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Approved Species Artyrian

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Iovty Karnsor

  • Intent: To create a species for my new character and also to flesh out an unamed species that already exists in the Star Wars universe
  • Image Credit: Wookiepedia
  • Canon: Dryden Vos's Species
  • Links: Dryden Vos
  • Name: Artyrian
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Unknown
  • Average Lifespan: 75-80
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: At a glance any Artyrian simply looks as though they're a human with scars across all across their skin but these are not scars, rather they're slightly exposed sections of their blood vessels with the consistency of skin. When a Artyrian becomes enraged the visible vessel sections swell or flare up and become vibrantly red with the blood that runs through their bodies. Other than this sometimes noticable detail Artyrians are near-human and come jsut as varied but all posses the exposed blood vessel sections, just with different patterns and what not.
  • Breathes: Oxygen
  • Average Height of Adults: 176.1 cm
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Fair or Caucasian-esque skin
  • Hair color: Mostly Brunnete but can vary widely
  • Distinctions: Exposed blood vessel sections across whole body otherwise normal human distinctions
  • Races: None, Artyrians do not have a well-defined racial culture
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard

[+] Cold Hearts: Artyrians are naturally cold hearted beings. Although kind personalities can be nurtured into them if left to their own devices they lead cruel lives. This can be one of their greatest strengths, making them great criminals and warriors, but can also lead to their downfall if they were to do injustice the wrong person without a second thought.

[+] Naturally Fit: Artyrians are naturally physically healthy by human standards. Although a reasonable exercise regime is needed to keep such physicality they can keep it much easier than humans.


[-] Easy To Anger: A bit ironic considering what happens when they do get angry but Artyrians can be very quick to anger. Although patience and discipline can be taught Artyrians usually end up being occaisonal or constant hot-heads rather than not.

[-] Visible Anger: Due to their exposed blood vessels flaring up and become a vibrant red when they're angry it's quite easy to tell when you've angered an Artyrian and if you should be expecting a fight out of them.

  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Communication: Spoken Language, usually Galactic Basic or High Galactic
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Artyrians generally behave like humans within galactic society but due to their naturally cold hearts they usually end up becoming mercenaries or criminals of some sort. Most Artyrians are generally flamboyant with wealth and enjoy living the high life in the galaxy. Most even make it a goal to learn High Galactic early on in life. Artyrians can find it easy to climb ranks in orginizations where brutality, cunning, and manipulation due to their natural take to such traits.

Although the origins of the Artyrians are unknown there is speculation among scholars what such origins are. The most popular theory is the Artryians originate from a jungle enviorment where scarring from jungle life was common to the point where the skin on their bodies evolved into becoming transparent in select places where scarring was common, mostly along blood vessels. The flaring and vibrant color when an Artyrian is angry is believed to have been a show of dominance and strength in ancient times. Although the jungle theory is the most popular, some Jedi scholars believe Artyrians originated as a group of dark-side force users, scarring themselves in such a way as a show of devotion to the dark-side. They believe this scarring became so common that children began to be born with the scars. Jedi believe that over time the generations of these people became less in touch with the dark-side of the force and became more neutral, becoming the Artyrians we know today. Despite their origins Artyrians have lived in the galaxy for centuries as they do now, ambitious psychopaths ready to take advantage of you at any moment, most of them at least.
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