Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Artist/writers needed

This is kind of an odd request but I have been writing various things since about 1997 and I have reached a point where one project is going to be published. The project is called Tales of the twelve kingdoms and it is in need of cover art for ebook and paper back. The publishers here in Seattle said they have artist but I said I would see if I know aomeone first.

That said, if anyone wants to work on it with me I am looking and yes you would get credit as well as actual money for the work.

What's that? Oh yes the writer part. If, and it's a big if, the first book does well they are saying I will be able to do the full series of not two but thirteen books. So if anyone wants to look at summaries for the future I am interested in working with someone on the others.

This is big for me so if I get picky I apologize in advance. I am offering here because I like a lot of you and before I go to people I don't know I wanted to try here first. Thanks everyone.

Congratulations! This is fantastic to hear and I am very pleased for you!

Hopeless artists however, but to be published is very much a big thing. Gonna keep my eye out for your book on the shelves (this one prefers the paper to the screen) ;)



Well-Known Member

Art, you say? Color me interested. :)

I'd definitely need more details and such, but if you want to talk, hit me up in PM (or we can do it on skype, if you prefer).

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