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Approved NPC Ary Jaxson

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  • Age: 46
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human - Coruscanti
  • Appearance: Jaxson is tall, roughly 1.86 meters, and a thin man of 70 kilograms. Sporting short cropped brown hair, with a hint of gray around the temples now, and piercing blue eyes that are consistently framed by his glasses, he cuts a more professional figure than he did during his earlier years with the company. He prefers to wear business casual suits but usually can be seen wearing a lab coat over his attire.
  • Name: Ary Jaxson
  • Loyalties: Jaxson is loyal to Taeli Raaf and Aurora Industries as his employer
  • Wealth: Due to his position as Chief Project Overseer of the company, essentially the second-in-command of the company, Jaxson has become fairly wealthy from his humble beginnings as an engineer when the company was known as Krayt Industries.
  • Notable Possessions: Besides his glasses, an upgrade form of an early Aurora prototype, and his custom holdout blaster, he doesn't really own anything truly notable. He rather enjoys his lakeside property on Erilnar, near the Aurora Industries Headquarters, but he generally spends his wealth on investments or technological projects.
  • Skills:
    Jaxson is a mathematical and technical genius, with an inventive mind that is constantly thinking of potential new projects for the company and his boss
  • His years as one of the more important figures in Aurora Industries has forced him to learn business management, and while he dislikes doing the work, he is rather good at it.

[*]Personality: Jaxson is very much an ambitious man, desiring to improve the technology within the galaxy. Because of his abilities as an engineer and his intelligence, he has a belief in himself that no project is ever beyond the scope of creation. One might describe him as callous as he doesn't allow pesky things like emotions get in the way of his work; he only desires to see successful results. His moral compass is rather flexible, something that had drawn Taeli to the man when they first met in the first place as she recognized a kindred soul that would never compromise his approach to experiments.
  • Weapon of Choice: Although he does not see combat, except as an observer during testing of new Aurora technology, he does carry a small holdout pistol be designed himself if he needs to defend himself.
  • Combat Function: Jaxson is never going to be a man that rushes into any sort of combat situation. He is the engineer, the man who watches and makes observations on battles and the technology used within.
  • Jaxson is an extremely capable engineer, easily able to understand how various mechanical devices and vehicles work and design new technologies
  • Jaxson has rather high intelligence and an analytical mind, easily able to grasp many complex concepts
  • Jaxson is not one for physical combat himself, in a combat situation, he would be just about useless

Born and raised on Coruscant, Ary Jaxson was considered a mathematical prodigy and technical genius. During his schooling, he was well ahead of his peers in math and sciences, and upon early graduation, he enrolled in the premier engineering academy on the planet. After his graduation, he bounced around several different firms on the world, unable to hold down a job as he was unable to stop himself from correcting his superiors. When the One Sith took control of the planet, he saw an opportunity and joined one of their fledgling companies known as Krayt Industries.

Jaxson was able to land himself on the prototype design team, but even there, he felt his creativity was being wasted on some of the projects he worked on. However, his fortunes improved when Taeli Raaf, known as Darth Arcanix, and Alexander Feanor acquired the company from Darth Banshee, the previous owner. Jaxson was promoted to the lead prototype designer by Taeli after the former lead designer was... retired.

Ever since then, including through Taeli's stint as a member of the Jedi and the rebranding of the company to Aurora Industries, he has been Taeli's right-hand man through the company, eventually reaching his current position as Chief Project Overseer.
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