Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arysa 'Grasshopper' Sarsi

NAME: Arysa 'Grasshopper' Sarsi

SPECIES: Human Replica Droid (Human Female façade)
AGE: 800 years
SEX: Human Female façade
WEIGHT: 195 lbs
EYES: Emerald Green
HAIR: Green and white
SKIN: Caucasian synthskin


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Strength significantly greater than an average human of her size
+Keen senses
+Exceptional Intellect
+Exceptional Speed
+Built in comlink
+IR and UV vision
-Unaware of status as HRD
-Unaware of capabilities
-Unaware of installed systems
-Vulnerable to Ion blasters
Arysa appears to be a young human woman, she is quite attractive though doesn’t acknowledge it. She is quite shy and often hides her features under bulky clothing.

Created hundreds of years ago for a long dead noble of Kuat for the purpose of having a bodyguard who had exceptional slicing capabilities. She had built into technology to give her remote access to nearly any system which she could use her exceptional mechanical mind to tap into for any purpose. In recent years she had served almost exclusively as a slicer in the past year or so she has taken damage, which was repaired but left her with gaps in her memory.

The man that rebuilt her has left her completely unaware of her status. Due to these gaps she has become quite timid and reverted to her base programming which was to behave as a slicer almost exclusively. No longer aware of her built in equipment she has assembled a new kit which allowed her to tap into the systems manually she used to access remotely. She isn’t aware of any of her enhanced abilities and just assumes that she is just average because without knowledge of them the HRD cannot use them.

The HRD does all sorts unsavoury activities slicing any system for any employer. She keeps her real identity hidden from any employer using a pseudonym or a stolen identity partially because she fears being revealed. What profit she has made is put into her equipment namely the headset that contains a small visual display that reacts to her eye though is unconsciously and wirelessly linked to her mechanical brain allowing her to use all of her resources to slice into systems. Anything else goes into a small freighter she operates out of.


YT-2000 Lockout





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