Always Searching
Social Info
Name: Ashana
Allegiance: The Collective
Occupation: Scientist
Employer: Adascorp
Known associates: Unknown
Strengths & Weaknesses
Physical Info
Species: Arkanian Offshoot
Gender: Female
Estimated age: 35
Height: 1.75m
Weight: 64kg
Eye colour: Silver-Blue
Hair colour: White
Skin colour: Arkanian White
Personal Info
Ashana was born into the Republic on the core’ jewel, Coruscant, as the child of two Offshoots whose own history is now a haze in the mind of Ash. Somewhere along the way she became aware of her own latent gifts; discovering her force sensitivity during fights with other kids at the alien apartments she grew up in. During such brawls she often felt her opponent’s movements like a sixth sense, and could counter them with split second precision. This is when her parents too realized something was different about their Ashana, and so they sought out those who might have answers.
By this time, Coruscant came under assault from the Sith. Ash was meant to train with the Jedi, but found this opportunity quickly cut off by advancing Sith forces who annexed the capital and forced the remaining Jedi to flee. Ash and her family were not so fortunate, and they were forced to survive the occupation by whatever means they could muster. Eventually they were able to secure passage off world with the help of a smuggler, but her parents were caught in the process. Leaving the teenage Offshoot to find refuge alone. Her path led her far away from the raging battle between the Republic and Sith; to the world of Ithor. On Ithor Ashana grew up amongst the distinguished naturalists, whose own religion held their world and the balance of life sacred. In their midst her own intellectual gifts grew as her force sensitivity stagnated. Leaving a hollow shell of the Jedi she was once meant to be, and instead replacing it with the mind of a fledgling scientist.
Through the mysteries of Ithor and her own growth as a scientist, Ash began to appreciate biology at its most genetic foundation. Driving her curiosity to pursue the very nature of her own origins. Eventually she grew emboldened and set her eyes on the place of her ancestral origins: Arkania. On the icy world, Ash found employ with Adascorp, where she melded her understanding of genetics with a newfound knowledge of cybernetics. An intellectual of both pursuits, Ashana hopes to one day answer the greatest question echoing in her mind. Who are we, and why are we here?
Name: Ashana
Allegiance: The Collective
Occupation: Scientist
Employer: Adascorp
Known associates: Unknown
Strengths & Weaknesses
Intellectual: Ashana’s natural intelligence serves as both her greatest tool and strongest weapon.
Force Sensitive: She perceives the force and through those perceptions hones her instincts.
Arkanian Arrogance: Although an Offshoot, Ashana believes herself biologically superior to most species.
Arkanian Offshoot: As an Offshoot, she must work to attain good fortune amongst her home and people.
Physical Info
Species: Arkanian Offshoot
Gender: Female
Estimated age: 35
Height: 1.75m
Weight: 64kg
Eye colour: Silver-Blue
Hair colour: White
Skin colour: Arkanian White
Personal Info
Ashana was born into the Republic on the core’ jewel, Coruscant, as the child of two Offshoots whose own history is now a haze in the mind of Ash. Somewhere along the way she became aware of her own latent gifts; discovering her force sensitivity during fights with other kids at the alien apartments she grew up in. During such brawls she often felt her opponent’s movements like a sixth sense, and could counter them with split second precision. This is when her parents too realized something was different about their Ashana, and so they sought out those who might have answers.
By this time, Coruscant came under assault from the Sith. Ash was meant to train with the Jedi, but found this opportunity quickly cut off by advancing Sith forces who annexed the capital and forced the remaining Jedi to flee. Ash and her family were not so fortunate, and they were forced to survive the occupation by whatever means they could muster. Eventually they were able to secure passage off world with the help of a smuggler, but her parents were caught in the process. Leaving the teenage Offshoot to find refuge alone. Her path led her far away from the raging battle between the Republic and Sith; to the world of Ithor. On Ithor Ashana grew up amongst the distinguished naturalists, whose own religion held their world and the balance of life sacred. In their midst her own intellectual gifts grew as her force sensitivity stagnated. Leaving a hollow shell of the Jedi she was once meant to be, and instead replacing it with the mind of a fledgling scientist.
Through the mysteries of Ithor and her own growth as a scientist, Ash began to appreciate biology at its most genetic foundation. Driving her curiosity to pursue the very nature of her own origins. Eventually she grew emboldened and set her eyes on the place of her ancestral origins: Arkania. On the icy world, Ash found employ with Adascorp, where she melded her understanding of genetics with a newfound knowledge of cybernetics. An intellectual of both pursuits, Ashana hopes to one day answer the greatest question echoing in her mind. Who are we, and why are we here?