Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A'Shaddam Kterskt


NAME: A'Shaddam Kterskt
RANK: Tusken Messiah/(Former)Warlord
SPECIES: Unknown Near-Human Race
AGE: Nineteen
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'5 1/2 Feet

WEIGHT: One hundred and thirty-four pounds.
EYES: Cerulean blue
HAIR: Sun-bleached, dark blond hair.
SKIN: Tanned.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes ( a Midi-chlorian count of 14,623 )


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Potent Potential: A'Shaddam possesses a incredibly high midi-chlorian count, and many of the attributes necessary for attaining competence in use of force abilities. If promptly taught, he has great potential to develop into a immensely powerful force-user.

+ Tinkerer: A'Shaddam processes a fast intellect, and a knack for utilizing mechanical and low-level technology, to the point of being able to construct an Archaic-lightsaber from salvaged sandcrawler batteries, starship durasteel and a Krayt Dragon Pearl with only bare, vague knowledge on how to construct one obtained from his tribe's raids.

+/- Child of the Sands: A'Shaddam grew up among the Sand-people of Tatooine, hunting, fighting and surviving on one of the most barren planets within the Galaxy from child-hood. As a result, he grew clever, skilled in combat, a lean survivalist and one accustomed to discomfort. However, despite his intelligence compared to his peers, he still maintains many of the Sand-people's sensibilities, such as being greatly discomfortable with exposed skin, discomfort of colder climates, and general tribalism. He also may be looked down upon for his origin.

- Ignorant: Even with him desperately seeking every facet of knowledge to be acquired from raids and trade, A'Shaddam is still almost pitifully uneducated on the basic customs, factions and situation in the galaxy at large.

- Untrained: Despite having a talent for the "core" force powers and great potential, A'Shaddam is ultimately completely self-taught and has no tutelage from another, more powerful force-sensitive, perhaps leaving him vulnerable to the dark side and unaware of the more subtle nuances of the force.

A'Shaddam stands at a impressive height of six-feet, five and a half inches, though he weighs little for his height, having a body sapped of fattening water by the Tatooine sun, one that is lean, wiry, thin and agile. His facial features are firm, criss-crossed with scars and weathered by heat and combat, featuring unusually bright Cerulean eyes and sun-bleached blond hair. Usually, he is cloaked in several layers of robings deliberately reminiscent of the clothing of the Tusken Raiders, yet with several more "modern" additions, such as a ballistic vest and face-plate.


A'Shaddam never knew his birth-parents, nor his original name. He was but a babe, when a horde of Tusken Raiders led by an aggressive and ambitious chief, tore into his parents' small part-town as wild and wicked as the sand-storms themselves. They murdered, looted and enslaved wantonly - except for A'Shaddam and a few other infants, who, by sand-people tradition, were adopted into the tribe due to their tender-age. Growing up, A'Shaddam took the name of his adoptive father, Shaddam Brother of the Chief, who thoroughly educated him in the ways of the Tusken Raiders - included hunting and oral tradition. A'Shaddam knew himself to be different from the majority of the sand-people at the rare times he caught glimpses of his tribe-mates unrobed, as it was forbidden to show any skin whatsoever except for the privacy of one's kinmen. This difference only fueled him to excel as a hunter and warrior for his tribe.

Unbeknownst to him, A'Shaddam's force sensitivity manifested at a young age, as even as a toddler, the rocks and carved toys he would play with would mysteriously levitate into air, and be propelled at break-neck speeds, often punching holes within his tribe's tents. This was kept hidden from the rest of the tribe by A'Shaddam's adoptive father, and the inexplicable tears appearing in his tribe's tents were eventually chalked up to the work of a sand demon. As he grew into a young boy, and started his first-hunts, he was able to somehow sense the presence of prey and the dangers of lurking Krayt Dragons, leading to him becoming renowned as a incredibly lucky and effective hunter.

Due to this talent, and a willingness to prove himself, he asked the chief to be allowed to undergo his trials of man-hood at the age of thirteen. Permission granted, the arrogant A'Shaddam immediately seeked out a Krayt Dragon to slay, as the best warriors of the Tuskens did to prove their worth as powerful warriors. His usual "luck" led him to be able to swiftly track down one of the beasts, whereas he observed from a distance and devised a cunning plan. He waited until sun-rise, where his shadow would be longest, as Krayt Dragons had difficulty discerning 2-D from 3-D images and often attacked shadows, and herded a Bantha towards it.

The beast attacked, and feasted upon the Bantha as A'Shaddam discarded his slug-throwing Tusken cycler and flanked the beast to physically engage it with his Gederffii, the traditional weapon of the sand-people. He crippled one of the beasts leg, and with the help of his shadow, admirable agility and "luck" danced circles around the beast, waiting for a opening to strike through the weak sinus cavity of the ravenous beast and kill it in one fell-swoop. However, being carried away with hubris and theatrics, he tripped on a rock, throwing off his blow and only wounding the beast which responded with a ear-shattering cry and a strike of the claws which left a deep gash upon the flesh of A'Shaddam's torso.

Upon his back and cornered, he reflexively closed his eyes, thrust out his hands and readied himself for the embrace of death. A moment passed, and he nervously opened his eyes. Instead of finding himself in the after-life, he looked to the beast frozen in mid-lunge. Mouth open in shock, he then looked down to his hands, apparently suspending the beast in air by some sort of unseen...... force.

With a testing motion of his hands, the Krayt Dragon was delimbed and slain. Still in shock, he gathered the pearl from the beasts' gullet and returned to camp. The chief, viewing this young up-start as a potential challenge to his power, decided to immediately issue the boy a challenge. A'Shaddam promptly telekinetically eviscerated the man, and proclaimed himself the new chieftian of his tribe. He surrounded himself with his tribes story-tellers, who proclaimed his abilities to be a result from the blessing of the Desert Spirits. The Tribesmen were divided; some worshipped A'Shaddam as a sort of messiah and other as a demon spreading witchcraft. The Prophet, as A'Shaddam began to be called, ruthlessly subjugated the dissidents within his tribe, though showed leniency to those who initially revolted but realized the error of their ways.

Soon, A'Shaddam reached out and began to subjugate many of the other tribes spread across the vast planet, some kneeled willingly to this new Warlord but others resisted and were forced into submission. Over the years, A'Shaddam united a majority of the sand-people, surrounding himself with learned men captured on space-port raids, story-tellers, holo-books and other artifacts of knowledge. Instead of destroying valuable technology, he taught his people how to use much of it - equipping many of his forces with captured blasters and armor. All the while, he slowly began to hone the basic aspects of the force, such as force-speed, telekinesis and mental influence - and soon became strong in them, though knowledge of any advanced techniques completely evaded him.

Soon, A'Shaddam's sand-peoples became a major thorn in the side of local republic security forces and increasing amounts of manpower were dedicated to combat his raiders, who began to out-right seize territory from colonists and settlers. At one point he even captured a Jedi Padawan. His men managed to extract disappointedly little from the Padawan before she expired, though she left behind a broken lightsaber. Studying the device, A'Shaddam managed to construct an Archaic lightsaber using captured equipment power-sources as a crude battery-pack, durasteel as a hilt and using Krayt pearls from those he continually slew to as crystals, producing a primitive yet functioning white-beamed archaic lightsaber.

Eventually however, even almost seizing the entire planet, his forces were driven back by reinforcing Republic security forces. As his little empire collapsed, A'Shaddam promised his loyal followers he would return one-day and liberate them all from the oppression of the invading foreigners. He escaped in a civilian transport, having been educated in it's use by a captured spacer, and flew aimlessly into the space of the galaxy, searching for the true origins of his abilities and how to master them in order to finally liberate his people....


A completely unremarkable, unarmed Civilian Transport.


None. For Now.




(Sub-account of Julius Heydrich.)

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