Ash Levine
The Hunter
Name: Ash LevineAlias:
Home Planet: Corellia
Faction: N/A
Rank: Sport Hunter / Bounty Hunter
Species: Human (Corellian)
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Sexuality: Heterosexuality
Height: 1.87 m
Weight: 197
Hair: Messy medium-length brown hair
Skin: Tan Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Force Sensitive: No
Strengths and Weaknesses (2 weaknesses minimum):
(+) Experienced Hunter: Having been raised by Togorians most of his life, Ash has learned many ways to fight from them.
(+) Excellent Climber: Another thing that Ash learned from the Togorians is how to climb, although Ash was obviously a worse climber, due to him not having any claws like them.
(+) Strong Fighter: Learning from the Nomadic Male Togorians, Ash has a strong fighting and hunting history, throwing strong punches he also prefers a bowie knife or machete as his weapon of choice.
(+) Keen-Eyed: Ash has a great eyesight and sense of smell allowing his scouting abilities to be greatly enhanced, as well as his reaction times.
(+) Mental Protection: For some unknown reason, Ash has the natural ability to hide or disguise his thoughts from force users.
(-) Technophobic: After spending most of his adult life as a Nomad, he was woefully lacking in technology. This causes him to not understand and shun it.
(-) Weak to Force Users: While he is good at protecting himself against force abilities, he has little to no way of protecting himself, as he knows no way to fight a lightsaber user.
Personality: Stern, keen-eyed, realistic, cold to strangers, aloof, street smart, dislike of most technology, and stubborn.
Appearance: As above. Tattoes from nomadic male Togorians.
Biography: Ash was born to a drunk of a father on Corellia and never knew his mother, as she and his father weren't married. Jason lived for most of his life caring for his drunk father, carrying him home and even stealing so that he could pay the rent. Eventually his father managed to have another bastard with a woman he didn't know, a Hapan. His half-sister's name was Kayleigh, and since his father couldn't be bothered and was probably unfit to, Ash mostly raised Kayleigh by himself and saw her as a full sister. One day his father had come home drunker than usual, but also missing his right hand. He had somehow gotten himself into debt with one of the crime lords of Corellia (If Anyone wants to take credit for being this person I'm fine with that) and his time to pay was coming up. Unfortunately their father had given up and was eventually gunned down by some of the Gang's members on Corellia. This left Ash on his own to look after himself and his sister, he was only 8 at this time, but had the sense of a 16 year old.
The landlord took pity on them, but only for a year. After that he kicked them out onto the undercity of Corellia, where the scumbags are fine and the gangsters are finer. This is how it went on for them for a long time for Ash and his sister. He was able to provide for both of them for awhile by taking odd jobs with the Exchange or by robbing other people. Some were easy targets that he could trick by pretending he was a lost child or a refugee, and with the gangs all he had to do was scout. Ash was annoyed by how he was living and wanted something better, he was happy his deadbeat dad was gone, but now he had nowhere to go. One day a wealthy looking Togorian had landed in the undercity for some reason, it didn't matter, all Ash cared about was this way off Corellia. When the driver was distracted with another attempted thief, Ash saw his chance and grabbed his sister and hopped onto the speeder. This was his first time flying one, but he thought he had seen enough adds. He was a terrible driver, and even crashed the thing, but he managed to make it to the better neighbourhood of Corellia, where all the rich people lived. He checked the compartments of the speeder to see if there was anything of use to him and his sister. There was some perfume for the speeder, a few spare credits, but then he grabbed the prize which was an unlimited senators card. He used this to buy anything he wanted, he got himself a nice apartment, new clothes and enough food to last a lifetime.