Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private As Contrary As I Choose

Ariel Yvarro

Quietly the First Imperial Shuttle registered as the Juno proceeded through the skies of Sullust en route to Pinyumb, a chance meeting with Miel Tevv had been arranged. Ariel for one was a little nervous she had only just recently met with fellow First Imperial patriots. Now, here she was to meet with a member of the former Galactic Alliance painted as the enemy of the First Order. HoloRadio programs throughout the First Order of the time ensured that even the smallest child knew that they were not to be trusted. Ariel came of age during such time, under the tutelage of her cousin the late Grand Moff.
Thus being on a shuttle and headed for meeting with one of their most prominent members was cause for nerves enough. Let alone to be outside of friendly space the feeling of vulnerability was quite strong. Ariel, however, steeled her resolve as they approached the city in the cavern. She fiddled with her fleur-de-lis patterned bracelet rotating it along her wrist. She took a deep breath and exhaled, "let's get this one right." She muttered to herself, her thoughts focused solely on how to approach the meeting. "We're nearing the landing coordinates, Ms. Yvarro." The shuttle's pilot said as he gave a glance over his shoulder. "Are you sure you don't want some of the boys here to go with you?"
Two Praetorians had volunteered to go with her, and crammed into the shuttle were another four Stormtroopers.
"It won't be necessary, I'm sure." Her voice nearly buckled, she wasn't sure, at all and part of her wanted some form of protection. "Perhaps, be ready if I should have need of you."
"Of course." The pilot acknowledged and turned to his co-pilot as they made contact with traffic control.

The volcanic mountain Inyusu Tor rose up like an ill omen over Sullust's toxic surface. Blinking nav beacons dotted across the industrial world marked the way to excavated subterranean passages which would lead to the city under the mountain. Pinyumb was not Sullust's capital but it was the closest urban center to Sullust Base and had transformed in recent weeks into the beating heart of OPA activity on the planet. Nothing about their surroundings set Ariel Yvarro at ease, this was a rebel town.

Old banners emblazoned with the Galactic Alliance starbird were interspersed with cruder OPA tapestries that hung throughout the city and their shuttle's designated landing pad was no exception. Miel Tevv was already waiting for them himself, two grim looking Home Guard troopers on either flank. He didn't need more. They were here as a statement more than a precaution. This was their world again. He would not let the First Imperials forget it.

Yvarro did not look like what he was expecting, but then again he supposed neither did he. They were both relatively young for their positions, the future of rebellion and empire alike. His first impulse had been to deny this meeting and any future overtures out of hand. Only one thought challenged him to reconsider. What would Jaius Sovv do?

"Welcome back to Sullust," nevertheless his greeting was stone faced. Some wounds needed time to heal.

Ariel Yvarro

"Curious greeting Mr. Tevv." Ariel remarked, "Perhaps a welcome to Sullust would be more suitable?"
She noted his guards and took in a deep breath and exhaled, "shall we proceed?" Ariel gestured for them to walk forward, and as she walked the two Praetorians held their weapons close as they stood beside their shuttle. Neither of them liked the idea of their future heading out without any sort of protection. Even if she thought it would be of some manner of faith to go in alone.
"Allow me to introduce myself formally, I am Ariel Yvarro, representative of the First Order or what remains at least." She left off the fall in line part but that, that might've been more understood from her tone of voice. She certainly seemed to walk with that same air of arrogance that followed many Galidraani. "I have on my person some intelligence that may be of use to your Alliance, it goes without saying that we're in no shape to fight anyone."
She readied a small disk for Mr. Tevv to take, "it regards the workings of something far darker than I've expected and it's near Bunduki and a few other old worlds that once belonged to my cousin's Empire." Although if she were honest, Natasi was more of a sister than a cousin. Ariel had been quite fond of Natasi and looked up to the woman while in her care.
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"Would it now?" there was a gleam in Miel's eyes yet he let the matter drop. Ariel Yvarro may be a stranger to his world but her First Order was not.

Instead he simply nodded at the foreign ambassador's gesture and fell into step beside her, stunted legs working nearly double time to maintain a human pace. He humored her introduction even though it contained very little information not already communicated by the Juno in orbit. That was curious. He dismissed it for now as tension related to this most auspicious reunion.

"Miel Tevv, with two vees," he held up two stubby fingers, "Acting Council President and CEO of SoroSuub."

He paused.

"We are not unsympathetic to your situation," the sullustan admitted, "We are old enemies. Such wounds will take time to heal. But that was a different galaxy, and neither of us have any borders left to fight over."

Ariel and her honor guard were led into a conference room rigged with audio curtains and surveillance detectors. The room was sparsely decorated save for a large OPA banner hanging from one wall. Its opposite was entirely composed of one way solarium glasteel which offered an expansive view of the subterranean metropolis all around them. Nearly everyone on Pinyumb's streets were armed and wearing some kind of uniform.

"This place is secure," Miel assured the young noblewoman, "Any intelligence matters you have to discuss may be spoken of freely. Although I must confess, I was not aware Sieger Ren had any family."

This last remark was not meant as an insult. Distinctions between heads of state and foreign cultural icons were genuinely lost on him, so naturally when he thought of the First Order's master he assumed Ariel meant the Supreme Leader.
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Ariel Yvarro

"Nor did I come here for it or expect it," sympathy that was, "if I wished for any of the former then I would have sought my sofa and a good film on Holoflix." Ariel's tone did not waver she kept it neutral despite the small quip. She gave a nod of gratitude once she heard the place was secure, as void of decor as it was. "It is suitable, thank you Mr. Tevv."
Ariel expected the room to be bugged but felt no different for it, "and if you believe that I am of blood relations to Sieger Ren then I fear your intelligence network needs to be updated before your government can take on this newest threat." It would be all she had to say on the matter and then proceeded to take her seat. "Now then the information I have here for you is in regards to the Eternal Empire, I presume you and your government have heard of them."
"Here is what several covert operatives have been able to find their workings on Bakura, Abbaji, and Verkuyl."
"We know the source of their operations is on a world called Kalidan."
"Unfortunately observation notes and recordings are all we have, but we were able to pull data from various records within the Confederacy regarding the man in charge. Darth Tacitus, he until recently had been part of their inner workings and at one a viceroy of theirs." Ariel went on to say before her attention diverted from the information being projected on the wall to Mr. Tevv. "As I mentioned we're in no shape to do much about it, but I thought to bring the information to you, personally."
It was a precautionary measure more than anything. The enemy of my enemy as it were and at the moment the First Order was short on everything but enemies even within their own borders. "You were correct, we no longer have borders in which to dispute with, however; the Outer Planets Alliance, now is it? Might have reason to be wary of the so-called Eternal Empire."


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