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Approved Tech Asarv Rounds

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Rakvul
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large




  • Asarv Rounds contain a core of Draemidus Prime Ore, an incredibly explosive element that detonates on impact with violent force.
  • To increase the shells power, it was encased in plasma. This vastly magnifies its speed and penetration power, by encasing it in burning plasma.
  • Verikast was used in the creation of the casing, in order to retain the searing heat of the plasma. When it hits a target, the casing becomes devastating shrapnel inside the target's body.

  • Incredible Speed & Penetration.
  • Horrific Damage Potential.
  • Concussive Impact. Anti-Lightsaber.
  • Explosive. Plasma & Shrapnel Storm.

  • Heavy & Unwieldy for Most Species.
  • Increased Recoil for Weapons.
  • Possible Overpenetration.

When the Draelvasier wage war the battlefield is quickly turned into a blasted hellscape of destruction and mind-numbing carnage. They are genetically bred for the battlefield, to excel in warfare in a way most others couldn't possibly match. Despite their monstrous power the Bryn'adul Empire was brought down and the species scattered. Rakvul the Darkener, High Warlord of the Bryn'adul Remnant took heed to the mistakes of the previous war. It was then that he began preparing for the next one, by modernizing the arsenal of his fiefdom, the largest of its kind.

Molten Rounds.

It was a huge advancement in Drael weaponry when the round was developed, it became one of the primary ammunitions used in weapons throughout the war. It was brutally effective, however, there was a burning need to develop something greater. To take heed of what worked best and apply that to the successor that would take its place. Rakvul first designed a round through verikast, encasing the round in plasma to increase its devastating penetration power and speed. The resilience of Verikast ensured it could handle the searing plasma. Beneath this he created a core of Draemidus Prime Ore, to add explosive force. Once the round connected with its target, it would violently detonate. After an exhaustive series of tests it was deemed cleared for final demonstration. Lastly, it was tested against live captives. After witnessing this and the screaming deaths of those struck by them, it was given the name Asarv which is Draelvasier for Agony.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new, horrifying ammunition for use in Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate weaponry.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Asarv Rounds
Modular: Yes
Material: Draemidus Prime Ore Core Plasma-Encased Shell Verikast Casing
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