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Character Arv'zorak


Pseudonym Az’vakarz


NAME: Arv’zorak – Soul of Jade.


RANK: Exile

SPECIES: Kar’zun

AGE: 154, relatively young for a Kar’zun.

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 190cm

WEIGHT: 220kg

EYES: Green

HAIR: None.

SKIN: Grey and craggy.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

  • Racial strengths. Kar’zun are incredibly tough, strong and resilient. Being literally walking rocks means that they can endure great cold and heat, resist primitive weapons and privation for long periods.
  • Determination. Arv’zorak is unusually determined even for a Kar’zun. Once she sets herself to a certain task she will not stop until it is complete. There is no room for fear or mercy or moderation on the path to power and eventually vengeance.
  • The Blessing. It is rare for a Kar’zun to be blessed with the Force, but Arv’zorak is one who is. She is still inexperienced in the full applications of the Force, but her potential is great.

  • Racial weaknesses. As a downside Kar’zun are slow and ponderous, something an agile opponent can use to their advantage. Further, they are vulnerable to both lightning and sonic damage, meaning they must be careful who they engage.
  • Hatred. Arv’zorak is single-minded in her quest for vengeance against the Eldorai and those who aid them. She will not deal or treat with them or their allies, even for pragmatic purposes. For this reason they are hunted by the Eldorai wherever she goes.
  • Weakened elements. Though strong with the Force Arv’zorak lacks a particular element to which she is attuned. Though capable of using the elements somewhat she lacks strength in all of them and must fall back on more conventional skills.

Arv’zorak is a typical young adult Kar’zun. She is tall, broad, weighty and strong, with tough rocky skin. As with all her kin she completely lacks any hair and it is almost impossible to determine her gender by looking at her without having an in-depth knowledge of Kar’zun. When she speaks it is with a deep, booming voice.

Her most distinctive feature is her deep green eyes. These eyes which are green without iris or pupil, are almost unique amongst Kar’zun. Usually their eyes are a form of grey or rarely a metallic blue. This green is why she was given her name, which means ‘Soul of Jade’, a significant meaning for her given the Kar’zun association with certain stones.

As it is nearly impossible to hide her very distinctive form, Arv’zorak does not even usually bother, but wears heavy armour at almost all times.

To understand Arv’zorak’s story, one must understand her people’s struggle with the Eldorai. Kaeshana is now a blasted, benighted world half trapped in the Netherworld, abandoned and lost. However, it was not always this way. Once it was home to two thriving civilisations; the silicon Kar’zun and the humanoid Eldorai. These two civilisations interacted with each other for millennia, often violently, but just as often not.

However, in a final great war fought just over 900 years before the present the Eldorai were completely victorious and decimated the Kar’zun. The few survivors were sent to internment camps from their mountain homes or herded onto reservations where their numbers continued to dwindle. Something like 90% of their population was lost within a single century before and after the Final War. Naturally this engendered some deep-seated and justified anger amongst the survivors.

Arv’zorak was born in a time where things were ‘comparatively’ good for the Kar’zun. When it became clear that the threat they posed to the Eldorai state was broken, successive queens would relax restrictions on the Kar’zun, though they never had anything like equal treatment. It was that lack of equality which continued to fuel resentment. Arv’zorak’s parents were common folk with no great lineage. They would often work in the construction of homes and even except a pittance as wage labourers for the local Eldorai settlements.

Growing up, Arv’zorak was marked out by her bright green eyes and the Blessing, as they called the Force, within her. Her name, which was originally just Arv, or Jade, came from these eyes, as they were exceptionally unusual for a Kar’zun. Jade too had a mystical significance for her people, as each of the gemstones were thought to embody characteristics of a person not unlike a zodiac sign. Jade was thought to belong to those who sought change and sought contact with the world outside the clan, an outsider as green was associated with the natural world of the surface.

Force sensitivity was exceptionally rare amongst Kar’zun, but those who were so blessed would have once been trained as priests. However, in these more dismal times it was usually kept hidden as the Eldorai perceived anyone with this power as a threat, liable to be arrested and deported for the slightest provocation.

Thus, when Arv’zorak first displayed her powers the community conspired to keep it hidden whilst an older and ‘official’ Priest trained her to control her powers. This Priest, Tazma’kaval had a greater influence on Arv’zorak arguably than even her parents. He taught her all he could about the stories and tales of his people. He was nearing the end of his span, often barely able to move due to the Curse of Stone which was slowly turning him to inanimate rock. However, he told her of the great war, of which he had been a youngster during, told her the rituals and lore of their people which was dying out. Above all he told her never to forgive the Eldorai for what they had done, but also not to rush to futile revenge. Instead he counselled her to wait for the right moment.

Once she reached the age of a hundred, Arv’zorak set out for her Trial of Worth. It was a proving mission by which she could claim the mantle of adulthood. Many, especially in the later centuries, sought pilgrimages to old sites or to distant communities. Arv’zorak did not do so, instead she headed to the nearest large settlement of the Eldorai to find work. She wished to see exactly what the Eldorai were like, to see if the tales her mentor had told her were true or not. What she encountered was a level of base malevolence and hatred she could not even imagine. At best most of the Eldorai avoided her, at worst they would actively insult or taunt her. There was no help to be found in the law or the church, both of whom spurred on the persecution. Kar’zun were tolerated if they did as they were told, when they were told and asked no questions. If one stepped out of these bounds they were a target for intimidation and even violence. Out here on the fringes it was considered necessary to keep solid pressure on the Kar’zun in case ideas of freedom caused them to fight back.

There was one particular Eldorai who made it her duty to try and make the Kar’zun feel as much like slaves as possible, the local Priestess Narithaya. She demanded complete and total compliance from the Kar’zun working to excavate a local roadbed. In addition to snide comments she would forcibly hold the Kar’zun in pens between shifts and use local militia with stun batons to punish any ‘slacking’ ruthlessly. Any Kar’zun who resisted was arrested and jailed and usually beaten, sometimes even killed. It is fair to say Arv’zorak resented this treatment, and when she demanded one of her sick companions be allowed to seek treatment she was told that ‘Arish like you are the spawn of Illyria, and it is only by the Goddess’ clemency that we have not sent you all back to the infernal realm.’ The word ‘Arish’ being a particularly offensive slur, and with her general attitude there was no negotiation possible.

Arv’zorak was in something of a difficult place. She longed to seize the priestess and break her frail body to pieces, but knew the consequences for her and her people would be dire.

Instead she waited, watched, and planned. Whilst the labouring Kar’zun lived in cages and worked long hours for fractional pay (most of which was deducted for ‘expenses), their Eldorai overlords lived in comfort. It was on one such occasion when Narithaya and the other guards were celebrating a festival meal in a local chapel Arv’zorak broke out of the cage, ignoring the warning of the others. She then as quietly as possible approached the chapel and cut a gas line just where it entered the chapel, filling the space with flammable gas. The smell was discovered, but as the Eldorai looked to find the source Arv’zorak provided ignition to the gas, setting the building aflame. The Eldorai naturally rushed to escape but as was common in the frontier areas the windows were barred to prevent break-ins and there was a single door. That door was very simple for Arv’zorak to hold closed with her massive strength, and as the fire consumed the Eldorai she felt their spirits pass and she smiled.

The incident was ruled as an unfortunate accident, for Arv’zorak had convinced all her fellow workers to swear she had been with them all night. No evidence to the contrary was found, though investigators were unclear about some details it was not ruled as suspicious. Arv’zorak saw that cunning and subterfuge were better paths than mere brute force.

Arv’zorak returned to her clan soon after and was judged worthy to have achieved her adulthood. She decided on the name Arv’zorak, the Soul/Spirit of Jade. Now an adult it was expected that she would either pursue the path of becoming a priest or raising a family, or both. To start with at least Arv’zorak did neither. Instead she sought the career of lawspeaker for her clan. This was a prestigious but difficult position which required accurate and impartial judgements on the law. Though some had misgivings about her the priest who had mentored her spoke for her. Over a decade of intense study followed. Kar’zun never did anything by halves, and their dedication to pursuing a trade or skill combined with their long lives to make them experts at their chosen fields.

It was not just Kar’zun law that Arv’zorak studied though. Rather she started to study Eldorai law and practice. The Eldorai were in generally a very legalist and law abiding people, though their mix of theocratic and civil codes were very strange to the Kar’zun. What Arv’zorak found though was that a good deal of Eldorai law depended entirely on local areas for enforcement, especially the more strict morality and social laws. These laws might be rigorously prosecuted in one region, but more lax in others, though the criminal laws were universally applied. She also found that in theory the Kar’zun had considerably more rights and freedoms than it seemed, they were just not actually followed by the local prefects.

With this in mind, and still being young and filled with notions that all she had to do was appeal to the Eldorai’s laws, she set out. Her departure was met with considerable unease from many in her clan, as they felt that she might be stirring up trouble upon them far more than might be helped. Still, she was determined and headed to the nearby city of Lyvari.

As soon as she approached the city she was accosted by the local police who claimed she was not allowed there without a permit. When she protested that there was nothing in the law about that she was arrested and brought before a local magistrate. The magistrate was unsympathetic to Arv’zorak’s plight and simply would have expelled her from the city on pain of imprisonment were it not for a local advocate who came to see the commotion. This advocate, a young Eldorai woman named Draera Halnari, had herself been studying the Kar’zun and consulted Arv’zorak. Together, they worked to build a case which was taken to the magistrate.

Eldorai law being what it was, Draera had to be the one to present the suit against the local police for Arv’zorak, and only then could the Kar’zun give evidence. This lawsuit rapidly gained notoriety across the city and the region, and the reaction to Arv’zorak and Draera was quite negative. Protests were staged outside the courtroom and Draera even received death threats for being a ‘rock lover’. Still, the law was on their side, and despite the best efforts to intimidate the pair the magistrate had to concede that Arv’zorak had been wrongfully arrested and that she was free to travel anywhere except for the numerous restricted areas in the region. These areas included any civil buildings or military sites.

Arv’zorak returned home in triumph, but not without parting in friendship from Draera. The young Eldorai had gained considerable notoriety, but she was soon also receiving good business from other Kar’zun seeking a friendly voice to speak for them.

Arv’zorak spent a few more years completing the first stage of her Lawgiving career. A lot of this was learning the actual laws, but it was not just all rote repetition. Application and interpretation were still necessary, but when it came to precedents things became a little more tricky. Since the fall of the old Kar’zun rulership the law was spoken by many scattered across Kaeshana and there was not often a comparison of the many different interpretations. Thus Arv’zorak learned the base law, some of the precedents – which often contradicted each other – plus guidance on how to provide her own. It was honestly a mess and she conceived a dream to create a definitive law code for all the Kar’zun. However to complete this ambition she would need to travel far and wide to the many scattered reservations, and that’s where the trouble began.

Though Arv’zorak had won the legal right to move around her presence was barely tolerated at best. On one occasion when she entered an Eldorai town on the way she was confronted by a mob which demanded she leave. When she refused she was attacked. Though she only defended herself the constables immediately arrested her for a number of charges and locked her away. Perhaps learning from the last time she was not permitted to call a representative.

However, by chance her friend Draera was passing through a new settlement and a shopkeeper boasted about what had happened, expecting her fellow Eldorai to share her amusement. Instead, Draera headed to the town and demanded to represent Arv’zorak. At first the officials denied any Kar’zun was prisoner, and then when called on their bluff refused to let her see them. However, Draera successfully appealed to a higher authority and received permission.

Once actually able to put their case forward, the truth was easily determined. Several of the Eldorai youths had taken video of the altercation, and once that was administered as evidence the case against Arv’zorak collapsed and she was allowed to go free. However, as she was leaving an Eldorai shot her with a staser, but thankfully Kar’zun were very tough to hurt and the shot ricocheted…into Draera.

Fortunately for all concerned the accidental wound was not fatal, though it was serious enough to hospitalise Draera for several weeks. The would be assassin was arrested and charged…for firearm possession and malicious wounding of Draera. It was enough to make Arv’zorak grind her teeth in frustration, but it put the attacker away for a couple of years.

Arv’zorak returned to her people even more famous than before. To each reservation she went she resolved legal disputes, travelling to some locations which had not received a proper representative in a long time. As she preached the law she also preached an awareness of their rights, though not rebellion.

All of this trickled up to the Eldorai in time, and then up the chain step by step. They were suspicious that this Kar’zun was causing sedition, but were also cautious of moving against her directly and provoking a rebellion.

Eventually the tale of this young Kar’zun lawgiver game to the attention of the Keeper of Secrets of the Queen, a particularly dangerous woman named Nadira Vylranna. The Keeper was the spymaster of the Queen and was tasked with protecting the Eldorai from threats within and without. When the issue was brought to her there were numerous options she had. Killing the Kar’zun would be a definite solution, but it might create a martyr. Imprisoning would certainly also have an impact, especially given their notoriety. Instead Vylranna chose an unorthodox option; to enlist the Kar’zun.

Sending her personal representative to the remote reservation she presented Arv’zorak a choice. On the one hand she could take a job to act as the Queen’s representative in Kar’zun affairs, or she could refuse and face their displeasure. Arv’zorak took the job after consideration knowing it was a ploy to neutralise her with bureaucracy. However, she swiftly started collecting grievances from many across Kaeshana and submitting them. At first tolerant to it, the Eldorai indulged her and made some minor concessions. However, they soon became irritated at her lack of respect and deference and started to reject or ignore her complaints. Arv’zorak took this as an opportunity to publicise her findings and complaints.

However, this was all part of the Keeper’s trap. She would have been happy to bury the Kar’zun in a meaningless post, but the alternative meant that she could be easier disposed of for sedition. Meeting with the Queen she urged a solution to the problem. The planet of Kaeshana was deliberately isolated from the galaxy and though officially all those outside were demons and devils the rulers knew otherwise. Now though with the galaxy recovering they knew that one day they would have to deal with it. For now however it proved a useful place to push out unwanted people.

Thus Arv’zorak was suddenly arrested one day. She did not go without a fight, injuring five of her assailants before an Angelii blasted her with lightning long enough for her to be restrained and hauled off. For the crime of sedition she found herself dumped on a secretly contracted freighter and taken off world, only to be dumped on a nearby prison colony planet run by the Intergalactic Mining Corporation.

Back on Kaeshana there was unrest at the news of the arrest and deportation amongst the Kar’zun, but their scattered and conservative nature meant their protests were suppressed quickly. Draera however had not forgotten her friend and tried to protest about it, but found herself arrested and held without trial.

Life for Arv’zorak in the mining outpost was dismal and unyielding. She did not understand the language they used and she was certainly the only one of her kind there. However she was able to endure like a true Kar’zun but escape seemed impossible.

That is, until vessels appeared in space and assumed direct control of the planet. These ships belonged to the Omega Protectorate, and having recently liberated Dahomey they were closing down other IMC operations. The prison was liberated and Arv’zorak found herself at a loss until an Eldorai appeared. This was Anya Venari, exiled princess, and she had come to meet the lost Kar’zun. After a brief discussion Arv’zorak asked to return to Kaeshana, a request which was reluctantly granted.


A light freighter similar to the YT-1000, battered and old, it is just serviceable enough to move between ports.



None yet….

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