Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask Not What Your Republic Can Do for You

No more excuses, folks. We got rid of the OS trolling two months ago. This invasion round is all on US.

No one is going to win if we’re not going to post. Waiting until the last three days (You know who you are.) absolutely has no impact on the invasions. You might as well just hush up and go cook some Wookiee cookies at Dexter’s Diner and murmur to yourself about the good ol' days.

The Republic can’t win for you, because YOU are the Republic. We can’t waste time complaining and dropping out. Winners don’t quit. Winners don’t wait for someone else to pick up their guns for them.

If they hit hard, hit harder. If they add more troops, match them. If they are taking no reasonable hits, then you are not obligated to give them any. If you are not going to be productive during or in between invasions, then I have no idea what to tell you except to take what you are served and don’t come complain about it.

There is a reason that our minor subfaction, the Rebel Alliance, is more active than half of the major factions on the map. It’s because they decide to do something, and they do it.

You don't need permission to post. You don't need permission to choose an objective. You don't need permission to do anything if it is within the invasion rules.

Obviously, if some sort of effort to organize is extended to you, consider taking it, but the Republic can’t micromanage things for our writers.

The Republic isn’t your caretaker. It does not sustain you. YOU sustain the Republic. It’s disrespectful of those who didn’t step up to the plate considering the hard work the FAs did to give us these opportunities and keep the field level. With over 20 PM debates (perhaps a record on the high end) and yet only one resulting report to my knowledge (most likely a record on the low end), these invasions were by no means a simple task for the FAs, but they kept it clean for everyone so we could play on.

Time is running out. So it’s time to ask yourselves this: "How much do I care about the Republic?" If you don’t care badly enough to post to an invasion, then the Republic doesn’t want to hear any more complaining.

I know this may sound harsh, but if you truly want the Republic to carry on, then we are all going to have to take up some responsibility and make it so.

I didn't post at first because my OS opponent stopped posting, but the good part of that was he accepted it as a loss. So then I moved on to other targets.

Geneviève Lasedri said:
If they hit hard, hit harder. If they add more troops, match them. If they are taking no reasonable hits, then you are not obligated to give them any. If you are not going to be productive during or in between invasions, then I have no idea what to tell you except to take what you are served and don’t come complain about it.
I can't agree more with this^
If they get away with doing what you think might be 'overpowered' or 'godmoding', then match it. If they can do it, you can. Don't play yourself down because it's the right thing to do, we need to beat them at their own game.

So come on guys, let's keep the Republic alive. Please.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Sorry, but I guess that it's my fault for not knowing about what invasions belong to which groups. I don't know of every planet that belongs to the faction and the map should help, but I'm on my mobile pretty much all the time and I can't make out the names. Not even sure where Commenor exactly is in comparison to other planets, so I just wing it.

The last invasion that I was in that I wasn't invited to, my actions were ignored, so I figured that an invite was the only way to be sure that didn't happen again.

But I will try to find some other way in. I have story threads with regards to the war that aren't invasions, so I hope that those would count. Not all wars are won or lost on the battlefield afterall..
[member="Lady Kay"]
In an invasion your actions can not be ignored. Now, it is an ooc drag to push and more often then not causes ooc drama. So it is perfectly fine to just move on from it, but it is your right to "accepted" and it does help the faction with many writers taking part in an invasion - so I would advice that if it happens again at least let your FAs know, via pm that your actions have been ignored and they can help or at least use it when sorting the outcome of the invasion.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

I'm not quite sure who they are and I don't think that any of them were involved. But I'll certainly send a shout out here for help if it does :) Thanks!
[member="Lady Kay"]

Invasionoutcomes are monitored and agreed upon by the factions administrations. Their characters must not have been involved one bit. Its the ooc that is their main head ache around these things ;)

The GR admin team are [member="Taeli Raaf"] (owner) [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] and [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Ali Hadrix"]

According to the home page it is also [member="Corvus Raaf"] but I think she stepped down.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Awesome, thanks :) But I might of been the only GR member involved for that one. Not entirely sure. So many people with multiple characters. I get And a bit lost ;)
Mantic Dorn said:
[member="Lady Kay"]

Invasionoutcomes are monitored and agreed upon by the factions administrations. Their characters must not have been involved one bit. Its the ooc that is their main head ache around these things ;)

The GR admin team are [member="Taeli Raaf"] (owner) [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] and [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Ali Hadrix"]

According to the home page it is also [member="Corvus Raaf"] but I think she stepped down.
Yes. I was FL but handed over to Taeli a while ago :)

I am a moderator for the Jedi boards, meaning I can edit stuff - but that's all it means.

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