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Approved Species Ashtar

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  • Intent: To create a species to inhabit Draconis Reticulli
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Ashtar
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Draconis Reticulli
  • Average Lifespan: 40 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: The Ashtars are the only sentient native species from the planet Draconis Reticulli. They are of roughly equal to humans in terms of intelligence and have greater creativity, but have a lower capacity for feeling emotions. This can cause them to seem detached and clinical to other species, and makes it difficult for them to tell when they are displaying emotions. While they lack great physical strength, they can run very quickly. They are also very quiet, both in terms of how much they speak, and their movements.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.2 Meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Grey
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Ashtars have two pairs of limbs. They stand with a bipedal stance, and have large feet for support. Their heads are also abnormally large, and are shaped like upside down teardrops. Their eyes are large, black, and shaped like narrow ovals. They have grey skin, which has a texture similar to rough cotton, which becomes smoother as they age. They have very small mouths which are usually only visible when they are open, and they completely lack smelling organs. Their hearing organs are located on their sides, and look like a pattern of small black dots.
  • Races: The Ashtars have many distinct racial groups, most of which appear identical, but are distinct in terms of vocal ranges and patterns.
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Creativity: Ashtars are much more creative than most species are.
  • Fast Runners: Ashtars are capable of running very quickly, even in rugged terrain. Their top speed is roughly 10 kilometers per hour.
  • No Sense Of Smell: Ashtars lack the ability to smell due to not possessing any smelling organs.
  • Warm Climates: Ashtars are not well suited to being in warm climates, due to the cool climate of Draconis Reticulli.
  • Diet: Omnivore (arthropods, fungi, ect)
  • Communication: Various spoken languages, including but not limited to Scovalian, Gardadish, and Ontarax
  • Technology level: The Ashtars’ most significant technological advancement is splitting the atom.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Varies, some worship a large pantheon of gods, some are agnostic, and others worship “god”-monarchs.
  • General behavior: The Ashtars are a somewhat aggressive species, despite their lack of great physical strength. This lack of physical strength means that they mostly rely on constructed weapons to fight each other. The Ashtars are also a naturally artistic species, and love to create murals, sculptures, and expansive gardens. In spite of their aggression, deliberately attacking artwork is a massive taboo in most Ashtar cultures. To preserve their art from anyone who would attack it, they often store it in well-lit underground vaults known as Preservation Catacombs.
The Ashtars evolved independently on the planet Draconis Reticulli approximately four million years ago. Early on, the species learned to domesticate animals and build shelters. They did not learn how to make fires until much later however, as their strong digestive systems made cooking most food unnecessary. Once the species had managed to master farming, they began to develop the concepts of art and philosophy.

The Ashtars created many ancient civilizations which have long since collapsed, such as the Drialwat Kingdom and the Great Ploograw Empire. Each of these civilizations made their own technological and cultural contributions to their successors. For example, the ancient Tliquelo Kingdom building the original base structure of the Great Museum, which is still being added on to today. Another example would be the Majutablyka Empire inventing gunpowder cannons, which quickly became the most widely used heavy weapon on Draconis Reticulli.

In the year 664 ABY, Draconis Reticulli had its first war on a worldwide scale. This war was called the World War at the time it happened. Nowadays, it is usually referred to as the First Total War. Not many records are kept of the war, and most Ashtars know very little about it. Only dedicated historians seem to care much about it, and even then, they only know the basics of it. What basically happened was this: at the time the war happened, there was a very delicate balance of power on Draconis Reticulli. Around 30 nations held colonies all across the planet, which meant that war could start virtually anywhere. The spark it took to start the fire was a vehicle factory exploding in what was clearly a deliberate bombing. The factory was on the border between Cruvbex (a colony of the Diskalpo Kingdom) and the Phrelgul Kingdom. Neither government had exclusive claim to the factory, so both sides blamed each other for destroying it. Who actually destroyed it turned out to be irrelevant, as the war that followed ended up outlasting both kingdoms. The war lasted for six years, with most of the fighting taking place in the Northeastern Continent between the Unified Monarchy and Greater Quondalis. During the war, the government of the Droog Imperium was overthrown by an internal revolution, and replaced with the Scovali Equalistic Empire. The war eventually came to an end when the remaining nations had grown sick of fighting, and signed a peace treaty which lasted for 192 years. As a condition of the treaty, nobody was allowed to keep detailed records of the war.

In between the wars, some events occurred which are not important to Ashtar history yet, but almost certainly will be very soon. In the year 800 ABY, the planet Draconis Reticulli was discovered for the first time by non Ashtar sentient life. More specifically, the Arkanians. Using mineral surveying tools, they successfully identified massive amounts of Beskar underneath the surface of Draconis Reticulli’s uninhabited Southern Pole. The Arkanians attempted to keep their discovery a secret, and succeeded in doing so for 24 years. During these 24 years, the Arkanians collected massive amounts of data about the Ashtars and their planet using atmospheric probe droids. Several of these probe droids were seen by the Ashtars, but were dismissed as atmospheric disturbances by scientists. This did not stop artists and writers from coming up with their own interpretations of what they were ranging from relatively accurate guesses, to “A wizard did it.”.

In 825 BBY, the Arkanians’ secret got out after a massive intelligence breach on their home planet. The major galactic powers wasted no time sending in droids to infiltrate Draconis Reticulli. These droids were designed to stay hidden, and influence the planet from the shadows using a wide variety of strategies. For example, the droids used by the Eternal Empire have a tendency to hack into Ashtar phone lines, and intercept phone calls between politicians. They then learn to mimic the voices of these politicians, and give orders over the phone using their stolen voices. Meanwhile, the droids sent by the New Imperial Order prefer to assassinate anyone who could interfere with their goals.

In the year 862 ABY, the Second Total War began. It was started by Greater Quondalis invading the neighboring Chol Republic. By this point, Greater Quondalis was ruled by a megalomaniacal tyrant named Ursoro Stabbglid, who was in power thanks to the machinations of the Brotherhood Of The Maw. The war lasted for eight years, and the death toll was far worse than it was during the last war. Several nations were utterly destroyed by the brutal Quondalian Military. The Quondalian Military was infamous for crossing several lines in the customary rules of war on Draconis Reticulli, such as intentionally destroying cultural artifacts, executing prisoners without trial, and causing massive firestorms in enemy cities. The Quondalian Military would have almost certainly taken over the entire planet if it was not for the Unified Monarchy and the Scovali Equalistic Empire setting aside their differences to fight them. In 867 ABY, just when it seemed like the war would never end, the alliance between the Unified Monarchy and the Scovali Equalistic Empire learned how to split the atom. Three years later, the alliance had developed a stockpile of atomic bombs, and wasted no time in dropping them on every major Quondalian city. This massive attack ended the war almost overnight.

Now the Ashtars face a time of uncertainty. The extremely militant Ontaraxia Imperium has also developed atomic bombs from designs stolen from the Scovali Equalistic Empire. So far, it has been four years since the war ended and another one has yet to break out. However, with all of the alien infiltrators in the shadows, this could change very soon.
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