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Ash Spiegel [Private Eye]

Ash Spiegel

NAME: Ash Spiegel
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Private Eye / Bounty Hunter
AGE: 43

SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 161 Lbs.
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White



+ Inquisitive

+ Keen eye for detail

+ Street Smarts

+/- Willing to break some laws if necessary

- Morality can be pretty grey

- Never truly trusts anyone

- Often gets in over his head


I'm not some physically imposing giant who dishes out pain like he's some Mando Commando. Rather I'm quite average and bland in my appearance, but that's a good thing. Being the smaller guy. Well, that's not a detriment if you consider a harder target to hit, let alone find. Blending in or melding to the shadows are easier too. Yeh, it isn't all too bad being who I am. Just so long as a punching contest doesn't break out.

Now you wana know what I wear? You should know I'm usually the one asking the question. Not answering them. I'll play along though. My day to day wear is a good pair of slacks held up with a quality leather belt. I've seen way to many peoples pants fall off when they run away. Not that its a bad thing since it makes them easy to catch. Now, for the upper apparel I go with a 100% cotton button-up collared shirt with a tie, and of course a button-up vest. Only if its not to hot out. My trench coat and real fedora are my signature piece. Yes I said real fedora; not like a millions of trilby's people wear who think its the same hat. They're very ignorant of style I'll say, but that's not really something to worry about. Now back to my signature, the coat is a light brown, fitted with dozens of pockets and another belt. The hat too is brown but a bit darker with a black band. Footwear is a black Toe Cap Oxford style shoe. I get them tailor made down at Domorth's down on 34th and Albeny Way on Coruscant. And if you can afford it, I recommend them. If I'm out of the urban I wear a good pair of rugged boots. So that's what you asked, if you want more information maybe you should hire me for a more personal investigation.


Kind of my life story deal? Well... We'll keep out of the boring stuff and start around the time I began doing what I do today. 8 years ago I was still on the force. A detective in Coruscant's 221st precinct. We did a lot of work in the lower levels. Nothing like the shine and polish those Blues on the surface get to enjoy. But they're the ones you see, spiffy uniform and all that. Not like us. Have you any idea how much crime there is on a world with more than a trillion people? Even in the good times. Its rampant, like a plague. And the deeper you delve both physically and in terms of a case; the worse it gets. And that's... The reason I left the force. Things got too horrid, too much. There's only so much a man can take before he breaks or runs. Soft chuckle. And so I ran, so to say. I like to think of it as moving up though, since you get to pick and choose cases you want; you stay out of the outright suicidal ones and don't have to deal with some housewife's affair if you don't want.

So out of the force and after a nice break I set up shop a little higher up in Coruscant. Maybe not quite seeing the sunshine, but safer than from where I was. From there I took on all kinds of cases that had me cross the whole galaxy. Finding kidnapped loved ones. Ousting spies. Investigating old murders, partaking in some bounties and all sorts of other cases. Along the way I ran in to a host of not so nice characters. Bounty Hunters, Terrorists, Government Agents, The Syndicates and even alien monsters. So maybe my life isn't really all so much safer than what it was in the force; but its my choice now.

SHIP: None





Ash Spiegel


The everlasting battle of using to and too in the proper format. Unfortunately I'm no English Professor. So I just write the best I can and write how I feel things should sound. This is a matter of, advanced grammar. Where you would need to know a little bit more about English than most do, me included. Heck, I did great in English class. Just not that big a stickler for grammar so long as it looks ok. So in this instance, the to and too shall bend to my will. But if you want to inform me of the proper usage; I'd probably enjoy that.

Ash Spiegel

[member="Listeri Dalane"]

Well when most people are in the military, being a business person or off being a Jedi. That leaves few who wana do the gritty work left around.

[member="Lee Astaar"]
*Pondering intensifies*

I know, and I thank you for it.

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