Kami Meran
I am the sapper

Name: Askar
Region: Outer rim
System: Asol system
Suns: 1 Asol
Orbital Position: 1st
Moons: none
System Features: none
3 planets orbiting Asol. Askar, Vito and Asop. none of which support life
Coordinates: 7 / 26
Rotational Period: 10 hours
Orbital Period 100 days
Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 711 km
Atmosphere: 3
Climate: Temp 700 °C
Gravity: Surface Gravity 1.1 g
Primary Terrain: volcanic
Native Species: none
Immigrated Species: none
Primary Languages: N/A
Government: none
Population: N/A
Demonym: N/A
Major Imports: none
Major Exports: none
Affiliation: none / Meran Mechanics
Major Locations:
The Forge.
a long ancient forge using the planets own geothermal heat to run its self an its long running furnaces and its ancient droid smiths.
the forge still creates strange ancient droids who walk out into the planets volcanic surface to be melted down in its lave only to be remade from its molten ore in a cycle of death and rebirth that has run for millennia.


and vast ocean of Lava
the most of the planet is a ball of lava with cool rocky parts. as such it is very volcanic and most of its surface is molten lava
there is little in the way of land marks save its huge caldera volcano to the north west of its hemisphere acting like a molten Pole.
Culture: none
Traveling close to its star with a carbon-monoxide atmosphere it is a burning hot ball of lava.
Askar has had little in the way of history only being visited a few times.
One unknown race created a forge in 309,0000 bby located on its northern pole, a huge strangely shaped factory only known as the forge. Left long long ago by a long lost or forgotten race who left the forge.
Presumably the species from Vito, it is unknown though as all of it's technology has been wiped out it is difficult to be sure.
All that is known is the forge is made from scandium and Tungsten to survive the heat of the planet.
It mostly layed ignored till the massive battles that happened in it's more recent past as several of the ships crashed into Askar only to be melted down by it's heat and lava. As yet no exploration of the Forge has happened or is at least known to have taken place in recorded history.
Notable PCs: na
Intent: to Finnish off the Asol system and create mining opportunities and a ancient structure. to explore.