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To codify the main Squadron of Chiss Vessels that Amelia von Sorenn commanded at Tython
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Permission(s)Not Applicable
Canon Link(s)Not Applicable
Primary Link(s)Amelia von Sorenn
Galactic Alliance
Operation Shadow Hand


Fleet NameAscendancy Squadron
ClassificationBattle Squadron
Affiliation Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
Galactic Alliance
Chiss Ascendancy

Fleet Symbol

Ascendancy Squadron was a naval squadron of the Galactic Alliance comprised predominately of Chiss Vessels that served as a Battle Squadron of the Galactic Alliance Supreme Commander, Amelia von Sorenn. Following the onset of the Caldera Crisis, the Ascendancy Squadron was led by the Nightdragon-class Battlecruiser Harbinger, which was typically supported by Chiss-designed Star Destroyers and Heavy Cruisers. Additional Chiss Starships could be attached to the Squadron as required by its current mission or role.



Ascendancy Squadron was deployed in the Tython System to assist in pushing back the Dark Empire's Invasion force that had targeted the Deep Core and was utilized to cover the evacuation of Civilians and Jedi from Tython before the planet fell to the Empire. Its current objective is to secure the region of Chiss Space held by the Galactic Alliance and assist in preventing the spread of Imperial or Sith expansion in the region.

Ascendancy Squadron was a naval formation established after the Mandalorian Invasion of the Galactic Alliance and deployed during the ongoing Caldera Crisis. Though the commander of the Squadron, Amelia von Sorenn, whose own reputation stems from a long life of naval service is well established; the squadron itself has only just begun to establish its reputation as it was deployed to defend and later assist in evacuating Tython whilst also engaging the resurgent Mawite forces of the Dark Empire.


Fleet SizeMedium
Lead ShipANS Harbinger - Nightdragon-class Battlecruiser




  • Commodore Mighar'ivi'ner (Arivine) - Subcommander of Ascendancy Squadron
    • Mighar'ivi'ner was a member of the Chiss Brast Family and had only been a child when the Brotherhood of the Maw saw to the Annihilation of the Chiss Homeworld of Csilla. It was this experience that galvanized her into pursuing a career in the Chiss Expansionary Fleet and later joining the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. When Ascendancy Squadron was formed, then Captain Arivine was promoted to Commodore Arivine and given command of the ANS Harbinger; the Flagship of the Squadron.

  • Captain Evra'ira'kenilen (Airak) - Commander of Csilla Squadron
    • Evra'ira'kenilen was a member of House Sabosen and was being groomed to take a position in the family overseeing social issues. His sense of Justice, however, derailed this promising career as he sought to join the Galactic Alliance Defense Force to actively counter and protect his people against future threats. When Ascendancy Squadron was formed, then Commander Airak was promoted to Captain Airak and given command of the ANS Titania; the command ship of Csilla Squadron.

  • Captain Erazi'te'akomt (Ziteak) - Commander of Cioral Squadron
    • Erazi'te'akomt was a distant relation to the allegedly defunct House Paiiri and had spent much of his life away from what was known to be Chiss Space. His youth was spent aboard freighters and cargo haulers learning nearly every position and trade on a vessel to keep it running until his family scraped together enough Credits to send him to the Anaxes Academy. His natural talents and quick learning saw him graduate in the upper percentage of his class; Ziteak was serving as a Lieutenant Commander on an Alliance Cruiser when Ascendancy Squadron was formed and was promoted to Captain Ziteak. He was given command of the ANS Covenant; the command ship of Cioral Squadron.

  • Commander Festu'rsa'tatripo (Tursata) - Flight Commander of all Starfighter Squadrons
    • Festu'ras'tatripo was a member of the Chiss Brast Family and was the younger sister of Commodore Arivine, and had barely been born when the Brotherhood of the Maw annihilated the Chiss Homeworld of Csilla. Her youth was spent unwisely, and it was only the last-hour intervention of her older sister that prevented Tursata from seeing the inside of a Prison Cell. Despite Tursata's protest, she found herself well suited for the rigid command structure of the Galactic Alliance and took quickly to the Starfighter Squadron Corps. When Ascendancy Squadron was formed, then Lieutenant Tursata was handpicked by Commodore Arivine, promoted to Commander, and given command of all Starfighter Squadrons.

Ascendancy Squadron was established following the Mandalorian Invasion of the Galactic Alliance and just before the onset of the Caldera Crisis, and was formed around the Nightdragon-class Battlecruiser, the ANS Harbinger. With the Sith Order having struck at Celanon and Yavin IV, the opening of the Caldera Crisis permitted the opportunity for old enemies to strike against the Galactic Alliance. The Ascendancy Squadron was deployed into the Deep Core and was present in the Tython System when the Dark Empire utilized secret routes to invade, and was instrumental in the defense and later evacuation of civilians and Jedi from the Tython System. The Ascendancy Squadron was repaired, reinforced, and deployed to assist in securing the region and preventing the conflict from spilling into neighboring systems; recently the squadron was called to Coruscant to assist in repelling the likely Invasion that is to come.

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