Downrange Deadshot

Faction: Mandalorians
Rank: -
Species: Echani
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Height | Weight: 5'09" | 132.3 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive? Yes, but untrained.
Strengths- Engineering. A studied engineer, Aruna is capable of not only creating, but understanding many forms of moderately complex pieces of machinery and systems. Through various processes like reverse-engineering and schematics deciphering, she can learn how a system works underneath the hood given time.
- Piloting. A skilled pilot, Aruna is capable of maneuvering easily through various obstacles cleanly and efficiently. While usually unwilling to pilot others unless she absolutely has to, she takes great pleasure in trips alone.
- Formidable Marksmanship. Aruna takes her combat potential very seriously, and her primary means of communication are through the business ends of her guns. As such, she has trained herself extensively in not only close-quarters gun-play, but has a noticeably high amount of skill in long-range firing.
- Hand-to-Hand Mastery. Aruna's main combative use lies in her hand-to-hand capabilities. With very quick and acrobatic movements, and decisive swipes of her weapons, she has found it no problem to hold her own.
- Size. Size is an issue, whether it be in combat or through a project. She cannot take on anything that is too large easily - if at all, and when doing so must resort to long periods of chipping away at the issue.
- Distractions. As a focused person, losing her grasp on the situation can make her anxious. At her best, she will be a bit flustered; at the worst, downright panic will be imminent.
- Selectively Inflexible. Despite being an engineer willing to learn, Aruna is less than willing to learn from certain others; namely, those whom she believes has lesser experience than her or operate in a much different manner. This is something she plans to work on, but she finds it hard to leave her comfort zones for very long.
AppearanceShort platinum-blonde with brown eyes, 5'09" in height with a weight only slightly above 130 lbs, with prevalent muscle; Aruna's physique can only be described as rather athletic. She keeps herself in top physical shape through exercise. Her bust is rather substantial, and she usually dons herself in various clothing that shows off not only her cleavage but her legs; this is, to her own admission, mostly for convenience rather than attracting a male.An intricate tattoo extends from her right arm down her right breast, with a similar one wrapping around the upper portion of her right thigh.
Born to a pair of Mandalorian scientists, whose interests lied almost entirely in the mechanical, Aruna grew with a natural affinity to technology. Studying heavily from a young age, she was taught both in creation and combat. Her mother, a gifted engineer, introduced Aruna to the world of machining, wanting to increase her versatility and usefulness on the battlefield. Her father, more into supplementary mechanics, had Aruna study on her off time by using her mother's machining principles to create enhancements to her technology.Growing wasn't as difficult as one would expect; on one hand, Aruna was taught both engineering and general combat, but she did not have a hard life. In fact, as far as she could remember her parents were largely jovial people, albeit tough. This had become a hindrance in her first real fight, where she suffered at the hands of the enemy.Shaken by her first encounter, her parent's demeanor toward her hardened - they blamed themselves for her lack of preparation, and dedicated their time to training her physically. This worked for the most part; while they were able to teach her how to sufficiently make herself more formidable, they had forgone the bulk of their kindness. Aruna understood why - that didn't stop her from developing a harsher outlook on them.
ShipAboard The Corvette, partner/sidekick/pilot girl of Hessai Venscythe.