Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Ashra’syle’nuruodo - Asylen for non Chiss
Moross Crusade
RANK: To be determined
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Ice Blue


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Asylen is not particularly strong in fact probably even on the weak side for her frame and body type. What she lacks in strength she makes up for in speed and agility. In hand to hand combat her movements are so fluid that she almost appears to be dancing with her opponents.

She is often viewed as being cold and uncaring and is difficult to get to know. She is extremely secretive about her past and treats any investigation into it as an insult.

Her entire purpose in the galaxy is defined by the Crusade, she is absolutely loyal to the gods and would gladly die for them.


Asylen is a small woman her features are quite attractive as compared to the average humanoid. She carries herself with the pride and arrogance of your typical Chiss military officer. Her red eyes seem to pierce right through anyone who is speaking with her.

Born on Csilla great things were expected of Asylen, her education was focused on the arts and culture of her people. Her parents were grooming her to serve in the diplomatic service but her own interests began to conflict with that at a young age. She felt she was destined for something bigger, something more.

When she was old enough and strong enough to attempt it Asylen stowed away aboard an old Chiss Assault Cruiser destined for the scrapyards. She located and hijacked the Commander’s glider after the Assault Cruiser had been left to its fate in the scrapyard. She would have taken the Cruiser itself but she couldn’t pilot that on her own.

A few weeks later she was found inside Crusade space drifting, her Glider was heavily damaged though not irrecoverably so. She had mis-programmed a set of coordinates in the navi-computer and the resulting jump had been brief and violent. Her body ravaged by the stresses of being thrown out of hyperspace so violently. When she was discovered by the Crusaders she was unconscious.
Plans to rebuild that Commander’s Glider at some point.





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