Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ashla Marlar

NAME: Ashla Marlar

FACTION: Jedi Order

RANK: Untrained Force Sensitive, Born Aristocrat on her home world.


AGE: 18

SEX: female

HEIGHT: 5’6”

WEIGHT: 125 lbs.

EYES: Hazel

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Pale

FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : Ashla has a strong personality and is determined to succeed, she is acrobatic and has quick reflexes. She is reasonably strong with the force and got a head start from her birth family, being aristocrats. However, she has to deal often with warring emotions. She also, ironically, (due to the title of this paragraph) is not very strong physically and has to rely on other skills.

Ashla is a normal sized human girl, with pale skin and a very deep black hair. She has large, hazel eyes, and often wears a thin, black shirt, a black robe (sometimes forest green), flexible blue or black pants, so she can fight without restriction; and brown shoes or boots.

BIOGRAPHY: Ashla was born on an icy, backwater, imperial planet, and when her parents realized she was force sensitive, they sent gave her a fighter spaceship that was local to the planet to find a jedi to train her to use her ability with the force. When she read the jedi code, she had some reservations against it. However, she was determined to train, and went to find a jedi master.

SHIP: The ship given to her originated on her home planet. It was a fighter spaceship, with wings in a general wing shape, with the cockpit at the base of the U. It is very maneuverable, and well shielded, but is difficult to repair. It has two heavy laser cannons on either side of the wing, on the inside, and had a proton torpedo launcher under it’s cockpit. It had a hyperdrive, another bonus of having aristocratic parents, and a slot for an astromech droid to reside.
KILLS: Ashla Marlar has not currently killed anyone yet.

BOUNTIES COLLECTED: Ashla Marlar has never collected a bounty.


No role plays are currently being participated in, looking for one.

Beginning gear:
-The “Nevermore,” a ship outlined in the bio.
-BlasTech A280 Blaster rifle, acquired to Ashla by smuggling her parents funded.
-Breathing mask for hostile environments
-Macro Binoculars
-Mentioned clothing
-Sword (just a plain old sword for when I lose my gun-do not have lightsaber yet)
-R4 series astromech (R4-A7)

I hope I've done everything I'm supposed to when posting a character. If not, I will gladly do so
Hello there. Two recommendations to make this more accessible: change the font colour into something with higher contrast from the dark grey background, and put a link to this thread into your profile (under "Edit My Profile" - "Character Bio Link") so that it will be displayed beneath your avatar with every post you make. Otherwise people can't find this.

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