He grunted as he lifted boxes into what appeared to be just random stacks, the tan ply-wood looking nothing special. However the boxes were meticulously stacked into two large piles; Tech and weapons, the things most valuable to the operations on Nar Shaddaa in the middle of the pile, surrounded by things of lesser value. Several other workers shuffled around behind him, ferrying boxes, checking boxes off as they loaded items into boxes, making sure each and every item was accounted for. While none of the cargo contained anything of personal value, he would be furious if the goods got damaged, confiscated or stolen by local mobsters due to the simple market value of the items. While the youth hostel was a front for Red Raven operations, he still intended to do his best in providing a new life for the youngsters. He looks up and saw a cargo ship flying towards him, , slowing down as it neared the loading docks. It hovered for a moment before the doors lowered down, out stepping about a dozen men who seemed well prepared to take on whatever the streets of Nar Shaddaa threw at them. He was confident that this wouldn't run amuck.
He chuckled softly to himself as he shook his head, Yvette stepping out of the shipping vessel, with a well planned out salute at the ready. He called out to her, "Who the devil do you think I am, the ruttin' Senator of Coruscant?" Me laughed a bit more before waving for her to come closer. "I suppose I do appreciate the thought however."
He walked her over towards one of the piles of cargo he had been laying it. He slammed his fist down on one of the creates, "This'll be your load for this run. Just weapons an' such like the message said. Nice wide array for ya'." He whistled to the workers and they jogged over with their dolleys, ready to put the cargo on Yvettes ship. "I never did catch a name, Miss....?"
[member="Yvette Thénardier"]