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Private Ask Forgiveness...

TAG: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

The Council Room was the best place to do this. Both logistically, and symbolically.

Jonyna and Kahlil had a bit of a rocky relationship over the last few years. Jonyna would do something stupid, Kahlil would scold her for it. But now, at least in theory, they were peers. Two masters of the Council, meeting on equal footing.

She wanted to ask this time. Not because she needed to, but because she wanted to. A sign of respect to the man who had so much patience for her.

And also to hand over a gift.



Kahlil didn't keep Jonyna waiting. He stepped into the room, Vera Noble Vera Noble 's #1 dad mug in one hand, a datapad in the other. There were all sorts of reports for him to look through, though, most importantly he was scouring through information on the portal the Sith had used to get to Tython. He took a sip as he found his seat before finally clicking off his tablet and gave Jonyna a brief, if tired, smile.

"Alright. How are you, Master Si?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Fine. Just wanted to have a chat, Master to Master. I've...gotten word from the Tingle Arm. Jasper and the Coalition are moving on the Empire of the Lost." She spoke with purpose. "I know you and I have a bit of a history in regards to my rebel days but...I thought I'd ask this time. Jasper was the last Sentinel of Harmony, and I feel an obligation as his successor to help him succeed in his own goals."

She offered a guilty smile, "Oh! and I also bought your son Adam a present, if it's any consulation. Me and Val went out on a girl's night the other day, stopped by your house so Val could change. Adam said he wanted a Guitar, so..."

She pulled an acoustic guitar, sized for a younger player, from behind her chair. "Tuned it and broke it in myself. Should be all good to go. Cute kid, by the way."



"Two very different subjects, you know. One thing at a time." Kahlil smiled faintly, glancing to the guitar. Yep, that's what he was going to focus on first. "All my children are the cutest. I'm sure Adam will appreciate this a lot. I'll make sure the other's don't think you're picking favorites though, mm?"

The triplets would certainly be aware Adam was the only one of the three to get a gift, after all.

"As for the Lost, do what you feel is right. You don't need my permission, certainly."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Oh, I've got gifts for the other two, just need some time on the Pony." Jonyna snickered. "Aurra wants you and Val home by 7 from now on. Auntie Jonyna promised to make sure that happens. No more late night paperwork."

She paused, letting out a chuckle. "I know I don't. But I wanted to anyways. I might be offering a few jedi to come with, as an envoy from the NJO to Jasper's new group. I've already got one on board, a Knight named Anthony."



"A.. Pony. Work we can certainly make sure I get home in time with. A pony, though."

Kahlil snickered. That, wasn't surprising, now that he thought of it. What was? The fact Jonyna was actually attempting to get one. He wouldn't argue. Valery Noble Valery Noble might. Though, maybe it'd be fine? His expression softened a little after though as he nodded his head in understanding.

"Don't get pulled in too many directions is all I can say. You've got this, otherwise."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Aeryn was very clear what she wanted." Jonyna chuckled. "I've been looking for something that would at least act as a substitute should I not be able to find one. How do you feel about a dog?"

She smiled, nodding. "And...thank you. I'll try not to. I just feel like I owe Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el a lot. He's a large reason I started up the construction business. I wanted to help give back to the GA, and anyone who might need it."

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