NAME: Asher Mossa
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’0”
WEIGHT: 193 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Olive
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Worker’s Hands: Calloused palms tell of a hard life, one of work and toil.
[+] Melee Combat: Long hours of training and the need to defend himself have led to an proficiency with the bladed weapons.
[+] Courageous: Where others would back away, Asher runs forward. Some would call him fearless, and other brash, but he does not shy away.
[+] Determined: Once Asher sets his mind to something, he sees it through no matter what.
[-] Judgmental: Opinions about people are formed quickly and rarely changed.
[-] Hard Hearted: So much loss in his life has made Asher cynical when it comes to attachment. It is a mask for the fact he is...
[-] Insecure: Deep down the warrior is insecure. His confidence only goes so far. He refuses to care because those he loves... die
Asher’s most noticeable trait is his long brown hair. When it is allowed to hang loose it falls past his shoulders ending at his shoulder blades. His face is an angular shape, with defined cheek bones and a strong jaw. There is facial hair on his chin and lip, though his cheeks are kept clean shaven. Several curved scars along the right side of his face frame his eye in the shape of a crescent moon while his left cheekbone carries scarring of its own.
His attire is simple. When he is not dressed for the cold days or battle a simple tunic and pants are all he wears. Leather boots are usually seen on his feet. Asher remains married to simplicity when it comes to his attire. He owns little by way of clothing, though manages to be found in something clean.
Son of the Winter was the way most referred to Asher Mossa. Born on the winter solstice many of his community felt he would be a great leader among them. He’d been blessed of the gods. All others before him who had been born on the solstice had accomplished many great tasks when destiny called upon them to do so. Asher would be no different.
His story was not unlike any other. The humble beginnings being raised by a farmer and his wife should have protected the young boy from pride, harm, and disaster. It would not be however. At the age of eleven his village would be raided. While the boy was hidden away in the forest with a hunting party everyone was slaughtered and the farms were burned.
The hunting party would not be spared either. Asher watched as all of them were slaughtered. His life was the only one spared, though forfeit to a life of slavery to his captors. For years he was taught to live like the raiders who took him. He dressed like them, worked their fields, and eventually was taught to fight like them.
At the age of 18 Asher went on his first raid with those who had taken him. Where he had once hated them, he was now one of them. The man who had taken him in was now his father. They were ambushed. The raid had been a trap. Again all of them were killed except Asher.
This would be his life for the next four years. Asher would marry and have a son, his family would be killed. It was what hardened him. His mind and heart could no longer deal with the loss. He was not blessed of the gods, he was cursed of the gods. Asher would do the one thing he knew, hide and farm.
He was found by an old hermit, weird and eccentric. The man taught him many things being the only friend he could have. Somehow no harm came to them. Over time Asher would learn the man was a Jedi, exiled. Trouble would find him to. The Sith came, and again Asher would be the lone survivor. Seeking revenge, Asher took his friends lightsaber, and the skills he had learned, and set out to avenge his friend. He would find them, and there would be Justice.