Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Asari Morin

"Once you stand looking at the dying faces of a hundred of your men, You know where your loyalties lie."
~Asari Morin after being questioned by the Imperial Inquisitor.

[color=#800000;]Known as:[/color] Asari Morin The Pirate King
[color=#800000;]Age:[/color] 76
[color=#800000;]Species: [/color]Tusken Raider
[color=#800000;]Homeworld: [/color]Tatooine
[color=#800000;]Rank:[/color] Pirate King
[color=#800000;]Affiliation: [/color]The Underworld
[color=#800000;]Height:[/color] 6'3''
[color=#800000;]Weight:[/color] 225

[color=#800000;]Personality: [/color]Asari is a very serious man, ever since he was a small boy all that was on his mind was protecting his own. His family and tribe were the most important thing to him until finally they were slaughtered by the Empire. When Asari was captured and taken by the Empire to be a Royal Guardsmen his sense of worth, loyalty, and family was completely beaten out of him. He fought and slaughtered his comrades and his sense of belonging was entirely gone. As he left the Sovereign Protectors and betrayed the Empire Asari grew into a blood lusting pirate Criminal. He murdered and slaughtered his way around the galaxy until eventually the Empire recaptured him. They tortured, beat, and killed his crew the only ones that he felt close too. After his escape from their hold Asari changed, he formed a new crew, one based on brotherhood and belonging. Since Asari has become more of a brother or father figure to his crew, becoming much more sensible and even coming to love certain people.

[color=#800000;]History:[/color] Asari Morin was born on the dusty world of Tatooine among the tribes of the Tusken Raiders. Since he was a young man Asari trained and worked with the elders of his tribe becoming a better fighter and strategist. His life worked well until the age of 17. He had become known as the best fighter within the tribe becoming an expert with most slughtrowers and close combat fighting with the gaffi stick. He was loved by his tribe and seen as the next chieftain, and much like any young man would Asari loved the attention. He basked in it and boasted about his prowess often, this led to the young man doing stupid things. The stupidest of them all was attacking an Imperial Sentry. Asari attacked and killed the man in only a few seconds, he then took the mans armor as a trophy. When he came ack to his tribe he was heralded as even more of a hero.

Unbeknownst to him however was the camera within the sentry's helmet. The Imperials watched as their own was killed and then claimed as a trophy. Of course they reacted unkindly. With swift Justice the Imperials descended upon the tribes home slaughtering the Tuskens within the small village quite easily. At the end of the massacre only Asari remained. He had killed several dozen Sithtroopers in their attempt to dispatch him, this of course impressed the officer and with a swift hand Asari was taken and forced into the Empire's service.

Within the Empire Asari flourished, he quickly rose through the ranks of the Sithtrooper corpse caring nothing for his life or those around him. He fought and slaughtered his way through the enemy ranks more often than not forgoing blaster rifles and using a simple knife or vibrosword to slaughter the enemy's of the Empire. He was a fearsome force and before long The Emperor's Royal Guard took their interest in him. The Emperor had the young Sithtrooper picked out of the ranks and thrown into the pits of Yinchorr to become one of the Royal Guard.

Here Asari excelled even further, among his class of 40 the young Tusken quickly rose to the top. In sparring he beat out all others, in target practice he won, in almost every aspect of training the young man excelled far beyond all others. When finally they were finished preparing and practicing of his entire class of forty students only Asari made it out alive. He was the only one that survived the harsh training on Yinchorr. In the end Asari was assigned to regular missions. He thoroughly and with loyalty guarded the Emperor's storehouses and whenever it was called for he went out and slaughtered the Rebels. Asari over the years became known as one of the fiercest and most loyal Guardsmen within the entire Unit. Eventually even the Emperor took personal notice of him and Asari was propelled into the elite of elite, he was placed within the Sovereign Protectors.

The training within the Imperial Sovereign Protectors was harsh, it was harsher even than the training on Yinchorr. It was here within the Sovereign Protectors that Asari was told of his latent force powers, the Tusken was quite unimpressed of course and although he was taught to somewhat use them Asari's abilities never went far Within the force. Instead he stayed within the Sovereign Protectors, he fought loyally for his Emperor and became one his his greatest guardsmen. It was then that the Emperor decided on one of his other little schemes. It was one that Asari was a victim of, one that helped him see the light and ultimately led to his betrayal.

The Empire looked at him, they saw the soldier he was, but they also saw his age. Like many he was growing old. He was gaining in years and soon his fighting prowess would depreciate. In an effort to stop this The Emperor and his Ilk formed a plan. A series of experiments was conducted on him and several other Sovereign Protectors. They changed him, they added cybernetics part, altered his genes, his bones, and muscular structure. The genetic side of these treatments made him appear far more youthful, in this part the Empire was successful although the later damage would take away from this effect.

After the experiments Asari became stronger, faster, better, but he also became disloyal. His thoughts led him astray, he became concerned more and more about himself and what he needed. His loyalty to the Empire began to wane and fade until finally one day he simply left. Instead of guarding the Imperial palace as he was supposed to Asari simply left. He walked off in full armor holding his vibroblade. He was yelled and screamed at, they tried to stop him but of course failed. Asari Morin the Sovereign Protectors simply...left. Soon after leaving Asari became a Pirate, he gathered a crew, stole a ship, and became a marauder. He fought and killed his way across several worlds making the lives of thousands a living hell. He became quickly infamous in certain sectors and was universally hated. It was here that Asari was once again captured by the Sith Empire.

On one of his Raids the Empire sent several Star Destroyers after him, of course expecting leniency for his crew Asari gave up. He allowed himself to be captured and taken by the Empire. Here he was tortured, beaten, and degraded until finally they stood him in the airlock. They placed him in front of open space and showed him his crew. There one by one they were executed in front of his eyes. Sadness, rage, and pain washed over him and within the blink of an eye Asari began his slaughter. He killed those Imperials holding him and broke free of his restraints, once again he escaped the Sith Empire.

After escaping Asari traveled to Tatooine, his homeworld. It was here on Tatooine that Asari met a Yuuzhan Vong. A lone man of a lost warrior race. The half dead Pirate spoke with the alien, conversing long and hard about each of their own society. About their hopes adn their dreams, and about each others cultures. Asari learned much from the Yuuzhan Vong, much that he had not known before. In the end the two warriors parted. Asari was given the Yuuzhan Vongs Amphistaff, the signature weapon that would supposedly mark him as a friend for other Yuzzhan Vong.

Here he met his wife Nizzalal'dira. He became close to her, told her of his woes and sorrows. They grew together and became one, and as they did a crew began to form around them. Like moths to a light Asari began to draw people to him, he gathered a crew and eventually found a Ship, the Queens Malcontent. From there His crew and fame grew, as they flew across the galaxy Asari and his crew became more and more infamous. Asari himself became known as a fiercely loyal fighter, he loved his Crew and they loved him. Soon more and more Pirates came to him, a fleet was formed. There once they saw his loyalty the Pirates gave him a title.

His crew grew to number into the thousands, they began to call Asari The Pirate King. Dozens if not hundreds of ships flocked to the Pirate King and his crew, and they became famous. The Pirate Flew grew and grew, as they made their way across the galaxy. They fought and tore apart their enemies, Asari their King always at the head of the battlefield. He fought and won whether in Space or on the ground. Then finally tragedy struck. The Genetic Experiments that the Empire had performed upon him began to take their toll. Despite his young appearance from them they began to pull at him, his body began to degrade, his bones and muscles falling apart, slowly he was dying, slowly he fell apart into pieces. The Pirate King was now dying, with only his Queen and Crew to support him.

[color=#800000;]Equipment: [/color]
(This list is subject to Change)

-Imperial Royal Guard Armor Painted Entirely black
-Force Pike
-2 Heavily Modified DC-17 Heavy Blaster Pistols

[color=#800000;]Personal Warship&Fleet: [/color]The Pirate Kings Fleet Consists of several Dozen Ships with the Queens Malcontent at their heart.

1 Harrower Class-Dreadnought-Queens Malcontent
7 Acclamator II Class Assault Ships
17 Carrack-class light cruisers
23 Heavily Modified Quartermaster-class supply carriers
9 Corona-class Frigates
2 CC-7700 frigates
Several dozen assorted smaller ships

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