Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Absolute Knowledge Corrupts Absolutely
Soooo, is this the new faction going live?

Is it like, the force sensitive heart of the new sith order when we get back to business, kinda like the GA have the Jedi, Or the CIS have the knights obsidian (But its just the force sensitive sect of the greater faction)?

I guess what i'm asking is going forward what role the Asha'Kurat play. They're super cool by the way

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
This will be the Sith Order of the Sith Empire going forward, yes.

It will also enforce homogeny within the Empire, i.e. ensure that the Sith maintain strict adherence to current doctrine, uncover those that don't, and punish them accordingly.

The Asha'Kurat will also serve as the Empire's shock troops during war, force multipliers to tip the scales of victory in the Empire's favor.

Lady Marrow Lady Marrow

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