Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Asher Sonata

Asher Sonata


Asher Sonata

  • O R I E N T A T I O N

    “The following is a recording of the physical and psychological examination report for patient #62970041b, Asher Sonata. Evaluator Celeste Rigel for the Silver Jedi Concord. File number 2232. We rescued the child from the Kashyyyk shadow-lands after the Jedi assaulted a small criminal guerilla force that was stationed there belonging to Crymorah. Upon interrogation, we discovered that the boy and a small group of the children there were from a planet called Caladin, one of the first planets to have been attacked by the Bryn’adul. We had thought there to be no survivors from Caladin, this boy, Asher, is a small spark of hope that we may yet all survive this tide. However, Asher Sonata is displaying symptoms of potentially severe trauma, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder. As of this recording, he is remanded into the psychological health ward at the Kashyyyk specialist hospital for observation.

    -Signed CR”
    O R I E N T A T I O N.

    “Welcome to orientation, time is 13:23, on the 18th of 19. My name is Amani and I’ll be doing your evaluation, for the record, uh, what’s your name?”
    • “Oh, yes. My name’s Asher, Asher Sonata.​
    “And, also for the record, are you affiliated with any factions?”
    • Not really, no but i guess i’m here now, so SJC?​
    “That makes me happy, with your time here, have you attained any notable rank”
    • No, not really, I'm pretty new.​
    “Padawan then… like me. And you are a human”
    • “Actually, I am half Zebrak, but my Father was human.​
    “Oh, oops, sorry excellent, thank you. So, how old are you?”
    • “I’m Sixteen years old.​
    • “I… what? Male?​
    “So i’ll need you to stand up against the wall there, hit the button and inform me of your height?”
    • “The numbers say five foot six or one hundred and sixty three centimeters.​
    “Excellent! Just a couple more questions, the button on the side changes it to weight.”
    • “Number comes up as one forty two pounds or sixty four kilos.​
    “And your eye colo- oh, wow you have pretty eyes. Not often you see eyes that blue”
    • “Uhh, thank you? I think?​
    “Ahem, nevermind, moving on. You have blonde… Middle length hair i would say?”
    • “Yes miss, Beige blonde… or so I’m told.​
    “Last two, would you agree with the statement that you’re of pale complexion?”
    • “That sounds accurate.​
    Lastly, are you or have you had any experience using or manipulating the force?”
    • Yes, I have, most of my tribe are force sensitive.​

    R E L A T I O N S




  • H I S T O R Y

    “Attached is a recording of Asher's fifth experience at the group counseling sessions that we had him sign up for. Upon having one of his friends allowed to visit and enter the normally closed session for support, Asher was able to open up to the group concerning the events of his past. Presented without further comment:” - CR
    “I--uh... …” -inaudible whisper-​
    • Evaluator Note: Asher’s friend supported Asher to tell his story. -CR
    “I was born on a planet called Caladin, my parents there had been there for a while. We didn’t live in the cities, we mostly lived in the wilds, only traveling to the cities if we needed anything specific like repair parts. We wer- we are Zeison Sha, our clan had been on Caladin for generations. However five years ago… we were attacked. ​

    I don’t know how long it took, or how long we had been at war for, but it didn’t seem very long. However my parents and many other fit and able members of the tribes all got together to try and fight against the invaders, but they never came back. Soon, the creatures began hunting us, we ran and tried to survive, we made contact with some of the resistances who tried to use us to fight back against the coming storm, but we’d lost all of our warriors. The resistance gave us stims and held our friends captive to motivate us to fight, so we did… but we lost, over and over again. ​

    It can’t have been more than a month all up, but the planet started to feel sick, like it was changing. We made a plan to get out of there, get to some small hangers that were used by some smuggler types tucked away. But the beasts had found them too, used them as traps to lure us out. Myself and my friends abandoned our captors and made for a ship, the astromech there got us out quickly, but I doubt many others survived. ​
    • Evaluator note: We took a small break after this revelation as Asher seemed disturbed by this memory particularly, after the group returned Asher requested personally to continue. - CR
    Problem is, the ship had been crippled, we escaped the atmosphere but we had very little air, and no hyperdrive. We hit the homing beacon, and were picked up by the criminals who the ship belonged to after a couple of days. They took one look at us, my weapons and put us to work on Kashyyyk, fighting locals and trying to carve a place for their business. They held my friends hostage and forced me to fight for years. More stims, more violence, more death. I almost got killed by a Katarn, but managed to only just get out with my organs on my insides. ​

    After a while the Crymorah started giving us food and treating us better as long as we didn’t resist. Promised us membership even if we kept going, but I saw the way they looked at my friends, like they were dead-weight because they wouldn't pick up their disc blades. I was only just back from a hunt, badly wounded when the Jedi came into our base, it was lucky actually, they would have made me fight and I may not have made it out ok… ​
    • Evaluator note: After this event, Asher Sonata was assigned a caseworker on retainer to monitor his condition. - CR
    -Celeste Rigel

    Conclusions: Asher Sonata is an exemplary child, considering everything he’s been through its frankly a series of miracles that he and the three he came with survived as long as they have. It is a testament to the will of the force and their own fortitude that they have made it this far. It’s my recommendation that the group of them be allowed admission into the Jedi Concord as Padawans, for the training they require, but it's also my belief that positive social connections with other like-minded individuals would go a long way to aid their recovery. I believe that working with masters, his path to recovery may be a long one, but a steady one. And the force knows we need all the help we can get… But as of this moment, Asher should not be placed in any state of command or in conflict without oversight as he should be considered vulnerable.

    The force works in mysterious ways, there must be a reason he came to us…” ​

  • A P P E A R A N C E

    Iris Color:
    Bright Blue​
    Hair Color:
    Ash Blond​
    163cm || 5'6"​
    64kg || 142Ibs​

    The complete notations of Asher's Physical are also attached to this file, as well as a general description for the purposes of identification so that Masters or Superiors dealing with Asher will have a means to seek out Asher and council him should he find himself needing it. Asher's recovery is going to take more than any one person, it will require us all. - CR

    “During his stay here, Asher underwent a physical, his attributes uploaded to the lab here to ensure that he was in good shape and had no hidden injuries. As has been stated before, Asher is a blond half Zebrak, half Arkanian who does not seem to have developed any of the Zebrak like horns as of yet, although the cartilage on the left side of his head does appear to show signs of potential growth later. His skin, although pale does bare very faint pale white lines reminiscent of the Zebraki skin patterning, but appears almost more like faint patterns of tan-lines that are almost too subtle to see unless one were to look closely and in the right light. He stands at five foot six and has strikingly blue eyes, bluest I've seen in a long while.​

    Asher weighs sixty four kilograms with a muscular build, is 19 in galactic standard years though is far too muscular for a boy his age, he has defined muscles across his body denoting an amount of physical conditioning that would be rare or unheard of for a sixteen year old boy, though they appear to be more athletic and toned compared to the muscle one might see on a bodybuilder. Asher also has more than his share of scar tissue which we will need to monitor or treat to ensure that it does not affect growth. Several lesions are consistent with blaster or electrical burns like that of a slaver’s whip, though he has several more visceral scar marks across his chest and stomach as if he has been attacked by an animal of some description, though he fails to recount the events.​

    As far as appearance sake, Asher seems to like the feeling of heavier clothing, preferring to wear military fatigues casually over a white or black tight undershirt or no shirt at all depending on the weather. Self identifying with a soldier motif, which, on some level I’m sure is more of a self castigation than a preference. Under this apparel he wears a chest holster for his weapons which hide under the back of his clothing rather than be shown openly, but the straps can be seen cutting across his frame. Additionally he has an interesting primal necklace, like the kind worn by Wookie around their necks. Teeth and fangs strung across it amidst beads and trinkets like a hunters trophy. Asher rolls up his trousers to just under the knee for comfort and so he doesn’t trip and tends to wear sturdy boots capable of getting grips on all terrains.”​

  • S T R E N G T H S & W E A K N E S S E S

    S T R E N G T H S.

    “Over our months of working with Mr Sonata we have noticed several physical and mental attributes in which he excels. Some of these strengths are profound and would be of considerable benefit to the SJC, they can be summarized as follows” - CR

    + Gifted Telekinetic: Asher, hailing from the clans of the Zeison Sha, appears to be an exceptionally gifted telekinetic, he has come into abilities far beyond that we would normally see within a person who has received their amount of training. We believe the reasoning to be connected to the harrowing events of their upbringing.​

    + Trick Shot Master: Be it juggling, balance or throwing objects, Asher has a keen eye when it comes to all things to do with hand-eye coordination. To a level nothing short of amazing, one of the staffers witnessed the boy bounce one of the toys in the room across a series of makeshift obstacles almost effortlessly. In his physicals his eyesight both short and long distance are exemplary, possibly even preternatural for his species. ​

    + Hardened: While we struggle to characterize it as a positive, Asher’s history has left them almost unable to be shocked through conventional means. Terror, or imposed fear or surprise seem to not hinder Asher’s actions, often alert and having seen horrors we can only speculate at. It’s likely those senses have all but been run out. ​

    W E A K N E S S E S.

    “But despite his strengths, and while we try to cultivate them, we have found some difficulties with their reorientation into society. While we dont believe they are all permanent, some of these manifestations are profound behaviors which may take some time to unlearn, more details following:” -CR

    - Trauma: Asher’s trauma is deep and complex, he’s developed a learned behavior surrounding the avoidance of hostility lest he be pushed into relapse. Through therapy, he’s managed to work up to carrying a jedi weapon on his person as a healthy small daily reminder in a hope to build his resilience. However it's going to be a long road. This pacifist complex we believe could lead to the harm of others should he find himself in a position of leadership, and we recommend he not hold a high rank until more progress is made. ​

    - Slow Witted: While having a very high emotional intelligence and fluid IQ, the general knowledge and crystalized IQ of Asher seem to be lower than the average boy of his age. Compounded with his Trauma it’s likely his learning development was interrupted with the events of his childhood. The boy is incredibly clever, adaptive, and can cover for these traits well, but its unlikely that he’ll ever be able to truly comprehend the galaxy we live in. Machines may as well be magic for him. ​

    - Addiction: We discovered from the blood samples as part of his physical examinations that Asher has been subjected to a particularly nasty concoction of combat stim, spice and other substances. It’s nothing short of amazing that he has a working mind at all considering the combinations of uppers and downers. Asher is on a remedial track of impulse control medication and cleansers to help balance his nutrient and mineral levels. However, we believe that the effect of these drugs has left him in a very addictive state, not necessarily with substances, but possibly people or anything that could trigger a dopamine response he could develop a reliance for as a lifeline. Superiors and people working with Asher should be made aware of these factors. ​

  • M I S C E L L A N E O U S


    Bounties Collected:

  • A B I L I T I E S

    General Abilities:

    • Enhanced Senses

    Force Abilities:

    • Telekinesis
    • Ballistakinesis
    • Saber Throw
    • Trakata

  • T H R E A D S

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Asher Sonata



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