepathy. Unclothed, she appears the same as any of her race – a vaguely humanoid shaped mass of swirling red mist.

    Born of the Force, Osisa came into being during a ritual that would become to be known as The Cleansing of Thule. Darth Nwul, a powerful Lord of the Sith, sought to restore the dessicated world by purging the Light side of the force from the planet's very essence. Spirits still bound to Thule were torn asunder to fuel the ritual, eventually reforming to create the Jensaa; a race of Force-born etheral creatures, cobbled together by fallen souls. Though distinct in personality, Osisa still retains the memories and knowledge of the spirits that constitute her being.

    • Self Conscious: Osisa is very anxious that her lack of physical features will make her unlikable. As such, she wears a mask with false hair in order to appear more human.
    • Painfully Shy: Sometimes trouble interacting with others.
    • Devout: Fiercley loyal to Darth Nwul, The Creator.
    • Sorcerer: Adept in many dark-sided manipulations in the Force.
    • That's Not a Knife: Lacks physical combat abilities.
    • Telepathy
    • Telekinesis
    • Mind probe
    • Precognition
    • Force lightning
    • Pyrokinesis
    • Cryokinesis
    • Crucitorn
    • Force shadow
    • Memory walk
    Species Strengths:
    • Semi-Corporeal: Jensaa do not have organs to destroy, muscles to starve, or blood to lose.
    • Physical Interaction: Despite their semi-corporeality they can hold objects and wear clothing.
    • Strong in the Force: Jensaa are born in the force, all of their kind are strong in it.
    • Semi-Hive-Mind: Jensaa learn rapidly from one another, and can collaborate with one another at a distance. They can hear the thoughts of their creator from anywhere in the galaxy. They provide their creator with mental processing power subconsciously and share their origin memories with them. New memories formed after their birth can be shared willingly but are otherwise their own.
    Species Weaknesses:
    • Semi-Corporeal: Jensaa are not as physically strong as other species, though they can certainly learn to fight.
    • Edge of Physicality: While most solid weapons such as bullets, metal implements, and fists, do nothing to a Jensaa. Energy weapons are particularly effective at driving them off. Vaporizing a Jensaa with energy will force it into a lengthy state of recovery. Purging its core spirit with the force after destroying it in this way will extinguish it permanently.
    • Sensitive to the Force: While they are permanent beings, they are incredibly sensitive to the power of the light and it can cause them great harm that they must take time to recover from.
    • Driven to Serve: They are driven to serve their creator, and may struggle at times with their own individuality. The contradiction between hive mind and individual creates emotional turmoil.

  • arthur-i-told-you.gif

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Female // Early 20s // Zeltron Human // Denon // Rogue Knight // 5'8"
┌ Technomancer
├── Might turn your cybernetic arm against you
├ Engineer
├── Droids, cybernetics, odds & ends
├ Earnest
Forms bonds easily & cares passionately
├── Connected to the underworld [Shadowrunner]
├ Emotional
Comes with the territory
├ Unabashed
Walks & talks like a Zeltron
├ Jester
Humor is subjective
├ Addict
Trying to kick the habit
├ Guilty
├ Scarred
Who aint?

Wrench WenchMachine EmpathyTechnopathThe GadflyObfuscating StupidityThe JesterHair-Trigger TemperAcquainted with Emergency ServicesFearless FoolDaddy Issues


┌ Family
├─[Mother] Joza Perl
├─[Sister] Kyra Perl
├─[Sister] Nida Perl
├─[Partner] Dagon Kaze

├─[Mat. Grandfather] Zef Halo
├─[Estranged Mat. Cousin] Zaavik Perl
└─[Estranged Father] Archibald Sult ▌▌▌▌▌

┌ Friends & Loved Ones
├─ Enlil
├─ Zak Amroth
├─ Mathieu Brion
├─ Cas Tynen
├─ Amea Virou

├─ Daiya
├─ Petyon Steele
├─ Kaia Starchaser
├─ Coren Starchaser

├─ Kai Bamarri
├─ Jem Gaelor
├─ Valery Noble

└─ Aeris Lashic

┌ Adversaries
├─ Kingsely
├─ The Mongerel
├─ Gnost Zym

└─ Sinh


┌ Galactic Powers
├─ Darkwire* ▌▌
├─ Scar Worlds* ▌▌

├─ Silver Jedi ▌▌
├─ Galactic Alliance ▌▌
├─ The Enclave

├─ New Imperials
├─ Eternal Empire

└─ Maw
*Minor Faction

┌ Conflicts
├─Jedha [GA vs. Maw]
├─ Krayiss [GA vs. TSE]
├─ Nar Kreeta (again) [SJC vs.Bryn]
├─ Sev Tok [Bryn vs. SJC]
├─ Annihilation of Csilla [Maw vs. The Galaxy]
├─ Ossus [SE vs. SJC]
├─ Nar Kreeta [Bryn vs. SJC]
├─ Rhen Var [ORC vs. TSE]
├─ Pantora[TSE vs. ORC]
Skor II [FO vs. ORC]





┌ Engineering
├── Builds and maintains droids, speeders, and cybernetics as a source of income.
├── Moved her garage from Terminus to Denon.
├── Built her own cybernetic eye.
├ Technopathy
├── Always tries to overload the reactor.
├── Teaching Daiya data transfer with technopathy.
├── Reprogrammed her own rampaging droids.
├ Shady Dealings
├── Broke the Fell Star* with her ass.
├── Used a fake ID to get into the University of Denon.
├── Stole a truck full of aurodium.
├── Fixed a shockboxing match.

└─ More to come...

*Upon further inspection, it was determined that the artifact was a replica of the original. What the holonet doesn't know can't hurt it.

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It was only a matter of time before Ukatis engaged in talks with the Galactic Alliance once more.

The little agrarian world was not a farming or industrial powerhouse, nor could it boast any prestigious resources. It would never compare to the likes of Coruscant or Naboo, and many regarded it as downright backwards– but it had a folksy sort of charm to it, and was a stalwart home to many.

After being targeted in the Mandalorian Enclave’s warpath, the ruling class waffled on whether or not to rejoin the Alliance. The capital city of Axilla had been devastated not for conquest, but as collateral damage in the ongoing spat between two galactic powers. What was more, Jedi had intercepted a royal engagement ceremony and offended the nobility in attendance.

On the other hand, Jedi had helped to purify a dark-sided nexus that plagued woodlands with ill effects, restoring the forest and the creatures within it to a more natural state. They’d also conducted themselves well during the Harvest Festival, and supported Ukatis’ poor food stores during the planet’s harshening winters. After the capital had been ravaged by the Enclave, generous donors from across the galaxy had poured aid into the wounded world – Alliance personnel among them.

The recently passed Equal Rights Act has sparked much controversy among the conservative, patriarchal society; some regard this as a radical change, while others believe it to be a step in the right direction. After a series of discussions, Ukatis begrudgingly agreed to a grace period over which they would incorporate the necessary changes barring sex discrimination into planetary legislation. However, many Ukatians believe that the ruling class has no intention to make these changes in any meaningful way.

As Ukatis recovers, the Alliance and non-hostile outsiders are invited to join the annual courtship festival. As the name implies, this celebration is meant as a way for one to find a partner - though it is open to people of all ages, from all walks of life who simply want to enjoy the festivities. Join the natives in perusing vendors, playing carnival games, and eating local treats.

Further into the capital, Ukatis continues to rebuild the more heavily damaged districts of the city. Though not in as dire of a state as it was several months ago, help is needed in clearing rubble, moving supplies, and rebuilding structures.

Deeper into Ukatis, deposits of kyber crystals have been discovered. Concerned citizens have reached out to the government for guidance, who in turn have passed this request onto the Jedi.


OBJ I - The Courtship Festival

Every spring, the Courtship Festival takes place in the capital city of Axilla. Eligible men and women from all walks of life - often young adults - adorn themselves in finery and join the celebration to attract a beau. Young maidens particularly anticipate this time as a means to show off their skills in sewing and embroidery. Often reduced to wallflowers, this festival allows Ukatian women to highlight their creativity and ingenuity.

Citizens of every age are welcome to participate even if they have no intention of finding a partner. Those willing to be approached are marked by a red ribbon or handkerchief around their wrist. Food, drinks, games, and vendors selling local wares are available for all to enjoy.

Rumor has it that one of the planet’s most prestigious racyon breeders will be in attendance, selling kits. Highly prized for their companionship and precognitive abilities, these small, dog-like creatures make fine pets.


OBJ II - Rebuilding Axilla

Parts of Axilla are still being rebuilt after the Mandalorian onslaught, and the Alliance has renewed its supply lines to the planet. Assist the natives in moving materials, distributing supplies, and reconstructing buildings.

[Note: This objective is only open to GA personnel]


OBJ III - Crystal Caves

Deep into the rural regions of Ukatis, deposits of kyber crystals have been discovered in caves near rivers and heavily wooded areas. The New Jedi Order has been asked to assist the locals in locating and exploring these caves.

[Note: This objective is only open to GA personnel]
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It was only a matter of time before Ukatis engaged in talks with the Galactic Alliance once more.

The little agrarian world was not a farming or industrial powerhouse, nor could it boast any prestigious resources. It would never compare to the likes of Coruscant or Naboo, and many regarded it as downright backwards– but it had a folksy sort of charm to it, and was a stalwart home to many.

After being targeted in the Mandalorian Enclave’s warpath, the ruling class waffled on whether or not to rejoin the Alliance. The capital city of Axilla had been devastated not for conquest, but as collateral damage in the ongoing spat between two galactic powers. What was more, Jedi had intercepted a royal engagement ceremony and offended the nobility in attendance.

On the other hand, Jedi had helped to purify a dark-sided nexus that plagued woodlands with ill effects, restoring the forest and the creatures within it to a more natural state. They’d also conducted themselves well during the Harvest Festival, and supported Ukatis’ poor food stores during the planet’s harshening winters. After the capital had been ravaged by the Enclave, generous donors from across the galaxy had poured aid into the wounded world – Alliance personnel among them.

The recently passed Equal Rights Act has sparked much controversy among the conservative, patriarchal society; some regard this as a radical change, while others believe it to be a step in the right direction. After a series of discussions, Ukatis begrudgingly agreed to a grace period over which they would incorporate the necessary changes barring sex discrimination into planetary legislation. However, many Ukatians believe that the ruling class has no intention to make these changes in any meaningful way.


As Ukatis recovers, the Alliance and non-hostile outsiders are invited to join the annual courtship festival. As the name implies, this celebration is meant as a way for one to find a partner - though it is open to people of all ages, from all walks of life who simply want to enjoy the festivities. Join the natives in perusing vendors, playing carnival games, and eating local treats.

Further into the capital, Ukatis continues to rebuild the more heavily damaged districts of the city. Though not in as dire of a state as it was several months ago, help is needed in clearing rubble, moving supplies, and rebuilding structures.

Deeper into Ukatis, deposits of kyber crystals have been discovered. Concerned citizens have reached out to the government for guidance, who in turn have passed this request onto the Jedi.

OBJ I - The Courtship Festival

Every spring, the Courtship Festival takes place in the capital city of Axilla. Eligible men and women from all walks of life - often young adults - adorn themselves in finery and join the celebration to attract a beau. Young maidens particularly anticipate this time as a means to show off their skills in sewing and embroidery. Often reduced to wallflowers, this festival allows Ukatian women to highlight their creativity and ingenuity.

Citizens of every age are welcome to participate even if they have no intention of finding a partner. Those willing to be approached are marked by a red ribbon or handkerchief around their wrist. Food, drinks, games, and vendors selling local wares are available for all to enjoy.

Rumor has it that one of the planet’s most prestigious racyon breeders will be in attendance, selling kits. Highly prized for their companionship and precognitive abilities, these small, dog-like creatures make fine pets.

OBJ II - Rebuilding Axilla

Parts of Axilla are still being rebuilt after the Mandalorian onslaught, and the Alliance has renewed its supply lines to the planet. Assist the natives in moving materials, distributing supplies, and reconstructing buildings.

[Note: This objective is only open to GA personnel]


OBJ III - Crystal Caves

Deep into the rural regions of Ukatis, deposits of kyber crystals have been discovered in caves near rivers and heavily wooded areas. The New Jedi Order has been asked to assist the locals in locating and exploring these caves.

[Note: This objective is only open to GA personnel]

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Traits >>

A strong affinity for technology cements her as a solid engineer and technomancer. Sometimes her ingenuity goes too far and literally explodes.

Not among the most seasoned of soldiers, but she's paid the price of entering galactic conflicts.

The Jester
Humor can be applied in nearly every situation, even when it shouldn't. Humor is also subjective.

When it comes down to it, she's (near) human. Yula forms bonds easily and cares deeply and passionately. You'll know.

In a galaxy that strives to be cool, calm, and collected, Yula is not.

Well connected in the underworld. She knows a guy.

Walks like a Zeltron, talks like a Zeltron.

As soon as she could, she karked off to the Outer Rim and spent years preoccupied with forging her own path. She wasn't there when her family needed her, and now the damage is done. Becoming someone dependable seems out of reach, so she doesn't even try.

Spice blunts the sharp edges of the galaxy, but the cost is steep. Trying to kick the habit.






Traits >>

A strong affinity for technology cements her as a solid engineer and technomancer. Sometimes her ingenuity goes too far and literally explodes.

Not among the most seasoned of soldiers, but she's paid the price of entering galactic conflicts.

The Jester
Humor can be applied in nearly every situation, even when it shouldn't. Humor is also subjective.

When it comes down to it, she's (near) human. Yula forms bonds easily and cares deeply and passionately. You'll know.

In a galaxy that strives to be cool, calm, and collected, Yula is not.

Well connected in the underworld. She knows a guy.

Walks like a Zeltron, talks like a Zeltron.

As soon as she could, she karked off to the Outer Rim and spent years preoccupied with forging her own path. She wasn't there when her family needed her, and now the damage is done. Becoming someone dependable seems out of reach, so she doesn't even try.

Spice blunts the sharp edges of the galaxy, but the cost is steep. Trying to kick the habit.



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