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Ashlan Crusade

A gathering of religious fanatics, political extremists, mercenary bands, exiled armies, and others united under the goal of liberating their homeworlds occupied by the various Sith states.

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Ashlan Constitution




We the united peoples of the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich, having resolved to launch the Galactic East into a new age of prosperity, to ensure the rights and liberties of the people, to defend the Galactic East from foreign invaders, to end the discrimination and persecution of non-humans, to establish a just and moral society, and to combat the followers of the Bogan, do ordain and establish this constitution for the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich.
Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the National Assembly, which shall consist of the House of Lords, the Chamber of Ministers, and the Office of the Kaiser.
Section 2. The House of Lords shall be composed of representatives of each world within the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich. These representatives are to be chosen every six galactic standard years by the people of their planet in democratic elections overseen by officials of the Kaiserreich to ensure a fair vote. No person shall be a High Lord who shall not have attained to the age of twenty five years, and been five years a citizen of the Holy Ashlan Kaissereich beforehand unless otherwise a citizen of a world newly joining the Kaissereich. A High Lord accounts for a singular vote for the world they represent. Population is negligible in the greater voting process, as this Kaissereich is a union of equals across all its constituent worlds. No voice shall go unheard. When vacancies happen in the House of Lords from any world, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The House of Lords shall choose their speaker and have sole claim to the rights of impeachment.
Section 3. The Chamber of Ministers shall be composed of candidates chosen by the Kaiser, and approved by at least half of the House of Lords. These Ministers are given the task of leading government oversight in whatever their ordained field of influence might be. Ministers may serve terms of up to ten years, and may be reappointed indefinitely should the vote call for it. Each Minister’s legislative power is limited solely to their field, and any drastic changes in policy must first be approved by the Kaiser and a half majority in the House of Lords. Impeachment of the Kaiser must be approved by the entirety of the House of Lords to carry through. To broach such a case, evidence of the Kaiser’s treason or fall to the Bogan must be presented to the House of Lords. Upon impeachment the House of Lords shall elect a regent to hold the office of Kaiser until the next heir of the royal family comes of age.
Section 4. The Ministry of Justice is charged with establishing a fair court system utilized universally across the Kaiserreich’s territory. The Ministry of Justice shall establish a system of courts beginning at a local level that shall enforce laws passed by both the local and executive governments. Trials that go beyond these local courts can go to planetary courts, and beyond that, the Court of the East, from which all judicial power derives.
Section 5. The Ministry of Intelligence is charged with the defense of the nation’s information infrastructure from within and without. The Ministry of Intelligence shall collect, analyse, report and disseminate intelligence on threats to the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich's national security, and conduct operations, covert and overt, to protect the Kaiserreich’s interests and assets throughout its territory and abroad.
Section 6. The Ministry of Defense is charged with seeing to the nation’s defense, and the continued competitive modernization of the Kaiserreich’s military. The Ministry of Defense decides where the military’s budget is allocated, is expected to keep the Kaiserreich’s military doctrines up to date, maintain the Kaiserreich’s technological edge in the field of warfare, raise military tithes, and oversee the logistics and deployment of the Keeserlech Arméi & Raumflott.
Section 7. The Ministry of Labor is charged with defending the rights of the Kaiserreich’s workers. The Ministry of Labor is expected to organize and sponsor the Kaiserreich’s mandated labor unions to ensure they are run democratically, to maintain labor laws that benefit the workers whilst also keeping business profitable, and to create social programs that create jobs for the unemployed and provide financial safety for the people and small businesses.
Section 8. The Ministry of Infrastructure is charged with the development, integration and maintenance of resilient public infrastructure within the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich. The Ministry of Infrastructure is expected to respect the investments of taxpayers by maximizing the life, performance and value of structures and critical services and focus on projects that offer benefit to or fulfill the desires of the public.
Section 9. The Ministry of Trade is charged with overseeing commerce and promoting economic growth within the Kaiserreich. The Ministry of Trade is expected to break up monopolies should they arise, ensure businesses operating within the Kaiserreich’s territory contribute to the nation’s economic growth and strive for the creation of jobs for its citizens, and regulate business practices and law to fit the moral and ethical values that the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich espouses.
Section 10. The Ministry of Health is charged with the oversight of the Kaiserreich’s national healthcare system and has the responsibility of detecting, addressing and combating national health risks. The Ministry of Health is expected to maintain and uphold modernized health policies within the Kaiserreich, provide quality training standards for medical practitioners, and dedicate funding toward the research and development of new medicines and vaccines.
Section 11. The Ministry of Agriculture is charged with maintaining the breadbaskets of the Kaiserreich. The Ministry of Agriculture dictates farming, forestry, and other wildlife and food policies, provides social safety programs for members of related communities, develops and coordinates the expansion of farmland leased out by the government, and dictates the standards of food and livestock that can legally be sold on the Kaiserreich’s market.
Section 12. The Ministry of Education determines the educational standards across the Kaiserreich. The Ministry of Education is expected to aid fief-worlds in the creation and maintenance of curriculums that meet the Kaiserreich’s standards and work for local populations. Additionally, the Ministry of Education is tasked with establishing social programs to assist those with special needs and disabilities and endeavor to combat discrimination.
Section 13. The Ministry of Faith is charged with defending the spiritual soul of the Kaiserreich. While the Kaiserreich is a secular state that allows and promotes the worship of all gods and philosophies, save for those that promote the corrupting powers of the Bogan, the teachings of the Followers of the Ashla are formally recognized as the Kaiserreich’s state religion. The Ministry of Faith is tasked with assisting the Followers of the Ashla in the expansion of their churches, promoting and protecting the assembly and speech of the Kaiserreich’s various creeds, managing religious donations to make certain they are deposited to their chosen recipients, and to root out the influences of the Bogan within the Kaiserreich’s society.
Section 14. The High Lords and Ministers shall receive compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich.
Section 15. The National Assembly shall have the right to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich: to borrow money on the credit of the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich, to regulate commerce with foreign nations, to establish a uniform rule of naturalization for Imperial citizens, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich. The rights to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, to provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich, to establish galactic post offices, to protect the sciences and the arts by securing the exclusive rights of inventors and other creatives to their creations, and raise national armies and a national navy to defend the borders and deal with insurrections.
Section 16. The Kaiser reserves the right to declare war so long as half the House of Lords vote in the declaration’s favor. The Kaiser retains full control over the nation’s military as both Head of State and Commander in Chief.
Section 17. The Kaiser maintains the right to veto any bill proposed in the National Assembly. However, a veto may be overturned with a 2/3rds majority vote from the House of Lords.
Section 18. In times of conflict or disaster, the Kaiser may obtain emergency powers from the House of Lords from an approval of one half or more in the House of Lords. Emergency powers suspend the National Assembly for two months, in which the Kaiser is given full dictatorial powers to stabilize the nation. Every two months thereafter the National Assembly will meet and vote to maintain the approval of these emergency powers.
Section 19. The National Assembly shall meet twice a month within the Kaiserreich’s capital building.
Section 20. No sentient shall be withheld from opportunity or services, or be otherwise discriminated against, based on their race, species, creed, class, gender, political affiliation, or beliefs within the Kaiserreich, so long as they do not irredeemably follow a philosophy that promotes the spread and influence of the Bogan.
Section 21. All citizens of the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich are affirmed in their sentients’ rights. Freedom of Speech is a recognized right and is protected in most forms, save for the promotion of philosophies pertaining to the Bogan, or the advocacy of violence toward citizens, properties, services or the government of the Kaiserreich.
Section 22. The government shall not suppress or undermine the expression or growth of other political parties within the Holy Ashlan Kaiserreich. unless those parties engage in violent rhetoric toward the state or individual groups of people within the state.
Section 23. All sentients maintain the Right to Peaceful Assembly, and such a right shall not be infringed upon so long as it remains lawful.
Section 24. All citizens have a right to bear arms. Even still, the people must be protected. In light of this citizens must undergo a stringent psychological evaluation as well as an extensive background check to be paid for by the citizen if they wish to be given a weapon license. From thereon citizens are legally allowed to own most weapons aside from disruptors, biological weapons, and tools of mass destruction.
Section 25. Practitioners of the Bogan are considered mentally deficient within the Kaiserreich’s borders on a level comparable to that of an animal, and are thus exempt from the rights given to all sentient beings. All followers of the Bogan must be reported to the authorities immediately, upon which Jedi of the Ashlan Order and their security forces will be dispatched to apprehend the threat if possible and neutralize it if required.


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