Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Asherah
FACTION: Neutral
RANK: Healer
SPECIES: Kraljica
AGE: Young Adult
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 130 lbs
EYES: Pale Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Greyish-Blue, lighter underbelly, black stripes


Limited Manual Dexterity - Finger webbing can be extremely inconvenient some times. Standard gloves, some triggers etc are a problem for Asherah. She could theoretically surgically cut the webbing, but views this option with some horror.
Immune System - With a weaker immune system, it's often a good idea for Asherah to wear a breather of some sort when on heavily populated plants where hygiene is lacking. Scummy underworlds tend to be a cesspit of germs. Were it not for her ability to heal herself, she would likely have died of some ridiculously common virus by now, she is still laid low more often than others.
Sensitive Skin - Asheras skin dries out fairly easily, and while not usually a major issue, it does mean she is often itchy, which can be distracting at key moments.
Territorial - There are times a smart person cuts their losses and walks away. Someone stronger than you is stealing your sweet roll? Maybe let them. If the item (or person) in question is something that Asherah has formed a connection to, she will not, nigh can not walk away.
Acquisitive - Though it happens rarely, Asherah will sometimes see something she has to have. This tend to be things that are aesthetically pleasing, but they only need to be pleasing to her, not society as a whole. It's as likely to be a smooth rock she found on a particular good night which brings that moment to mind as it is to be a priceless piece of jewellery.
​Amphibious - Asherah can survive in water or on land. Recently she's spent most of her time on land, but she will always prefer aquatic environments.
Shocking! - Asherah is capable of delivering a shock when feeling threatened or with more difficulty on command. On land this is limited to when she has direct contact with another person of thing, in the water she is more capable of delivering a distance jolt, though never more than a few feet. She is immune to her own electricity.

Avid Gardener - Asherah likes to garden, and she's good at it. Or at least she's good at aquatic gardening, she's still learning about gardening on land, in particular about trying to get the watering down pat. Most of her plants are both aesthetically pleasing and functional, being either nutritious or having medicinal value.
Bilingual - It sounds good until you realise just how many languages are in use in the galaxy. Asherah only speaks Common and Morjese.
Technologically Impaired - Asherah will learn the basics of anything she has to deal with on a daily basis, but she will never be comfortable with most technology and certainly won't be slicing into encrypted networks any time soon.
Calm - In most situations she is calm, thinking things through in a rational manner. Almost the only exception to this is when her territorial instincts are triggered.
Empathy - This is, surprisingly, not of the force variety. Asherah is just a fairly caring individual who can put herself in anothers shoes so to speak and as such tends to get along well with most beings.
Intuitive Healer - This is a bit of a borderline characteristic. While not strictly based on her force abilities, the two do bleed into one another. As a general rule, to be a good interspecies doctor takes a ridiculous amount of study. What's medicine for one being is poison for another, and lord knows things don't look the same under the hood. Asherah, having done no formal training aside from the largely herbal traditions of her people is frustratingly good at guessing what's wrong and how to fix it based on observation.
Afraid of Heights - Depths are just fine, but Asherah starts getting a little pale and shaky when you put her up high. Glass floors were also invented by horrendous people in her opinion.

Asherah is fairly typical for a Kraljica, of average height and weight. Like most of her species, she is considered to be relatively attractive by most humanoids. Her eyes area striking ice blue, set off by long black hair typically worn loose. What most more human-esque species notice first however are the stripes that cover her skin, reminiscent of juvenile tiger sharks. Asherah is quite comfortable in her own skin, and in the water tends to wear very little, covering only those parts which the majority of humanoid species have agreed are shocking. On land she is most often found in comfortable trousers and tight sleeveless tops, as she gets annoyed when the sleeves of garments such as robes get into things. Highly impractical to her mind unless the climate demands it. When on a ship or in a home she knows, she prefers to go barefoot, but wears thick soled boots in unknown areas to prevent a careless step from allowing potentially germ covered detritus from puncturing her feet and entering her bloodstream.

Growing up Asherah loved her planets moon. This was not unusual, reverence for the moon was for all intents and purposes a religion among the Kraljica. Where Asherah differed was her decision to join it. The moon was in space. So that was where she too would go. And where there not tales of planets with more moons than could be counted? Should those not to be seen and loved? She had already started walking the path of the healer, using both the Force and natural remedies, and always there was room for one more healer in the war torn galaxy.

Notable Force Abilities:
Please be aware this is not a comprehensive list. An ability not appearing here does not necessarily mean Asherah is incapable, simply that it is not one she uses often of specialises in.
Detoxify Poison
Force Heal
Force Persuasion - Used largely unknowingly when reinforcing steps needed for proper care of patients (ie, remember to take your pills!)
Force Stun/Stasis - Thus far used strictly to numb and restrain patients
Plant Surge
Force Barrier
Force Smell - You know those dogs who can smell cancer? Yeah


Damn Damnatias
The Doctor Will See You Now...
Oh great.. Another 'lookee at me i'll wave my hands and you will be ALL BETTER type'... Force, you'd think there'd be a regulatory board to be a healer, like there is for a Doctor, but nooooooo....


[member="Declan Ross"]
It's okay baby, you're still relevant. Sometimes I need a nap and folks still need bandaids. Plus I can't figure out how to make the fething microwave work, so I have a reason to keep you around, don't worry ;)

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