Asa Shi'ne
Rogue Experiment

Asa in her Stealthsuit
AGE: 9 (Biological age = 18)
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.6m / 5’2ft
WEIGHT: 46kg / 102lbs
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Near-Black Brown
SKIN: Pale
- Augmented Strengths – Asa’s integrated exoskeleton gives her increased strength and agility
- Combat Specialist – Skilled in both melee, and ranged combat, there is a reason why Asa was the one Prototype to continue when her sisters were destroyed
- Stealthed – Being small helps stay unseen, but a good credit also goes to her stealthsuit, which acts as a silhouette disruptor as well as providing a small field of optical camouflage.
- Augmented – While boosting her physical attributes, Asa's augmentations also come at a severe cost. Too much exertion can cause them to give out or induce extreme pain, which sometimes results in Asa blacking out.
- Charisma of a rock – Skilled in combat, but not in diplomacy. Conversations with her are dull to say the least, and she is unable to bluff, convince, or otherwise with most people.
- Manic-Depressive – Any conversations Asa does take part in can quickly turn for the worse....whether someone invokes her anger or sends her into a depressive breakdown
Asa basically lives in her stealth suit, mostly because part of it is fused to her skeleton, and she usually just wears jackets and other gear straight over top. She keeps her hair cut in a short bob, which frames her small face. She can most often be found wear a rough jacket and chest plate of armour, along with thigh plates and a power gauntlet. She wears her vibrosabre to her left, her pistol holstered to her right thigh, and usually keeps her rifle slung across her back.
Asa Shi’ne is the result of an experimental cloning program similar to the one for the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic so many years ago. The goal of the program was to create a line of mechanically-augmented super soldiers that would be the galaxy’s most deadly assassins, and for all intents and purposes, the goal was complete. Asa was born alongside five other prototypes as the initial batch; another 100 were planned following the success of Prototypes I through VI. Bred with a growth accelerant, Asa and her sisters matured at twice the rate of normal humans, and after 9 years were given a stabilizer to maximize their longevity. The original six were supposed to be absolutely identical, even down to the programming…each was to be completely independent, and excel in all applicable areas relating to stealth. Glitches in the system caused each to be unique though; the Project avoided termination in order to hopefully further observe and understand the causes.
Growing up, Asa absorbed every bit of information that she could. Along with her sisters, the six of them only knew of each other, their Master, and the training area in which they called home. From ages 1-4 they were taught basic lessons, much like a civilian would. From the age of 5 onward though, all focus turned to combat, tactics, and every bit of knowledge pertaining to being elite assassins. The project hit a snag when it developed that none except Asa were able to shoot consistently…although all proved effective in close combat, only Asa seemed capable of handling a high-powered rifle with any reliability. In order to conserve resources and focus on the goal of the project, Prototypes II through VI were destroyed.
Asa and her sisters were supposed to be cloned without feeling, without emotion or internal strife, but upon learning of her sisters’ demises Asa experienced a breakdown. Where there was originally cold and unfeeling inside her, now was a blazing inferno of rage and fury. Asa could feel tears envelope her eyes as she set her sights on those responsible. The massacre resulted in the deaths of all on-site personnel, and the escape of Asa into the general public. For all intents and purposes, the goal was complete. Following her escape, the project was officially shut down for good, though it is unknown if the companies responsible have any plans to contain their loose asset.
Asa now lives exactly the life one would imagine for a person bred to kill…hopping from planet to planet, taking marks and turning them in. Her world is often cold, but in no way is she devoid of emotion. She is arguably more dangerous as she is, since anger may take over her actions and influence her decisions…whereas a calculating killer would not let such things affect them.
Each night, Asa often cries herself to sleep, from both the physical and emotional pain she endures every day. Although her augmentations grant her increased strength and reflexes, it causes her daily strain that only worsens after extreme exertion. Asa’s mind is never put at ease either, feeling the weight of her sisters’ deaths and those that she had slain in her vengeance. She almost feels partially responsible for not being able to protect them, and is easily brought to tears if the thought crosses her mind. At the other end though, Asa can quickly switch to anger…it could be as small as an accidental bump or a snide remark; she has no control over her temper.
Despite this, Asa is very much capable of showing compassion in some circumstances. Cute animals often bring some sort of peace to her and calm her down. Asa is even known to occasionally smile in these situations, but it is never for long. People, especially men, seem to strike a bad chord with her and even the most charismatic are found sprinting away, curled up on the ground, or sometimes even dead. Even when she is in a neutral state, most conversations with her remain short and to the point.
Asa struggles to find her purpose, at least, what she defines as her purpose. She was bred to be a killing machine, but beneath her programming she feels that there is something more to her…that she has to be able to do something else. In her heart, Asa wholly believes that she can attain free will, that she can one day be able to say ‘no’ to her programming and leave bounty hunting forever. Without any sort of intervention from external sources though, it is impossible for her to change.
- Vibrokatana – A custom-designed weapon supplied to each Prototype, it is extremely light, with a 9” hilt, and an 18” blade, making it extremely suited for cqb
- A180 Pistol – Asa favours this over many other options due to it's sleekness and considerable power output
- Valken-X8 – Another weapon that was supplied to the project, it is simply a Valken-38x that has been gutted and modernized to be as powerful as other contemporary snipers; of important note is the dial allowing to exchange power for a harder-to-see bolt, making it harder to track the origin of the shot
- Throwing knifes (5)
- Power gauntlet – armoured, this gauntlet is capable of incapacitating an unarmoured opponent with blunt trauma…the gauntlet itself just amplifies the strike of the wielder
- Cortosis staff (36”) – (Could be attached to the vibrokatana to create a more dynamic weapon)
- Garrote wire
- Stealthsuit and helmet
- Exoskeleton – Fused to her bones, the ‘exo’skeleton was actually subdermal and replaced some of her muscles with servomotors. The exo part comes from the metal plugs that cover her body; the plugs act as a battery that power the servos underneath them, and can be removed to recharge. Without any of them plugged in, her exoskeleton servos can typically last 4 hours under normal conditions. There are two in each arm, two in each leg, one on each hip, and one near the base of her neck that is supposed to improve her cognitive abilities.

Republic Interceptor
Almost identical to the base model, the ship the Succubus was intended to be a transport for Asa and her clone sisters. After the death of her Master, she took ownership of the vessel itself. It had but a single turbolaser on it’s underside as armament, but made up for that with powerful shield generators, impressive sublight engines, and a Class 2 hyperdrive. It has little space for cargo on board, but it was enough for a small holding cell and a storage compartment for Asa’s extra gear.
