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- Development Thread: None
- Primary Source: None
- Shipwright
- Luxury Vehicles
- Airspeeders
- Starship Components
A private Shipwright that had its roots in the Chiss Ascendancy before the Iron Empire arrived in Chiss Space, Ascendancy Staryards was one of the largest privately owned ship makers in Chiss Space and one of the largest suppliers of Nssis-series fighters. They were funded by several of the Chiss noble families and saw a great amount of success integrating technologies and ideas from outside of Chiss Space into their technology, which gave them a unique advantage over their competition. Though their specialty was Nssis-series fighters and luxury craft, they also produced many of the standard Chiss capital ship designs as well as some of their own unique designs which were sold to the various factions within Chiss Space including the Chiss Ascendancy and The Empire of the Hand.
Ascendancy Staryards was a shipwright for many decades prior to the introduction of the Iron Empire into Chiss Space. During that time many of their shipyards were nationalized by the burgeoning Iron Empire but after their fall and subsequent race into obscurity, many of the ships they constructed were left over. Thus Ascendancy Staryards sold much of its stock to regain credits lost during its brief stint as one of the Iron Empire's main shipwrights. It quickly gained favor with many of the noble houses and families within Chiss Space and found its niche selling the widely popular Nssis-series starfighters.
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