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Mission Ascendancy of Defiance | An Age of Strife Story


Never forget, Never forgive.




As the BATTLE FOR TYTHON reaches its end, the casualties of the war are revealed to the galaxy as a whole. The EMPIRE enters a state of mourning; Erskine Barran becomes LORD REGENT at the behest of Emperor Fel's last edict, assembling a TRIUMVIRATE of individuals to guide the Empire through its time of adversity. However, the galaxy continues to simmer with chaos as the Imperials work to reorganize the powers that be within their state.

A rising tide of Chiss nationalism engulfs the worlds on the western frontier, fueled and funded by agents unknown to Imperial intelligence at the time. Though tensions reach a boiling point that triggers alarms across their respective sectors' apparatus, the Imperial response would only manage to suppress the populations, but not delay the inevitable.

THE REDOUBT goes dark several weeks later.

Assumed to be caused by a predicted radiation storm, contact with the star cluster is lost, but as the radiation storm engulfing the cluster's worlds recedes, communication with the Imperial fortifications within the cluster are unable to be resumed. The Imperial Navy -- with elements of ISB in their fold -- are sent to make contact directly. Their final message back to the Empire is one of distress, marked with explosions and pandemonium as their fleet goes dark.


And the picture begins to become clearer as worlds bordering the star cluster begin to fall one after another. Declaring themselves as the successors to the Ascendancy, an extensive array of Chiss-led battlegroups begins launching a campaign of conquest across the western frontier. Combined with irredentist elements from both Imperial and Galactic Alliance worlds, and solidified beneath the banner of the Ascendancy elements who escaped Csilla's destruction, they announce their intent to conquer the worlds of their people up to and including the prized jewel of the Empire, Nirauan.

The Imperial response to the Chiss is weak, disorganized as a result of treasonous elements at all levels and organizations engaging in acts of sabotage against the state, while the Triumvirate's reshuffling leaves the Empire too disorganized to blunt the offensive in the opening days of the conflict. Forced onto the defensive as a result of these circumstances, the Imperials switch to a fighting retreat to slowly stem the Chiss offensive for as long as they can.

The conflict reaches its climax, with both sides settling upon the world of NIRAUAN as the turning point of the war. Imperial ground reinforcements flood onto the planet once more, entrenching themselves across the world to defeat the vanguard of the Chiss on the prized world they seek to conquer. Naval elements prepare to defeat their fleets in orbit, leaving those on the ground to the mercy of the Imperials as a result. The Chiss, on the other hand, are high in morale, and fanatical in their desire to reclaim what was once theirs.

Both sides have everything to lose as a result of the impending battle for the planet, but what could arise from an Imperial loss may lead to further destabilization of an already strife-ridden Empire.


Current state of the Chiss-Imperial Conflict, 876 ABY


"We’ve spilled our blood into the dirt of every planet in the galaxy. Because we are the Empire’s fist; We are stormtroopers, and you can never kill us all."

The Reclamationists have landed, despite the best efforts of the Imperial Navy above the planet in orbit. But despite this fact, the Imperials on Nirauan are as prepared as they could be for the looming battle to come. Faced with the vanguard of the elite Chiss Expansionary Armies who'd swept across several worlds until their eventual landing upon Nirauan, they are met by the combined might of the amalgamated Imperial Armed Forces, whose presence had been hastily reinforced on world from across the Sector and beyond.

They intend to meet the Chiss outside of the capitol city of New Carannia, establishing their defense lines around Fort Yularen to the Northwest, and the New Carannian Powerplant to the Northeast. Seeking to take these forward positions for themselves, the 1st. Chiss Expansionary Army is tasked with assaulting Fort Yularen, and occupying it after clearing it of any Imperial defenders. The 2nd. Chiss Expansionary Army had been tasked with assaulting the Powerplant in force, and move swiftly to overtake the defenses mounted around its perimeter in order to allow its heavy artillery batteries to be brought in range of the capitol itself. Losing both these key positions would inevitably allow for New Carannia to be encircled, something the Imperials can not risk happening if they are to blunt the momentum of the invaders.

The Imperials must hold the line, and defeat their assailants at all costs.


Faraak is a politically connected general among the Chiss Reclamationists. Infamous for his expansive works on offensive military doctrine during his tenure as an officer in the Empire of the Hand, he was delegated the task of supreme commander of all Chiss Expansionary Operations once he turned coat from the Empire.

Credited to be the mastermind of the Chiss blitz through the Imperial frontier, he now directly commands the Chiss forces in the Battle for Nirauan.



"The whispering of his name can rekindle hope, and hope is something we cannot allow our enemy to possess."

Lightyears away from the critical battle upon the world of Nirauan, Task Force Dooku slips beneath the Chiss Expansionary Fleet's radar to emerge within star cluster known as The Redoubt, revealing itself just moments after Chiss High Command sent out the green light for their forces on Nirauan to begin their assault. The Task Force delivers a single message to the unaware Chiss, who've taken to utilizing Brask Oto Command Station as their forward headquarters for the duration of the war.

"Twice the pride, double the fall."​

And with the message sent, the Imperials on-board were sent into action. All available Knight Chapters had been mustered beneath Lucien's command, and together with the 173rd. Stormtrooper Legion -- The Myrmidons -- they'd initiated a lightning quick assault directly into the hull of the station. Utilizing breaching vessels and the element of surprise, the Knights of the Empire strike with the iron fury of their deceased Emperor, engaging not only the reserve elements of the Expansionary Army, but also the elite Force element that had been formed by Moff Zovesa in the years prior to her open sedition.

Dubbed the Chiss Force Corps by their creator, they are fanatical in their devotion to the ideals of an independent Chiss state. The Knights of the Empire will have to fight for every inch of ground against an equal foe, and keep them occupied until their contingent of allies elsewhere on the station complete their task.


A powerful force user, Zodt was trained by Zovesa as part of the Imperial Force Corps before he fell to the Dark Side. With the Chiss Worlds vanquished by the Maw, Zodt sees an opportunity to carve a new home within the hereditary Empire of the Hand territories located within the weakened Empire.

Zodt is a staunch Chiss supremacists who believes other races are naturally inferior to the Chiss.



"The stability of the Empire is at stake; A planet is a small price to pay."

As the Imperial Knights and their Stormtroopers engage in pitched battle against the Expansionary forces across the station, it is the Imperial Security Bureau who is tasked with cutting the head off the snake that is Chiss High Command for good. A discreet contingent of ISB agents -- supported by a detachment of Compforce regulars -- flies beneath the radar of the heavy fighting in the station's outer perimeter to infiltrate the station's undefended underbelly with minimal resistance. Utilizing pre-existing schematics to locate the the station's decommissioned repair bay, and slicers to ensure their beachhead is made undetected, they quickly advance deeper into the heart of the station with the sole objective of finding High Command, and neutralizing them in their entirety.

What starts as a flawless infiltration would soon evolve into a near-equally pitched battle as they advance ever so closer to their objective. An initial ambush by none other than Chiss Intelligence themselves would spark off the powder keg of all-out warfare within the depths of the station. ISB and their allies must defeat the elites who stand in their way if they are to accomplish their sole objective at hand. High Command does not have any other means of escape, given the fact that our Imperial Knight allies have assaulted across the station. But as with all things in war, the situation may change if we lose the momentum.

Time is of the essence.


Formerly a high-ranking officer of the Empire, Dac'zom'ina -- or as he was known by his peers, Dac -- is among the chief Chiss-Imperial defectors to marshal beneath Moff Zovesa and the Chiss Reclamation in their conflict against The Empire. He's one of High Command's premier strategic minds, utilizing his extensive knowledge of Imperial military doctrine to provide the Reclamation with an edge over their enemy. While Faraak commands the Expansionary forces at the frontlines, it is Dac who provides the Reclamation with strategic-level planning from the rear.



501st LEGION

Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris Gavyn Berand Gavyn Berand Lily Stevens

The soft whirring noises of new intel cropping up on the holoprojector were Sarge's only companion in the lonesome tactroom aboard the recon corvette Deceptor looming in stealth on the far side of the planet away from the fleet battle. He had been delegated to a supervisory role over his squad for this operation, functioning between an advisor and overwatch to the rest of his squadron.

The famed SCAR Squadron. Currently aboard a dropship en route planetside.

:: As you already know, Skull's squad has been incapacitated. Their mission was to sabotage the Tansen Dam and flood the rear of the 2nd Chiss Army. SCAR has been re-tasked for this purpose. :: he stated through the comms. :: The Chiss have reinforced the dam since their initial assault rendering our current blueprints useless and set up a jammer to block our attempts to scan the dam for an integral weakness. Your first task is to destroy that jammer -- its location is supposedly in the perimeter of the dam. ::

A red light flashed on his tactmap, "What the--" Sarge's eyes widened as the red light reformed into discernible information -- mayday, mayday. A moment later, the dropship pilot's life indicators had gone dark.

SCAR Squadron had crashed.

"Damn it!" he growled as his fingers danced on the intangible keyboard shifting screens till he could find what he was looking for -- a distorted scan of SCAR's crash site. Red dots began converging toward its position.

:: SCAR, do you read?! :: Hal barked through the comms and received static in reply, :: Tangos are moving in on your position, if you read me -- get the hell outta there now!!"



407th Regiment- "Hellions"


This is Bernu'mat'manadu, right now:

How has it come to this?

You've sat in on the briefings, you've read the pertinent reporting forward and back, you can't but you can't get your mind around one simple fact: You will have to kill your brothers and sisters. For a foolish insurrection.

How has it come to this?

You'd heard the news, of course. The whispers of a nationalistic tide sweeping the Chiss in Imperial space. He emphasized with them. The Chiss had had ancestral claims stretching back families. Lands going back generations, before the Maw pillaged and plundered in the name of their twisted gods. But that time was gone, you'd argued to the younger officers in the 407th. It hurt, but the Ascendency had died with Csilla. But we survived, and we could preserve our legacy, our history, and make a new path.

How has it come to this?

It had all happened so fast. You could remember where you were when you got the call- cleaning up some dark-side cultists on some godforsaken backwater. You remember seeing the faces of your men fall, because you knew what they knew.

You knew it had come to this.

You knew that, at that moment, however much you emphasized with the Reclamation, you had an obligation. You had an obligation to make sure as many the men and women you served with could start families, go back to their families. For ten years, the Empire had opened their doors to the Chiss. And the Imperial Chiss had flourished. The Empire of the Hand grown into a voice that could represent Chiss interests. This could be a new chapter, full of promise. The Chiss Reclamation only would bring blood, and death- to the Empire, to the Chiss, to everyone. Someone had to say enough.

The 407th- from the enlisted, to the NCOs, to the officer corps- knew deep in their bones, that someone had to take a stand.

And that's why when the hull were breached, you were the one of the first ones through, a white lightsaber illuminating the hall.

And that's why behind you, an contingent of the Hellions poured through, weapons at the ready.
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The commbead in Lucien's ear illuminated with activity.

Knight-Chapters were flooded into breaches across the station's hull, and from the onset of their arrival, resistance had been stiff. Breaching vehicles continued to slam into the outer hull, many of them reaching their destinations in force, but more than enough of their brothers and sisters had been slagged along within their vessels before ever seeing combat. Lucien felt their passing through the force; he could only wince internally, refusing to let the pain with each of their deaths weighing heavy upon his thoughts at the moment of their demise. Yet he couldn't afford to let the waves of emotions weigh him down in the present, not when there still hundreds of his fellow Knights who were actively fighting across their respective sectors.

They had to go forwards. Always forwards.

A throng of alabaster blades ignited with vengeance to his rear. He joined the chorus of weapons being activated by his own knights, squeezing the charcoal hilt within his left hand until his knuckles ran cold and white. An eruption of speed followed a resounding cry of defiance from the Angels who bore that same name. He jetted across the hull of the exposed interior first, committing into the battle with such speed and force that the plates beneath his boots were left a disfigured mess beneath the intensity to which the force carried his stride ahead.

A whirlwind of movements, nearly undetectable to those present without the force, carried his blade forwards into the line of defenders down the corridor. Their makeshift use of barricades proved useless in the face of an attacker so committed to seeing their demise himself. Even when he felt the waves of empathy course through his veins, Lucien knew that there was no room to see the defending Chiss as blameless in the actions that led them to attack The Empire in its time of mourning.

Their peace was delivered regardless of the regret what few shared in the final moments of their lives. What remained of their defenses was nothing more than a shattered corridor marked with the signs of death and viscera. The white of his cloak had been splattered with their blood, and though he took no pity in their demise, it still sickened him to have to do what must be done. Not for the Triumvirate to which he signed off, and not for the Empire to which he committed as many Knights that were capable of being mustered on such a short time.

But for Rurik, his brother, the man whose legacy these Chiss had sought to betray.

A forward stream of Knights and Stormtroopers marched down the corridor in the wake of Lucien's single-handed assault. Once more the commbead lit up, though this time it was him who had reached out to the Knights and Stormtroopers across the station.

"All personnel of the Strike Force; Fight-- and keep fighting until not a single defender remains. When you've cleared out the enemy, press forwards your advance deeper into the station. Prosecute all targets with extreme prejudice. Civilian personnel are to be detained and removed from the combat zone into our rear lines. The Myrmidons will be setting up a defensive line on every level we've hit, but do not commit more than you must to the evacuation of non-combat personnel to the rear. Dooku out."

He returned his gaze back down the corridor, the force pulling his attention towards a presence that called for him to give it notice. "No." He muttered beneath his breath, as the solid footing of military boots echoed down the corridor as they pressed against the metal plates beneath them.


The recognizable visage of the enemy came into view, their crimson eyes standing out amidst the darkness that had been caused by a preemptive EMP strike by his fleet outside of the station. Reinforcements had arrived, but these Chiss were different. Uniformed in appearance, but each one stood out through his connection with the force, calling to him as if he were the beacon that had drawn them forwards.

Brilliant light erupted from the shadows, accentuating their glowing eyes of crimson with a variety of blades ranging from the Knights' own silvery-white to the spectrum of crimson to match their eyes. He steeled himself as they continued to press forwards, turning in step to place himself in the center of the corridor, the blade of his own weapon facing the hull beneath them lazily from a glance.

"Imperial Knights!"

His voice echoed over the ambience of war that flooded in from across the station. His feet moved at a leisurely pace to match the formation of Chiss Knights who approached the Imperials menacingly.

"For The Empire, For Rurik!"

Aerys Yvarro



FN-999 | Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor | Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Open to Interaction/Opposition

Nirauan, another battle, another fight and as such as it was it meant that Sergeant Aerys Fortan would be left with the task of defense once again. Berated for her not following 'observational' orders as per officers with a gigantic stick up their arse, and again laid into when she chose to aid the Alliance on Tython. Better the devil you know, so she chalked it up to brass who didn't know the front of a gun from their arse. The distinctly Avalonian sergeant and now Corporal Mathur opted to be transferred into a new unit.

The 709th, a young unit, with a young commander Petros Makuria of Mephout originally yet he was another from the First Order's former holdings to find themselves within the Empire's grasp. The Thyrsian ordered Sgt. Fortan to take her squad and mount up their defenses facing the power plant. The rest of the 709th were spread out around Fort Yularen, Chiss insurrectionists... Aerys' mind flooded back to her days on Dosuun. Long ago, many a Chiss fond themselves a new home among the First Imperials. Some had gone off chasing after whatever dream another of the Chiss held in front of them, and the rest? Remained on Dosuun to form the Chiss Primacy - and yet here she was now with the Empire of all places fighting off a house of people that should be standing with them.

Csilla was gone and there could be nothing done to bring it or the people lost back. Aerys understood the anger, it was the anger that fueled many First Imperials to reclaim their own lands and home back in Dosuun, Seoul... Needan and Mephout as well. While she felt for them that empathy only went so far and that was right there on the front lines. Trenches were dug and fortifications erected. "Better not lose any more limbs, Fortan," commented Mathur, "you'll be more metal than man at this rate."

"Funny lad, Mathur, funny lad you," quipped Fortan in return, "bet yer arse these metal legs will outrun yew."

Mathur laughed, "right, sure they can."

"Cut the chatter," Makuria ordered.

Straight away the two quieted down and went back to digging out the trench, makeshift towers with heavy weapons were created all the same. Ammo boxes, anti-air emplacements, machine gun nests, all Aerys really needed was for her and her boys to make the other bastards bleed. "Y'know I heard it was rather patriotic to die for one's nation, perhaps we might make lots of patriots out of them Chiss boys."

"I 'eard that," concurred another from behind Fortan.

Those in the fledgling 709th all hailed from somewhere within the former First Order lands. The hope was to gain experience fighting on behalf of the Empire before returning home and training up their own lads and lasses in the art of war. By now, Aerys had enough of it, and while home was always thought to be an idea - it would have to remain just that. A sidelong glance from Makuria was enough to shut the Avalonian up.



It was with their own blades, that his one danced. Back and forth, whether with the white similar to his own or to the crimson red of the Sith; unknown if the Chiss had become students in that side of the Force, or if a side at all, and neither had it mattered all that much. Rakaan made use of his heavier, more brutish albeit swift strikes in the constant offensive motions once the two forces clashed. His fast feet trickled forwards, one after the other. His features twisted into a scowl intertwined with a determined focus, as his face often had in the midst of a duel.

The Chiss had been afforded a new life, one without Csilla after the Sith had seen to the destruction of it, and this was the reward on offer for the act of needless kindness? It was a deserved death sentence, the once-Jedi mused, and no less than that should become of them. How far had the idealism of his earlier life fallen, he wondered, that this had become the believed best outcome of the situation now. Best not to dwell on it, Rakaan considered, both embittered and saddened as a result.

But with himself, most of all.


O P P E R A T I O N - K N I G H T F A L L
O B J E C T I V E - T W O
N O - R E G R E T S . . .

Primary Objective: Take control of the station.
Secondary Objective: Sift through moral dilemmas.
Location: Brask Oto Command Station.
Equipment: In biography.
Friendlies: The Empire.
Enemies: Chiss Restorationists.



The young girl looked down, in shock, at the dead Atrisians at her feet. These men had - they men had… she dropped the bloodied hidden blade in her hand, hidden no more. As she breathed heavily, she felt her uncle's gentle hands on her shoulders. These men had tried to kidnap her, take her to who knew where? She had defended herself… but…

"Listen to me, Mira."

Mira's shaking eyes looked to her uncle, whom bore a face both worried and somber.

"Do not feel guilt for the lives you took today, or ever, who sought to do evil towards you or anyone else. Criminals, warriors, dark forces: they chose their paths. Their fates are intertwined with those paths. They should have seen this justice coming. Do not feel ashamed for being the hand of justice. Now or ever, niece. I am proud of you."


Aoki Mira had always believed that, always known it. She had become a hunter of criminals and lowlifes. She had faced up to Sith and felt no remorse in cutting them down. In her eyes, whoever she was fighting deserved what was coming. Their fates were tied to their sins, and Mira had the chance to prove their end.

But… but this?

She… she found herself understanding. She saw in her "enemies" a desperate fight. She saw the plight to retake their homes, after being orphaned in the galaxy for so long. She saw hope rekindled, a chance to find dignity again. She could, in all reality, understand and even admire the Chiss taking this stand.

So why was she marching in a line of Imperial Knights to snuff this spark of hope out?

Mira had to remember, and her order's new leader Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku reminded her. This was for the Empire. The Empire that had given so much to help these very people who were essentially stabbing them in the back. The Empire that had given its all at Tython, at the cost of a great leader. The Empire that had a mission of galactic order and stability. The Empire which was weakened already, and if weakened further could be vulnerable to outside threats taking advantage. Mira was fighting for what she believed was right, yet also felt sick fighting these opponents. Was she truly in the right? She closed her eyes as the march commenced, and as they approached elite Chiss trained in the Force. She was in a spot she had no idea what to do in.

So, she did the only thing she knew she could do… obey orders.

Even as war waged in her heart, she tried her best to convince herself what she had been taught her whole life. That everyone had made their choices, deserved what they got. That the Empire needed this victory, that this was for the late Emperor's memory. That she was in the right, and there somehow was a kink in the Chiss' logic that made them wrong. She had to convince herself to have no regrets, as always.

She took a deep breath and pulled her lightsaber hilt out. She at least would focus on attacking aggressors, as opposed to even looking into the eyes of the civilians she instinctively would protect.

"For the Empire."

The white lightsaber blade activated instantly, with all the weight its owner carried in it.


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Will Smash Heads for Beer

It sucked that Ami didn't fight in the Second Great Hyperspace War.

So much action and excitement, the chance to be part of Galaxy changing events. Something that Ami could drunkenly brag towards annoyed patrons at the bar, but she spent most of her time back in NIO space as a reserve. Ami was stationed at a Star Destroyer: The Shadow of Intent with a by the book Moff which meant that Ami had the most boring job as a Stormtrooper. Tedious inspections, endless hours of guarding engine rooms. It got so bad that Ami felt tempted to punch an engineer just to break the monotony of conformity. Ami excelled at basic training, got chosen as a Stormtrooper but instead the promise of glory, Ami was stuck patrolling the fringes of Imperial space.

So much for attaining glory like the recruiter kept saying when Ami first signed up. Not that she cared about glory, it was to support her parents but for crying out loud if Ami knew that a Stormtrooper was actually the most boring job in the galaxy, she probably be content on Ord Mantell making money through illegal fights. When Ami received news that she would be transferred to the 709th infantry to assist the defense of Nirauan, a sigh of relief came over. She almost happy to be shot at again, it was a year since she last punched a person with her bare fists.

Checking her Blaster Rifle one last time, Ami looked at Aerys Fortan who was observing the troops. "Hey Sarge," Ami said her voice being garbled a bit . Ami honestly hated the voice modulator, it sounded less intimidating and more like the troopers inhaled helium. "Private Amiggie Luith here! I'm locked, loaded and ready to party! It's been so fracking long since I've been in a scrap!"

Exciting times ahead, hopefully this could be a start of a string of battles for Ami. She was ready to party already!

DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie , Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor , FN-999


Operation: Phalanx
Operational Support: 709th / Aerys Fortan | Goidels / DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie




The 908th shouldn't have defended Csilla.
Not if this was how the Chiss treated their "allies". Quite frankly, they had proven to be little more than two-faced schemers, as cold-blooded as the atmosphere of their former homeworld before the Maw had wiped it into oblivion. FN-999 had no clue how High Command could have ever tolerated, yet alone trusted such devious power players. Alas, there was no time to linger in the past. Instead, as always, the newly minted legion commander would funnel his anger into his concentration, becoming razor-focused on the battle in front of him.

Still, there was much to cloud his judgement.

He mourned the passing of Emperor Fel as deeply as any other loyalist of the Imperial establishment, deeply regretting his inability to assist in the disastrous Tython campaign. Fortunately, a triumvirate had quickly taken power, and he had enough respect and trust in Lord Regent Erskine Barran to have not a single doubt about where his loyalties lay. He did note, however, that it was only the second time in his life that an empire's supreme ruler had died while he served in their army.

Furthermore, his recent promotion had taken him to unprecedented heights, giving him command over the largest single formation of stormtroopers possible in the form of the legion. The additional weight of responsibility was great, but it was not overwhelming. For over a year since Emperor Fel had stepped down from directly commanding the 908th, it had
de facto been FN-999's legion as the next highest ranking officer. However, only recently had the last shipments of artillery and armor arrived to give the legion to 100% strength for the first time in its history, swelling its numbers to over ten thousand. Nonetheless, his year of de facto command had proven invaluable in swelling his confidence and intelligence in regards to large-scale maneuvers like the one he would soon enact today.

The 908th had been assigned to defend Fort Yularen against the First Chiss Expeditionary Army, a force his scouts had estimated numbered at least ten thousand. Further intelligence suggested that the Expeditionary Army was led by General Faraak, a Chiss male who was said to have personally devised the blitz that shredded through New Imperial defenses earlier in the Chiss revolt. Clearly, Nines was fighting a commander who was at least his equal. With this information in mind, FN-999 had made a series of rapid tactical calculations. Faraak would likely seek to go on the offensive as rapidly as possible, launching numerous spearheads and punishing every open flank. At the same time, FN-999 would fake an encirclement, arranging his battalions into a rough arc. The Imperial left flank would intentionally buckle, encouraging the Chiss to dedicate to a flank assault. Then, the entire 908th would pivot leftwards, slowly but surely herding the Chiss away from the fort and towards the coastline while exhausting their ranks with the movement.

With his plan in mind and the Chiss reported to be rapidly approaching, FN-999 contacted his allies for final preparations.

[All nearby ground units, this is Nines speaking. I plan to have the Reborn move into position for a false pincer and then rout the Chiss with a "pot-tip" maneuver thrusting from the Imperial right with the ultimate goal of smashing the Chiss against the coast. Any and all assistance and advice will be appreciated.]
1st post







Saul Vandron Saul Vandron FN-999 Aerys Fortan Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih





'Check the nick o' you, sur! Bit heavy on the drams last night, aye?'

Latest to arrive on account of the intel he had to gather, Reed would be taking his time on account his energy reserves would be needed that day, for no longer would they merely be offering assistance to others in the foxholes and support-manoeuvres, but the best capabilities of coordination rested in almost solely in the hands of Lord Regent's most trusted subordinate-officer from that day onward. However, much like his commanding officer, Sir Alun had been drinking on the eve of battle, as the stellar news of Galidraan's rise to true Imperial prominence had been more than enough cause for drinking celebrations, but the good news just seemed to keep rolling in beyond that. The Woad-Macushla were finally beginning to take the Generis peace-pact seriously, and were steadily streaming through the eastern-Highland corridor to Riordan Glen for one specific purpose, to let their younger generations serve the next big wave in Goidelic battlefield supremacy.

'Helen's fault, your fault, lets get t'work. Time's ticking on, Reed.'

An auspicious few days for a Laird's high-command who previously believed they would be waiting much longer for another opportunity. An auspicious few days for a chieftain who thought the time for glory had slipped under his patient, though wrathful gaze.

'Fine by me, heading out soon to help Lord Byron keep the formation on track. Probably heading out in five.... In fact - requesting permission to head out now, Milord.'

No longer would Lord Erskine be handling the situation on the ground, as Barran's due to Emperor and war-effort had well and truly be paid by that point, leaving the spark of Order to rest within the songsteel broadsword of the Tuath in the old Woad's stead. But this time, the Imperials would face off against Hope as opposed to Chaos, in complete contrast to the horrors of yesteryear, and against a Hope of the likes they never expected to face so soon, if at all.

'Granted.... But now you mention heading out, I believe I might be off to take our artillery and our riflemen on a wee stroll to the coast. So be as safe as you can, Sir Alun. An' take Leftenant Muir along with you, as besides ol' Laird Byron - most reliable soldier you've got now.'

Warm chuckles shared between the two officers would close off the meeting around them, with all the junior staffers correctly surmising they had everything they needed to proceed, and in passing his datapad to one of the analysts on the way out, this guaranteed the intel would be sent to every other relevant datapad after the meeting. All that was needed then was for Lord Aron to coordinate from within his ACV as he worked his way quietly towards the western coastline, strengthening whatever garrison he could along the way, and in the process barking out whatever orders were needed to keep the Imperial right flank on the right track; but in his busy westward advance, all with brains to think a few steps ahead realised they were at risk of drawing enemy fire, though none knew what the newly-promoted Brigadier-General had in mind.

<"All nearby ground units, this is Nines speaking. I plan to have the Reborn move into position for a false pincer and then rout the Chiss with a "Pot-Tip" maneuver thrusting from the Imperial right with the ultimate goal of smashing the Chiss against the coast. Any and all assistance and advice will be appreciated.">

<"Nines, this is Gowrie of Wildcat Division, formerly of Blue-Heart Brigade. Your,"Pot-Tip", idea looks workable from where I'm sitting anyway, lets see.... Alright, I'm sending IFV-support to the vanguard, but the heaviest support should be on your right flank. Expect more Sit-Reps. Wildcat One out!">

None knew he aimed to be as quiet and distant as possible in the attempt, as the westward flanking manoeuvre was going to be directed ever so subtly, trying almost every trick in the book to avoid detection in Gowrie's intention to veer them southeast, south, southwest, west, then northwest to complete the first part of the Kellas' grand plan for both flanks. None knew, but Gowrie quite liked it that way, taking a leaf out of his mentor's book as he considered what advantages that unpredictability-factor would yield that day; thinking with good sense that if none could guess his motives or his next move, then it would be guaranteed to go twofold for the attackers, taken as a small blessing against foes as wily and as ambitious as the Chiss Expansionary Army. It would be needed, especially with elements of the 709th and the 908th in dire need of armoured, heavy hitting support, but Lord Aron still had faith in the fire of Imperium, he still believed in the prowess of the Empire's warfighting caste.

<"Iron One, this is Gowrie! The subordinates I'm sending will keep you well covered to make a difference in the battle ahead. They can help us stick to Nines' plan, just use the tanks as cover, and as often as you can.... These foes naturally aren't Mawites, so there's a high chance they'll have professionals, sharpshooters out in force - so the tanks will benefit you greatly until vantage-points are found along the way. Good luck out there. Wildcat One out!">

'Haw, greenhorn! Aye you, behind the monitors! You're sticking with me, so no hiding in Fort Yularen for you. Lets go.'

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Fortunate Son

Special Commando Advanced Recon

Objective:Operation Trident
Location: Imperial Assault Craft - Nirauan upper atmosphere
Tags: Gavyn Berand Gavyn Berand | Lily Stevens | Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken


As the dropship containing the handful of members of SCAR squadron dropped out from within the hangar bay - one hangar bay of hundreds within the Imperial Fleet anchored in high orbit over the planet of Nirauan, to say that the mood was rather tense would be an understatement. Only a few months prior, the operative known as ‘Sergeant Liaeris’ had been inducted as the newest addition of the famed special operations unit. Even so, this business on the western frontier would serve as the catalyst for her first true assignment as a formal part of the unit. As she sat in silence within her jumpseat in the shuttle’s main cabin bedecked in her full kit, Margo couldn’t help but reminisce about how she got here; specifically, how a girl born to a farmer on the plains of Dantooine grew up to be a genetically modified, 6’-2”, 200-pound, plasteel encased soldier in service to the successor to what had previously amounted to a band of rebels against Sith rule.

She remained silent as the shuttle barrelled toward the planet’s surface; the faint smile on her lips totally masked by the helmet over her head. She did not yet know the squadmates alongside her very well, but that would come with time. All that she did know was simply that they were among the best the Empire had to offer. She couldn’t say she ‘trusted them’ as of yet (and the feeling was mutual, she was sure), but they had to depend on each other today. She had been briefed along with the rest of them as they had been hastily deployed to the engagement zone, recalling the generally known information that the Chiss Ascendancy had risen against their Imperial allies in an attempt to reforge their own fallen empire. Normally, this situation would already be well in hand by the Empire’s vast military resources - yet it would seem their former Chiss allies had timed this crisis perfectly.

The news concerning the death of Rurik Fel Rurik Fel - the Iron Imperator - had reverberated across the entirety of the Empire, eliciting reactions ranging from shock to pure and unmitigated grief. When news arose about the Ascendancy’s duplicity, such widespread grief evolved yet again to unquenchable rage amongst the vast majority of the Empire’s citizens - with Margo hardly serving as an exception. As her mind drifted to the sheer wherewithal on the part of their former allies to launch such a shameless and dishonorable attack upon the Empire during this particular period in its history; whatever mirth she may have felt at being deemed worthy to join amongst such elite company had turned to ash in her mouth. Like many of those taking up arms in Nirauan’s defense, Margo wanted vengeance for the late Imperator - vengeance for those who in the not so distant past had defended NIrauan from the hordes of Mawites who attempted to defile its consecrated ground.

As she ruminated thusly, the voice of her superior officer chimed over the comm frequency, apprising her team about their direct objectives set before them. As Sergeant Vaiken outlined the status of the previous team's failure to sabotage Tansen Dam, and described their primary objective in an effort to salvage the situation, chaos erupted around them in the span of a few moments. A commotion could be heard near the cockpit, followed by the abrupt and erratic maneuvers on the part of the shuttle’s pilots in some effort to seemingly evade or avoid something - presumably anti-air ordinance.

It would seem Margo’s assumption was correct, as a massive explosion could be heard near the port section of the shuttle, followed by a forceful and violent jolt. The dropship issued an exceedingly loud wail as one of its engines completely disintegrated into thousands of shards and the remaining engines struggled to compensate. The admirable efforts on the part of the shuttle crew to try and stabilize the craft proved to be in vain as Margo spied from the corner of her helmet’s eye slots the view of Nirauan’s surface growing closer with sickening speed.

Then, everything went dark.

Sergeant Liaeris had no idea how long she was out, but presumably it was only for a few prolonged moments, as she could hear the frantic calls of Vaiken over the comm frequency. :: me -- get the hell outta there now!!”::

At first, she moved somewhat sluggishly, but both her training and genetic modification soon took over as her senses quickly returned to her. Instinctively, her hand reached out for her service knife sheathed along her right calf. After gaining purchase, the blade quickly cleared the sheath and slashed through the nylon restraints that had jammed tight due to the sudden impact. She gave a quick once-over of her BKM Particle Rifle while chiming in to answer Vaiken’s increasingly urgent calls: ”Liaeris here Sarge, and copy. ETA on tango arrival?”

As she waited for Hal’s reply, Margo set about checking on the status of her squadmates, and checking on the status of the flight crew in as quick a manner as she could. She did not doubt Hal’s summation of events; specifically, that they needed to get out of there.

And fast.

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S T O R M C A L L E R - L E A D E R
Deployment: Secure Niraun Airspace, Provide Aerial Support
Aerial Support to Ground: Gavyn Berand Gavyn Berand | Lily Stevens | Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris

Niruan. The former capital of the Empire and still one of its most prized jewels. Though the world was no longer the seat of Imperial power, it held sentimental value for Andro Stratus and millions of other veterans who still remembered the Sith-Imperial Civil War, the conflict that had given birth to a new imperial order. Stratus was just one of many who had risen up against the tyrannical Sith -- himself fighting for the freedom of his homeworld Jabiim from Sith control -- and it had been on Nirauan where the Empire they knew had been founded.

Now the Chiss dared attack it. The Chiss owed their entire existence to the Empire. If it had not been for the lives of millions of Stormtroopers spent stopping the onslaught of the Maw, the Chiss species would be extinct today. But gratitude was apparently hard-won in their culture, and even with their homeworld destroyed they sought to spite their Imperial saviors when they should be worshiping them.

Andro Stratus had no love nor hatred towards the Chiss. But they had made their choice by attacking the Empire, and so they would reap the consequences.

"This is Stormcaller Leader. Re-engage power to all systems and form upon my vector to begin initiatory attack sequence." Stormcaller squadron consisted of TIE Interceptor Pilots handpicked by Stratus, all Jabiim natives, who flew with clockwork proficiency. The 19th Starfighter Wing upon one time had been comprised entirely of Jabiimi, but time and war had thinned the numbers to be replaced by new recruits, a lesser stock trained in cushy Imperial academies. Rookies were given a hard time, and they comprised more than three-quarters of the wing's casualties, but those that survived and adapted earned their spots. And the elite of the elite flew alongside Stratus himself.

The TIEs had broken off from the Imperial Formation to evade the Chiss blockade and descend into the Niraun atmosphere. Air control was utter chaos, with ragged defense squadrons still providing some resistance though Chiss naval forces had quashed most. However, said Chiss naval forces were now engaged with the Imperial fleet in orbit, allowing a single squadron of sleek TIE interceptors to sneak past running only on the power necessary for propulsion to remain undetected.

As they descended further through Niruan's atmosphere, the low cloud clover broke to reveal the battle raging on below. Through the chaos of blasterfire, Imperials and Chiss would hear the signature whine of engines which conveyed an unmistakable message:

The Prodigal Sons were here.

Location: Brask Oto Station, decommissioned Repair Bay BA-4
Equipment: BH-Specter Slicer Vibroknife, Hekler'Kok Survival Machete, DSP-61x Hybrid Pistol, CK-60 01x Disruptor Carbine, Hellion-class Commando Armour Mk I
Map Summary at the bottom
Minus sixty.

"Teams, standby for insertion."

Sylus stood up from the crash seat, moving into position in the cargo hold at the front of his team. The ISB teams were arranged in rows facing the exit ramp of the shuttle, bathed in low red light. Final checks. Weapons loaded, armour sealed. He donned his helmet, the light and sounds muffled for a second before the helmet's HUD lit up. He tapped the shoulder of the CompForce trooper ahead of him, signaling to him that his suit was not sealed for low-pressure. He ran through the plan in his head again.

Minus thirty.

"Approaching drop point." The announcement came through the comms channel this time. He switched to Tactical.

"This is Rama actual, comms check."

"Rama Two, roger."

"Rama Three, roger."

Down the numbers it went, until all twelve of his assigned CompForce squad checked in. All that was left was another equipment check and the waiting.

Sylus accessed the video feed of the vanguard team that had deployed ahead of the main ISB detachment. The slicers, engineers and security team had already floated their way through the now-unsealed doors of the decommissioned bay. Their video feeds relayed a barren section of the station. Even the artificial gravity and magnetic shielding was deactivated. Exactly as expected.

Minus ten.

"Teams, drop point in ten seconds."

"Ready up!" called one of the other ISB agents to their squad. Sylus checked his Carbine again, making sure the optics were calibrated to his helmet.

The emergency lights dimmed and Sylus felt the shuttle decelerate. Then, a slight bump. They were in.


"Contact light." In under a second, the exit ramp popped open, silent in the vacuum safe for the vibrations he could feel in his boots, and Sylus' training kicked in, sprinting out of the ship, leading the way into the repair bay as the ISB detachment flooded out of the shuttle.

Silently, the groups assembled at their pre-determined entrance points out of the bay and into the station proper, their positions already marked out days ago using the old schematics. Sylus led his team down the left, towards an airlock. Three of his squad stacked up, one already setting up a slice. In under a minute, the entire detachment were already at their breach points, the stealth teams already exiting through the ceiling into the maintenance tunnels. Textbook.

Sylus waited in position with his team before Command finally gave the word.


"All teams, breach."

The airlock slid open and Rama squad piled in, followed by the other ISB squads assigned to this lock. When all had entered, the airlock slid close and Rama felt the lock pressurise. The slicer at the front gave a thumbs up as Rama moved forward to stand beside her. Second layer breached.


The second layer of the airlock popped open, and two Chiss personnel, plainclothes and holding clipboards several paces away from the airlock, turned in shock. Before either could react, Sylus was upon them, the butt of his Carbine cracking the skull of one and a fist into the nose of the other. The second Chiss recoiled in shock, and one of the CompForce troopers moved to fire his gun. Sylus pivoted and threw himself on the Chiss. Shoulder blow. Elbow strike. Follow to the ground. Two jabs. The Chiss was on the floor, unmoving.

Hundred and ten.

As Sylus stood up, he checked to make sure his gun was still working.

"Discretion. We don't need the noise yet," he said over the comms. The trooper gave a nod.

Diversion dealt with, the ISB squads fanned out into the corridors, moving with direction and purpose, their HUDs plotting out their paths towards the Chiss High Command. Rama Squad led the way down another corridor, dispatching the occasional maintenance crew. All the while, distant klaxons signalled that the Knights had already entered the station openly far on the other side of the place. As they got deeper, communication links between the furthest ISB squads began to get spotty. Sylus frowned. That was unusual.

"Eyes up. We've only just begun."

Two hundred.

Sylus signalled a stop as they reached a blast door. They were about to enter what might be a populated section, according to the map. Insufficient intel on this location meant that they would have to check to see if it was populated. If it was, an elevator ride would give the ISB detachments a shortcut pass a dozen levels. If not, they would have to start crawling into the maintenance tunnels on their side of the blast door.

The slicer got to work on the console, trying to access camera feeds, while the rest of Rama squad stacked up at the blast door. Another CompForce trooper from another squad got to work pulling open a maintenance hatch further back down the corridor, in case that was the direction they wanted to go.

"We're in." The slicer channeled the camera feeds into the Agent's HUD. It appeared to be an abandoned circular office section ringing a central elevator shaft on the other side of the blast door. The mpas showed more levels of offices up and down that section.

"Command, ring eight appears abandoned. Advise on next course of action."

"Rama actual, this is Command. Take-" the comm channel cut out, a second before someone in the corridor screamed in pain.

Sylus looked up as one of the troopers fell backwards, smoking hole in his chest. Barrelling down the corridor were Chiss soldiers. No... The uniform. Chiss Intelligence.

"Ambush!" The CompForce troopers immediately moved to the sides of the corridor or moved into perpendicular passages, taking up defensive positions. Sylus slammed himself into the wall, aiming to shrink his target profile as he fired down the hallway.

Several Chiss agents fell to the counter-barrage of fire, but the CompForce squad was hit hard. Before Sylus could order they pile into the maintenance tunnel, the trooper that was prying it open yelled in pain as he, too, fell, this time from a blaster bolt originating from inside the tunnel.

"We're trapped!" one of the troopers cried out.

"Two, Open the blast door! Everyone, into the next section!" Sylus ordered as he pushed himself off the wall and charged down the hallway. Firing at full-auto, he gunned down several more Chiss agents, but more were pouring in, this time from the connecting passages too.

The blast door screeched open and the ISB forces moved deeper into the station, taking up covering positions to aid the retreat of the rest. Sylus popped a grenade into the maintenance hatch before joining the retreat, reloading his carbine.

A Chiss agent in armour, coming in from one of the side passages, cut him off. The Chiss brandished a blaster and opened fire. Instinctively, Sylus channeled the Force, boosting his agility. Muscle memory kicked in and Sylus twisted out of the way. Using the angular momentum, the ISB Agent twisted and landed a backhanded blow at the side of the Chiss' head. Before the assailant could recover, Sylus followed up with a kick in the ribs. The Chiss' armour absorbed most of the blow, but Sylus finished him off with a Vibroknife into the hostile's soft chin armour.

Several blaster bolts caught Sylus in the back and he swung around, using the body (now attached to his knife) as a body shield, absorbing another hail of blaster fire. Moving backwards, he realised he was the last to pass the blast door.

"Seal it!" he called out, peering past the body shield as he continued to move backward, feeling his Force-enhanced movement wear off. Through the hail of exchanging gunfire, Sylus spotted another Chiss squad entering the corridor, this time bringing out a missile launcher.

"Seal it now!" he called out again, slinging his Carbine and fumbling for his pistol with one hand, the body shield still held out in front of him. He spotted the pistol holstered on the body shield and he drew it, firing down the corridor, trying to aim for the one carrying the missile. A blaster bolt (he did not know whose) took out the soldier, but even as the blast door closed, another picked it up and fired down the hall.

Sylus cursed and dropped his pistol, channeling the Force again. He was an amateur at best, but he still willed a Push, trying to knock the missile off course. It seemed to deviate slightly and impacted the edge of the blast door.

The explosion threw Sylus backwards, hitting his head on something solid, and the world went dark.
Sylus came to with the sounds of shouting and gunfire echoing in his head. He shook his head clear and slowly pushed himself up. He was still alive. He pushed a body off him as he got up on one knee, looking around. He had evidently been pulled away from the entrance, but was not propped up in one of the abandoned offices.

A black-clad figure rushed into the room. Sylus realised it was one of his men, though he had already reacted by drawing his pistol.

"Actual, you're alive! I-"

"Sitrep." Sylus holstered his gun and got to his feet.

"Blast door is dented but holding. The hostiles now are firing down on us from the upper levels around the elevator. That's why we're holing up in the offices and trying to hit them at an angle between the rooms."

"Can you raise Command? Or any of the other detachments."

"Comms still scrambled."


"Control panel is at the center of the ring, but, well, that makes it exposed to gunfire."

Sylus nodded.

"Then we kill them all and make our way up, level by level."

Sylus unslung his Carbine, reloaded, and exited the room. He looked up and understood what the trooper meant by hitting at an angle. The walkway of each level was vertically obscured by the walkway of the next higher level, which meant one could only fire at someone on another level by manuvering to the other side of the ring. And the control panel for the elevator, situated at the inner edge of the ring, meant that anyone from the upper level could fire at it.

Sylus spotted other CompForce squads dodging and weaving around the walkway, trying to get a bead on the upper level while avoiding return fire.

We need a distraction.

Sylus keyed his comms. It was unclear from their vitals if any higher-ranking ISB agents were still conscious, so he opened the channel to all ISB personnel.

"This is Rama Actual. We need to access the elevator now. Consolidate into three groups and place yourselves at the nearest waypoint here, here and here," he said, marking on his HUD three points on the ring equidistant from each other. From all three vantage points, with coordinated fire, the ISB-CompForce detachment could suppress Chiss firing down from above, giving slicers some relative safety to run to the control panel and call the elevator (hardened to blaster fire) to their level.

"Any slicers, hang back and make a break for the control panel when the hostiles are suppressed. Move out." Sylus finished, before moving to one of the waypoints and firing up at the Chiss.


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Kelinna Tryn



TAG: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Gavyn Berand Gavyn Berand | Andro Stratus Andro Stratus | Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris

GEAR: Armour | Sniper rifle | Pistol | Rifle | Vibroblade | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout




Just another exercise.

That's what the SCAR-Operations had become to Lily. As dark as it was, war and battles was all she had left. Her ribs had been repaired as fast as possible after Tython to be able to get her back into the field for the next stint. And the next stint was a blind but dickish move from the Chiss. Damn blues would never be satisfied or grateful, it seemed.

As if Nirauan hadn't suffered enough already.

The Reaper was silent in the dropship as Sarge rebriefed them on their descent. For a change, he was back on Overwatch which could be beneficial for a change - get things done quicker. Unless the newest SCAR additions went on walkabout. Rook Gavyn Berand Gavyn Berand had proven his worth on Tython at least, so hopefully he'll be able to keep it up. The new girl was still a gamble, however - it remained to be seen where her chips would fall within the team. She had survived the Sith so far, so here was to hoping.

:: The Chiss have reinforced the dam since their initial assault rendering our current blueprints useless and set up a jammer to block our attempts to scan the dam for an integral weakness. Your first task is to destroy that jammer -- its location is supposedly in the perimeter of the dam. ::

Simple enough.

<Copy that.> Taking out a jammer was at least a good change of pace from frying forcefield panels on a driveyard. Not that she had long to ruminate on the situation. The dropship shuddered and alarms blared before it hurtled rapidly to the ground in a trail of smoke.

Suit systems were screaming Lily back to consciousness while stim was injected into her bloodstream to get her moving and back on track.
"Fucking aliens." she coughed as she rolled over to be able to start crawling from the wreck. Something in her leg complained dimly before the stim and bacta drowned it out.

Just then, Sarge's order garbled through the static with stops and starts.
: .....if you read me -- get the hell outta there now!!"
: "Liaeris here Sarge, and copy. ETA on tango arrival?" :


<Shut it and move, Liaris! You got your order! Head for those boulders at Two and take cover!> Lily barked as she struggled to her feet outside the wreck while swinging the battle rifle from its maglock on her shoulderblade. <Berand! Can you move? If you can, get moving NOW!> she then checked on the lad as the rifle was brought to her shoulder to hold cover for the two Rooks as the approaching crunch of boots on the ground could be heard.

They were already out of time.



Lord-General of the Chiss Force Corps
Brask Oto Command Station
The Chiss Reclamation

Alarms blared loud, metal boots clanked on decks of steel, and hulls peeled off their frames screeched as the assault on the station raged on. The Imperial Knights and their trooper lackeys spread chaos in vindication of their recent rout from what was rightfully Chiss space.

Argent blades lit up the wide corridor up ahead as the cloaked forms of the Knights materialized in Zodt's view. Their rallying cries echoed through the cacophony of war driven by the familiar figure of the imperial heir.

This would be their burial grounds, and from their ashes - the Chiss will reclaim what was rightfully theirs.

"The hour is upon us, Tris." his husky voice broke the silence of the Nightdragon ranks, "It is time you proved yourself worthy to the cause."

Zodt's glance lifted from Tris's slender form to the incoming Imperial Knights. He clenched his fists tight and felt the Force howl as he bent it to his will. Hints of sulfur danced across his sanguine orbs as the power of the dark side violently surged through him.

"Die." his free hand snapped forward and the walls surrounding the Knights collapsed inward to squash them in a telekinetic storm of steel and plast.

ENEMY: Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira Sahar Sahar

Seydou of Thyrsus






  • 1st Armor Division [STR 5/5]
  • 2nd Mechanized Division [STR 5/5]
  • 3rd Mechanized Division [STR 5/5]
  • 4th Infantry Division [STR 5/5]
  • 5th Infantry Division [STR 5/5]
  • 1st Armor Division [STR 5/5]
  • 2nd Amor Division [STR 5/5]
  • 3rd Mechanized Division [STR 5/5]
  • 4th Mechanized [STR 5/5]
  • 5th Infantry Division [STR 5/5]

The cold wind softly brushed the endless steppes, the dry stalks of grass lazily flailing in its grace. Schools of various avians emerged from the rolling hillocks in the distance determined to reach the warmer plains to the south before winter's bite clipped their wings. Chaf'araa'kombi allowed the rising winds to caress his face, their chilly digits reminding him of a home long lost.

:: Supreme Commander--:: the comlink beeped and the officer meandered back to his buzzing headquarters.

Holoprojections lit the war room ablaze, while lower-ranked officers passed in and out delivering various reports to the Army Group's Command Staff.

"Sir, both armies are fully prepared and stand ready to execute their respective plans." his adjutant, Naroth, reported. "The last intelligence reports state the air over both front lines remains contested, while the Imperial manpower deployed so far remains underwhelming in size compared to ours."

"Very well." Faraak nodded, then turned to the rest of the Group's staff,"This is the day we carve our new home in the galaxy. Rejoice, gentlemen, today the Chiss rise again."


3rd Mechanized Division [STR 5/5]
4th Mechanized Division [STR 5/5]
5th Infantry Division [STR 5/5]​

The guns of artillery and heavy walkers deployed across the front lines roared with excitement as the order for attack came down the chain of command. The skies darkened as shells whistled across the skies, guided by the precision of forward operators and crashed into the formations of the Imperials with no remorse. The Chiss infantry remained impatient in their positions, waiting for their enemy to be softened up enough for them to easily take ground.


1st Armor Division [STR 5/5]
2nd Mechanized Division [STR 5/5]​

While the 4th and 5th attempted to pin and soften the defenders of the fort, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd surged across plains and mounds painting the coastline. They were to quickly secure the town on the coast, west of the fort, and support the 4th and 5th's siege of Fort Yularen. Tightly knit in a narrow formation, the spear of the armored and mechanized divisions punched south.


1st Armor Division [STR 5/5]
2nd Mechanized Division [STR 5/5]
3rd Mechanized Division [STR 5/5]
4th Infantry Division [STR 5/5]
5th Infantry Division [STR 5/5]​


Blitz vs. Aerys Fortan

Unlike their counterparts awaiting the artillery's task to be finished, the infantry divisions were rewarded with an order to follow in the tracks of their armor and mechanized divisions as they blitzed towards the power plant. An aggressive assault sacrificing defensive prudence in the attempt to achieve a quick victory of the strategic power plant and open a new front with the defenders at Fort Yularen.



Location: Tansen Dam, Nirauan
Tags: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Lily Stevens | Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris | Andro Stratus Andro Stratus
Gear: Storm Commando Armor | Service Rifle | Concussion Rifle | Pistol | Vibroknife | Grenades and other explosives


As the Imperial dropship descended through the atmosphere of Nirauan toward their objective, and as SCAR listened to their orders, a storm of emotions swirled around in Sergeant Gavyn Berand's head. Rurik Fel, the Iron Imperator, was dead, fallen on Tython in service of his Empire and his people. Like much of the Empire, Gavyn had mourned him, grief-stricken at the loss of his Emperor. During this period of grief and vulnerability, however, they had been betrayed, stabbed in the back by a resurgent Chiss state that sought to reassert themselves at the expense of the Empire that had bled itself dry on their behalf. Grief had turned to anger and fury, directed at the traitorous Chiss who dishonored the sacrifices that had been made and threatened the very stability of the Empire. And now they struck at Nirauan of all places, the Jewel of the Empire. How many millions had died defending Csilla, or the rest of Chiss space from the advancing hordes of the Maw? How much had the Empire sacrificed to prevent their destruction as a species?

For Gavyn, though, this felt more personal. As a boy he remembered small groups of Chiss refugees being welcomed to Garqi, his small agricultural homeworld. They had been welcomed with open arms, given a chance to start anew in a safe, stable place. As a freshly-trained stormtrooper he had fought on Noris, and had been part of one of the Empire's greatest military failures. They had fought and suffered beside Chiss there, and thousands upon thousands of his brothers and sisters had stood and died upon the cold ground there. They gave their lives willingly so that Chiss could be evacuated from that blasted planet.

Even now, guilt clawed at the edges of the young stormtrooper's mind when he thought of Noris. He had made it home, largely unscathed; almost no one else did. Some part of him felt that he should have fallen on Noris as well, forever resting there with the 117th. What had any of it been for, if this was how they were repaid?

He shook his head, clearing away the cobwebs in his mind. As always, SCAR had a job to do, one only they could do. Focus on that.

There wasn't much time to ruminate anyway. Gavyn was violently pulled from his thoughts by the blaring of alarms. The ship shuddered violently, rocked by explosions, and plummeted to the ground. The Storm Commando had enough time to brace himself for impact; then things went dark.

Gavyn came to in the wreckage, jolted back into consciousness as stims and bacta dispensed by his armor's auto-injectors flooded his bloodstream. His head was still spinning, and he felt some pain on his side, dulled though it was by the bacta. Probably a broken rib or two, he figured. Sarge's garbled transmission could just be made out, as could Reaper urging him to get up and move. "I'm okay," he said as he stumbled to his feet. Unbalanced as he was, Gavyn nearly fell again, but managed to catch himself.

The crunch of approaching footsteps could be heard. The enemy was already upon them. Gavyn retrieved the CF6 he had brought for this op, readied it, and shouldered it. It was time for SCAR to introduce themselves.

He stepped forward, poking around the edge of the wreckage. A squad of Chiss soldiers was approaching the crash site, rifles lowered; apparently they didn't expect survivors. They seemed well-armed, but they were all grouped far too close together. One of them saw Gavyn's black-armored figure and cried out; at that very moment, Gavyn fired a slightly dialed-up concussive round into the center of the group. The shot moved too fast for the Chiss to react. It exploded in their midst, creating a concussive blast that engulfed the entire squad. The soldiers were sent flying, battered and shredded by the force of the explosion.

All of them fell to the ground, scattered by the explosion. A couple of them moved, heavily wounded but still alive; most lied still. None of them got back up. That's what happened when you didn't watch your intervals.

Gavyn slung the CF6 over his back and shouldered his service rifle, then turned to the rest of SCAR.

<"Let's move.">



Sahar|Imperial Knights|Operation Knightfall
Tags:// Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Sinestra Sinestra Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne

Already? How disappointing, she thought as she stepped out from the boarding ship and onto the corridor. From where Sahar had entered the station, several Chiss stood in her direct way, staring down the Kandaran with sabers drawn, ready to stop her from getting any further. Crimson lights hanging above illuminated both Sahar and the Chiss in a ghoulish shade of red light, the only other colour being Sahar's pale yellow eyes that pierced in the dark crimson light and shadows.

Sahar observed the Chiss before her, noting the apprehension in their eyes and the timid stance; they were afraid but stubborn enough to stand and fight her, which earned them a sly smirk as she activated her own saber and rushed them. Sahar slid under the swipe of a Chiss saber, using her free hand to force push slam the Chiss against the durasteel, throwing them against it so hard that for a brief moment, it felt like the durasteel would fold inwards from the impact. She turned her attention to the next Chiss, blocking an overhead strike and trading several furious blows in the tight confines of the corridor before blocking the Chiss's knight's saber and pushing it to the side before using the opening to bring her saber across his chest brutally.

"Pathetic animals."

She proclaimed arrogantly with a cackle, as more came to face the knight of Kandara.


Objective I • Operation: Phalanx

313th Stormtrooper Legion • 'SABRETOOTH LEGION'
Task Force • 'SEVEN SOULS' (40/40)



Allies: IMP • Aerys Fortan DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih FN-999
Enemies: CA • Faraak





establishing fob_
Nirauan. Before this moment, this day and this so-called Operation ‘Phalanx’, Asanté Tsilor -- commander of the 4th Battalion -- never had the opportunity to visit this planet. When the Maw came upon New Carannia eight years ago he was already serving as a buckethead within the Imperial Armed Forces but wasn’t in the right division or legion to be called to fight for the liberty of New Carannia, unlike several troopers he now knew, after almost fifteen years of service as a Stormtrooper among his brothers. However, he knew that most of his comrades from the Sabretooth Legion participated in this operation, especially the former-Lord-General Barran, who was now the Lord-Regent of the ‘new’ Empire Tsilor was part of. He heard several stories, told by old troopers and officers, about how Erskine Barran had led the Imperial forces against the Brotherhood in the different districts of New Carannia.

But those stories were part of the past. A past that Tsilor didn’t want to reproduce. But he better knew the past where his brothers left their footprints so he would be able to not reproduce their errors. Now, the Empire was writing the story of Nirauan, its bright jewel. For the third time of his existence, and for the second time of this conflict.

Settled with Task Force ‘Seven Souls’ -- also known as TF-7S -- the 1st-Leftenant from the 313th was asking himself why the Chiss were doing this. Why those boys in blue were seceding from the Empire even though the Imperial gave everything to them; a home, a family, an army -- protection. Why this penchant for being disobedient, rebellious? Why this tendency to war? Asanté understood this need for identity, this desire to have a home that could be called ‘sweet home’. He himself came from a world lost in the Eastern of the Galaxy, where nothing happened, where they had to fight for acknowledgement. But the Empire gave him everything he wanted. Even the Anaxsi, known for their inclination towards refusal to obey didn’t want to secede from Bastion. What didn’t run smoothly in the minds of the Blues?

‘Err… What a trip, eh?’ 2nd-Leftenant McAlastair declared as he came near Tsilor, who was sitting on the grass. Trenches had been built by the troopers from the 313th and the 908th Legions, and the Kiffar sat at the bottom of the structure, waiting for orders or movements from the Chiss army. ‘Any sit-rep from the Wildcats?’

‘Yep,’ Tsilor nodded, ‘Colonel Nines is makin’ tactics with Gowrie. Everythin’ seems to be under their control fo’ the moment and --’ as he ended his sentence, he suddenly stood up, trying to not show that he didn’t struggle to be on his feet. He took a hand tho the side of his helmet, receiving a radio communication from the recon division of the Imperial phalanx deployed around Fort Yularen -- probably a unit under Nines’ command. ‘Oh-oh… It’s gonna be mad… Three Chiss’ regiments are comin’ to us, Merrick. Three of ‘em, you hear this?’

‘How many troops?’

‘Dunno, but wait a minute… Nines seems to be on the case, so no prob’ fo’ the moment. We won’t get busy for the moment. We only act as a support group, eh. Are our men ready to counter any attack?’

‘Yep. Keep calm about this.’ McAlastair deeply breathed soon after saying this last phrase. ‘Aaah… This atmosphere… It reminds me of the first battle -- or the second one, can’t be sure. Yeah, the second one. Against the Maw.’

‘Didn’t know you took part in it.’

‘Mh-mh. ‘Was part of the 173rd before the officer academy, y’know? ‘The Myrmidons.’ I fought under Dooku’s command. He has been a good general -- ‘think he still is. The battle was terrible. Terrible as you cannot imagine, Asanté. What a difficult fight, we made here, but what a last stand… Barran was already Lord-General. He did a job… Ah-ah -- he already was excellent at defeating those Sith scums.’

Tsilor nodded as a simple answer. Everything had been said.
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501st LEGION

Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris Gavyn Berand Gavyn Berand Lily Stevens

:: Liaeris here Sarge, and copy. ETA on tango arrival? ::

They were alive!

:: ... less than a minute -- move! :: Sarge barked through the comms, his voice cut by the static. The jammer was fully operational.

:: Sir! :: the face of a signals officer materialized from the holoprojector :: Think we've been able to pinpoint the jammer's location! ::

:: You... think?! ::

:: The margin of error's small, Sir. Sending you the coordinates. ::

:: It better be. :: he grumbled. They were gambling with the lives of his soldiers. Conventional warfare allowed margins of error, special forces did not. They had no room for mistakes - they had to be exceptional. Every little mistake behind enemy lines could not cost only the lives of an operative but the whole outcome of a battle.

The sergeant's eyes narrowed over the holo map as he punched in the coordinates.

:: SCAR, this is Sarge, do you copy? Coordinates of the jammer have been transmitted to your HUDs -- half a klick west from your position, foot of the slope. Be advised for sentries, patrols, mines, and any other defensive emplacements on your way. It's dry season up north, cover's bound to be scarce so stay frosty. :: Sarge said, :: And get moving, stat -- squad you gunned down's bound to raise alarms when they don't check back in. ::​

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