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Character Ashlan Juror: Arabella Olivarius

Arabella Olivarius

Force SensitiveYes this character is force sensitive.


Blessed with flawless olive skin and long golden blonde hair, Arabella is a divine beauty. Coupled with an athletic hourglass figure and covered in golden knight armor. Arabella also has silver grey eyes that she inherited from her mother. She is rarely seen out of her armor, often standing tall as a beacon of hope and light for her people. Every smile that she gives seemingly is inspiring to those around her. Each move that she makes, righteousness follows her and her movements are graceful.


Sword Of The Soul
Ashlan "Veil-Pattern" Lightsaber Pike
Ashlan Battle Armour Mk. I (Modified)
Ashlan Rosary
Lettow Heavy Cruiser

Watchful and ever observant, but also kind and compassionate. Despite her status as a Juror, Arabella does her best to be a beacon of hope. To be a shining example of what it means to be a believer in Ashla. Ever zealous in her faith, Arabella despises those that practice the Bogan arts often seeing them as a cancer that need to either be cured of their sickness or to be purged as to not infect true believers of Ashla. Since the Ashlan Crusade's dissolvement, Arabella does her best to inspire the remaining loyalists with her while also hoping to convert more people to light of Ashla.


Duelist- Arabella can hold her own in a fight against other force users, often being able to hold her own with her lightsaber pike. Constant practice and dedication is often devoted to her martial skills

Heightened senses- With her Force powers, Arabella has heightened her senses to be able to detect faint hints of dark side energy or to keep observant of any cultists hiding in her miss. This often leads her to be a good watchful eye over the masses and investigator.

Inspiring leadership- With her words or actions, Arabella can inspire those under her command to perform feats of great valor.


Zealot- Her fanatical belief in the Light of Ashla sometimes can conflict with working together with allies. Many might see her as a purist rather than as a compassionate woman who wishes to do good by innocent life in the galaxy.

Black & White- There is only good and evil. There is no in between in Arabella's eyes. The concept of grey in morality is foreign to her.


Born within the territory of the Ashlan Crusade, Arabella has only ever known a life devoted to Ashla. Her parents were both soldiers in the Crusade one of them apart of a Knightly Order. Since her birth, she had displayed a powerful connection to the Force. She started her knight training as she soon as she was able to doing both her parents and her goddess proud. By the time she was age 18, she became a fully fledged knight of the Ashlan Crusade. Her fanatical devotion drew her to the Holy Jury, where she received additional training to become a Juror. For years, she would hunt down followers of Bogan, either to convert them back to the light of Ashla, or to strike them down. However the worst seemed to come about. The Ashlan Crusade seemingly dissolved, the once unified crusader state losing their territory in the Tingle Arm.

Arabella had been away, onboard a cruiser when this happened. Communications back to any loyalist factions failed to go through. Arabella would then order the cruiser to make a jump back to the last known loyalist bastions close by. For a year or so, Arabella went around the Tingel Arm trying to gather up any survivors or loyalists that she could. Then she would go to Mirial after the battle between the Galactic Alliance and Sith Order left the planet devasted from battle. For now Arabella, had positioned her cruiser above orbit, and now works to spread the light of Ashla to the Miralian people, who were abundance in number within the former Ashlan Crusade.
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