Little Storm

Full name | Asara Freyja Ta’kona |
Aliases | Little Storm, Storm |
Class(es) | Jedi Rogue |
Birthworld | Ryloth |
Current Homeworld | Ryloth |
Age | 28 |
Rank(s) | Knight |
Master (former) | Caltin Vanagor |
Faction(s) | The Foundation, NJO |
Species | Twi'lek |
Gender | Female |
Force Sensitive | Yes |
Character Alignment | Chaotic Good |
Height | 5'10 |
Weight | Healthy |

Asara Ta'kona

Was born of Ryloth and sent to the NJO at a very young age once her force sensitivity became apparent. Worked hard as a youngling and as a Padawan, excelling in classes but having a particular love for being in a starfighter. She took after her masterCaltin Vanagor in a lot of key ways and he became something of a second father figure to her.
She passed her trials at 19 years old and was knighted by her master. This was despite a building conflict that was in her heart. She spent much of her time on missions on or near Ryloth, wishing to stay connected to her home. She had regular, but mostly non-violent run ins with the mandalorian governers of the sector and a repeated theme was that the Jedi were simply a chamber militant of the Galactic Alliance, fighting for their paymasters before the people. In her heart she knew this not to be true but the cracks propagated and at each encounter she found her own arguments less and less convincing. The wars over Ryloth between the Alliance and the Enclave has not helped, while she believes wholeheartedly that she was fighting on the side of good in that engagement, she couldn't shake the feeling that her homeworld was just a pawn in a grand game between superpowers and the Jedi were just a single piece.
She has distanced herself from the Order in the last couple of years, she will be unlikely to ever sever ties completely as they are ultimately one of the goods in the galaxy, if a little politically misguided. She looks back at the first moments that she decided she was done with the order for good with embarrassed humour. She had a flare for being dramatic, she stole her jedi starfighter and jettisoned her old lightsaber into the coruscant sun as she flew out of the system. She has regrets.
Following her friend and former master back towards her home she found herself drifting towards the Foundation. She has dedicated her life now to helping care for the little and forgotten people, most prominently those of her beleaguered home, proudly helping push the mandalorians back towards Mandalore.
She is conflicted.
She is at peace with herself and with the light, her decision to forge a different path nearly broke her and she hopes it is the right one. She will still call the old Jedi friend and has visited the temple on personal pilgrimage but she feels anxiety how they might see her as a betrayer.
In her own life she is very humanitarian and gets a lot of joy out of helping people. She is a bit of a thrill seeker, loving nothing more than flying a hotly contested emergency relief drop, drinking in the fighter corps over stories of flying her fighter beneath the very arcs of artillery fire to drop medicines. - SKILLS
+Experienced pilot - A lot of talent and experience flying various small ships
+Mandalorian veteran - Has been on Ryloth a while and is experienced fighting mandos
+Beauty - See picture above
+Boon- Description
+Boon- Description
+Boon- Description
-A more civilised time - Has only recently begun to explore ranged personal combat
-Malus - Description
-Malus - Description
-Malus - Description
-Malus - Description
- Lightsaber
- Stolen and retransponded NC-1000 Jedi X-wing
- Link/Describe
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