Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ashaiya Tser / 'Racer Y' [WIP]

Ashaiya Tser


"Stay on my tail, Z. We're making a shortcut."

Ashaiya Tser: born a nobody, living as a nobody, famous as nobody.​
Born not too far above the cusp that separates order and anarchy on Coruscant, Ashaiya grew up without a sky above her head. When she looked up, all that she saw was the works of civilization: steel and pipes, splattered with signs and lights. One fateful day, her family took a vacation to the surface of the planet, where Ashaiya looked up and fell in love; and with her love, came her dream. Midst her youthful, star-struck eyes, she dreamed that she might reach up to the sky and embrace it, without even gravity daring to hold her back.​
Racer Y: one corner of the social media triumvirate phenomenon, Team Aurebesh. From all who Racer X took under their wing, most went up in flames and debris, living their lives fast and proud; but Racer Y never has been one to play by the rules. No asteroid field is too menacing, no turbolaser volley is too dense, for the rogue sports pilot to dance through. Where Racer X will round the corner without breaking a sweat and Racer Z will showboat through it for their fans, Racer Y will be dashing through the asteroid field, risking life and disqualification for the most daring and thrilling finish.​
So what does a daredevil stream celebrity and a lonely starship mechanic in the bowels of Coruscant have in common? Well, as it happens... they have everything.​


Full name: Ashaiya Tser.
Age: 27.
Species: Coruscanti Human.
Homeworld: Coruscant.
Gender: ♀ Female.
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Relationship status: Single.
Education: School graduate with trade qualification.
Aliases: Asha; Racer Y.
Occupations: Sports piloting; streaming.
Subscriber count: 3.6 billion.
Complexion: Light and vaguely blemished.
Hair: Ash blonde, sitting at neck length and normally styled either tied or coarse.
Eyes: A subtle shade of Hazel.
Face claim: [Erika Linder.]
Voice claim: [Erika Linder.]
Physical abnormalities: A subtle appendectomy scar and a burn around her left knee from a race crash.
Psychological abnormalities: Nothing of note.

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