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Ashara Teree

Ashara Zavros


NAME: Ashara Teree
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: What rank does your character hold in his/her faction?
SPECIES: Togruta
AGE: 25 Standard Years
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.78 Meters or 5'8" (Not including her montrals)
WEIGHT: 148 lbs
EYES: Black


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
➽ Pistol Sharpshooter-Trained by her father in the use of firearms from a young age, Ashara prefers the blaster pistol and heavy pistol and is a hell of a shot.
➽ Duelist-Trained by her father in the art of survival and her uncle in the art of the sword, Ashara is an excelent duelist and her tribal roots combined with her brutal Mandalorian training has created a wild and unconventional swordsman and a deadly match with a beskade.
➽ Resourceful-Brought up with many of the traditions of old, Ashara was taught to hunt and survive using the most basic tools and her surroundings, preferring a good stone and rope or vine to a shatter rifle while on the hunt.
➽ Piloting- Though Ashara is able to fly, she isn't exactly the greatest in a dogfight, hell she isn't even good enough to fight in a dogfight.
➽ Lightweight-Ashara isn't able to hold her liquor at all. She tends to stay clear of cantinas because though she knows she can't hold her liquor, she loves to drink and won't stop until she is either passed out or at home with a broken nose.

-Beskade: A gift given to her by her uncle after passing her verd'goten. The 45 cm (or 1.5 feet) long and two inch thick blade never leaves her side.

-Dual "Standard" Heavy Blaster pistols: The closest thing to her weapon of choice as she recently sold most of her other weapons in order to buy an updated set of armor.
-Beskar'gam: An updated set of beskar weave durasteel beskar'gam, as a full set of beskar'gam made entirely of the mandalorian metal would hinder her own natural gifts. Fitted especially for her Togruta body structure, the helmet is made to protect her montrals without hindering the natural sonar that they provide. The armor itself is fitted with a HUD, translator, and an environmental protection system. Unfortunately due to her lekku her armor does not have a gorget to protect her from rapid beheading. This took just about all of her credits as well as many of her armaments and trophies.
-Togruta Sash: A simple traditional Togruta sash that is integrated with her armor that sits around her waist.

Born on the Togruta homeworld of Shili, Ashara was raised by her father and older brother in a small close knit, tribal town. Raised to hunt, she was taught survival and tracking skills from the ripe age of seven while she went to school. It wasn't until the age of twelve however that she came into contact with humans.

Human settlers from a nearby town had fled to Shili in fear of the Gulag Virus which had ravaged their homeworld. Hearing rumors about a woman who had contracted the virus and was living in Ashara's town. This woman was Ashara's mother. Fear of a resurgence of the virus led a small group of humans to sack the town and burn it to the ground in the dead of night, killing most of the residents. With no next of kin to take her in on-world, Ashara was forced to move in with her uncle off-world on the planet of Mandalore.

During her first year with her uncle, her hate of humans made her a recluse, opting to stay on her uncle's property rather than talk to kids her own age. However, after seeing many more humans and the way the other species interacted with them reminded her of her tight knit town on Shili. One night she spoke to her uncle about joining him on one of his trips into Keldabe.

During their trip many curious Mandalorians asked her uncle when she was planning on conducting the verd'goten. This was something that had never occurred to either of them and her uncle managed to come up with one year as her deadline. The following year, despite her training on Shili was the toughest year of her life, breaking her down physically and mentally. On her fourteenth birthday, a year late, and she thought, ill prepared, she began her verd'goten passing each test and trial. When the dust had settled and she had completed the final test, she was granted full status as an adult among the Mandalorians. The following year she joined the military and has been there ever since.




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