Arya Dancer
NAME: Arya Dancer
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Jedi Padawan
AGE: 17
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.57 meters
WEIGHT: 53 kilograms
EYES: Green
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
+ Skilled in lightsaber combat
+ Slightly flirty and good at making people like her
+ Skilled in evasion and stealth
+/- Emotionally driven
+/- Cares about the people close to her. To a point where she will do anything to save them
- Untrusting
- Can be overconfident/cocky
- Lacks in lightsaber defense, more offense oriented
Sii-Cho: Adept; Standard form for all padawans to learn
Ataru: Novice; After becoming familiar with Sii-Cho, Arya has gone out to learn the Ataru form
Saber Barrier
Dun Moch
Lightsaber Dueling
Arya is slightly below average height and is average human weight. She has brown hair and green eyes. She is considered to be beautiful by most species, but isn't perfect. Just her short time as a Jedi shows on her.
Uniform: Standard Brown Jedi Robes
Civilian: Grey form fitting dress
Arya was born on the world of Corellia. As it was standard practice, she was tested for force sensitivity. Her results came out positive. Her parents knew she had many options at this point. After much debate, they decided to send her to the Republic and the Jedi. When the day came for the Jedi to pick her up, a tragedy happened. Her parents and the Jedi watchman overseeing the transfer were ambushed by Sith who wanted to capture her to bring into their Sith cult. Her parents were murdered in the incident, but the Jedi Watchman was able to fell the Sith. Thus Arya never met her parents. She was then succesfully brought to the Jedi Temple
Arya was chosen to be padawan to Master Orte. Right from the start, Arya had a strength with lightsabers. She was better than most of her peers, and excelled at the practice dueling arena. There wasn't a single padawan that she hadn't beaten. With this incredible strength though came a weakness in force powers. She was below average when it came to using the force. She could only achieve basic telekinesis. She soon found though that she is decent at using the force physically. She learned to use it to increase agility and speed, but still lacks in lots of force areas. During one of her alone times, she experimented with hidden daggers and the force. She came up with her own technique that involved using the force to fling the daggers at her opponenents. This was the only telekinesis she was good at. She really does love to experiment with combat in her free time.
During her training, she started to become close with a man named Josh Layer, a fellow padawan. Her master and his master were close friends and they always were put on missions together. She soon found herself falling in love with him, and him with her. Despite the many frowns from the Jedi, the rules allowed them to be together. She also became very close to her master, more so than other students and their masters. She considered him a father figure because she never had one. During this time, she also qualified for eligibility into the Jedi Shadow and Jedi Weapon Master programs, which one of them are her goals for Knighthood.
Her life seemed very easy and fun to her. The missions were never hard and she found enjoyment from saving people. This all changed though one night. Her, Josh, her master, Josh's master, and a Jedi Knight named Frayr were sent on an important mission against the Sith. They were tasked with finding information about the Sith's battle plans. This information would prove vital to the Republic. They needed to infiltrate a small Sith compound. Though the mission was important, it was supposed to be seemless. The mission went as planned, they infiltrated the compound with ease. While downloading data though, her master sensed something wrong. The console blew up which knocked Josh's master out. Then Frayr, a Jedi that none of them were close to turned on them. He first jumped onto Master Orte. While the duel between them happened, the small computer room they were in started to become overrun with Sith Warriors. Josh and Arya soon were fighting for their lives. They were back to back deflecting everything they could, but then, Arya watched as Frayr, a man she didn't know struck down her master. In anger, she let out the strongest burst of force she's ever have, and pushed back the Sith surrounding her. Her and Josh then started to make their escape. While running down the hallway, Josh was hit by an electric tazer that was built into the wall. He sprawled onto the floor writhering on the floor, and in sadness, Arya knew her best friend was gone. The Sith overtook him, and watched them stab him. Tears running down her cheek, she ran to her ship and took off and headed to Coruscant. Her, being the only survivor in a mission that was supposed to be easy.
After this mission, she was left to train on Courscant without a dedicated master. She took classes instead of a 1 on 1 master. Not being ready for the life of missions and a master. During this time she started to learn the Ataru form, and built her Guard Shoto, and learned to weild two lightsabers. She also started construction of a Lightsaber Pike which she plans to be her intiation into the Jedi Weapon Master program. After a year passed, she had her 17th birthday. She realized it was time for her to return to the real Jedi way, and applied for a master. Her new master, awaits her.
Refurbished X-70B Phantom: While Arya was on a solo mission on Corellia, the mission brought her to this ship. She was sent to capture an Imperial Admiral who was presumed to be alone. When she got there, she was ambushed and fighting ensued. After the fight ended, she emerged victorious, but a stray blaster shot hit the admiral, and he was dead. She decided to take the ship and it is now stored in a hidden hangar with a friend of hers named Rafor Missier.
Frost Crystal Lightsaber; This lightsaber was the first lightsaber Arya had. She found the crystal on the ice planet of Hoth and new that it was the one and went on to construct the lightsaber
Violet Guard Sho Lightsaver; This lightsaber was simply crafted for extra defense in dueling.
Uncompleted Lightsaber Pike; This lightsaber is a lightsaber Arya is building as qualification into the Jedi Weapon Master program. She is customizing it to have a longer than standard blade and a shorter than standard hilt. The color choice is not yet chosen.
Small Consealed Blaster: Though she doesn't ever use it, she keeps it just in case of needful situation
Daggers; This is Arya's personal take on combat and stealth. She has anywhere from 3-5 daggers on her at all times. She deloped her own tecnique by using the force to launch them at her enemies. She has anywhere from 3-5 on her at all times.