Iron Warden
.: a s c e n s i o n :.
Arc I
'A Question About Madness'
Starship Log 01920, 01:03
LSS Crescent Dawn
Linuri, Linuri System
This is Captain Miles Hayden of the LSS Crescent Dawn. While we were patrolling the outskirts of Whitecourt near Linuri's massive glacier, we detected a small anomaly that we are currently approaching. Most of the crew on the LSS Crescent Dawn is asleep, and I am currently manning the bridge while re-reading the holobook, "Linuri's History and Geography." To keep myself awake until our Chief Navigation Officer, Lieutenant Commander Aldhedge, I'll go through and briefly describe Linuri.
Ahem. Now, Linuri's only notable historical record was the Raid on Linuri in 9 ABY, more than 800 years ago, after Garm Bel Iblis's forces were defeated after a failed invasion of the planet's Imperial Navy base. Although being an Imperial victory, Grand Admiral Thrawn's presence was required elsewhere and the base on Linuri was reduced to a skeleton crew, before being abandoned altogether a few years later due to a lack of activity in the Outer Rim during Thrawn's campaign. Linuri fell off the galactic maps, and the only noteworthy event was 400 years later, when a small group of Imperial colonists came and made the military base their home, fleeing from the horrible Gulag plague was decimating the galaxy.
After 400 years of expansion and the arrival of new colonists from the galaxy seeking refuge from the Gulag plague, the planet of Linuri now has 300 million citizens and they eventually reformed their simple governance into the Planetary Federation of Linuri.
The Planetary Federation of Linuri essentially divided Linuri into Regions by their distinct ecological differences, each being managed by a Regional Prefect that reported to the Linuri Planetary Federal Government. These regions were:
- The Whitecourt, a massive landscape of mountainous and densely wooded forests that were populated by the initial Imperial colonists. The former Imperial Navy base, renamed to Northgate, serves as Linuri's planetary capital. 70% of the planet's population reside in Whitecourt, and its inhabitants are unusually wealthy, being descendants of rich Imperial nobles, politicians, and corporate magnates who were able to flee successfully from the Gulag plague. Whitecourt is run by a long-standing political cabal of House Ostyln, whose founder was an Imperial Moff of the Outer Rim. Whitecourt's industries are in the production of luxury items and goods as well as starships, with Blackwing Industries being responsible for most, if not all, of the planet's ship production. Even this ship was made by Blackwing Industries.
- The Mageview is the long coastal and jungle region that borders Violetfield, a vast region of inhospitable sand, from the east, south and west. There are a few tourist spots here that display the beautiful and scenic coasts of Linuri, as well as the vast amount of beautiful, local fauna and flora in its dense jungles. Mageview serves as the tourist center of Linuri and houses many of Whitecourt's private vacation estates, although most of its inhabitants are lower-classed workers who manage these various estates. 10% of the planet's population reside in Bluecourt and its management is assigned to Regional Prefect von Strauss.
- Eastfall is a huge plain region of Linuri that houses the last 20% of the population. Responsible for the planet's agrarian foodproducts, it is assigned to Regional Prefect Blackfair and is the poorest of all the regions. Not much is worth noting about Eastfall, as it is considered a peaceful, idyllic land, and as taxation is relatively low, its population is relatively happier than most galactic citizens.
Although several other regions existed, they were uninhabited due to the extremeness of their environment or simply due to an undesired expense for further exploration. These regions were simply named but have yet to be surveyed or populated, and only 20% of Linuri has actually been scanned and recorded in the planet's datarecords. Planetary scans, however, indicate an extremely diverse and rich ecosystem that has yet to be touched, a fact that most of Linuri's residents have a bit of pride about. A huge, rocky glacier covers one pole of the planet while the other is covered by a massive central desert named Violetfield, which is uninhabitable due to its deadly radiation and scorching temperatures. Linuri is in fact a slightly oblong and Violetfield remains at a fixed position in respect to the Linuri's sun throughout its orbit and planetary rotation.
Liquid water covers 30.8% of Linuri, with 50.6% being freshwater and 49.4% being saltwater. Southwest of Violetfield is a large ocean, which covers 15.2% of the planet's surface. 10.4% of the planet is covered in glaciers that are on the opposite pole of Violetfield. Now, moving on to...
What the hell is going on.
The rapid tapping of Captain Hayden's finger fill the log before a loud emergency siren fills the air.
All systems are being shut down externally, someone hacked into our ship's mainframe. Where is Lieutenant Sullivan, bring him here immediately so he can reboot our systems.
A disheveled, half-dressed naval officer quickly salutes and runs to the terminal, quickly pulling out a few boards, exposing various circuits and wiring. Just as he reaches down into the wiring in an attempt to reboot the systems, the screen shuts down, ending the log.