Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Assassination Anyone?

Alli Wren

Sure.. I can hire the assassination on one of my chars :D if you want.. to add a bit more intrigue to it :D
Why non-cannon? Apprentices try to fight Masters all the time...though they get put down rather easily.

Also Alli ide be more than willing to have you try and kill me with assassins, one question why would she want me dead? Besides me being a Sith of course
I can just cripple you...Moridin isn't one to waste someone with potential.

You can make it and if you want to challenge him at his base of power it'll be on Byss. If you want to challenge him randomly ide suggest Dromund Kaas or something.

Alli Wren

Well I was thinking either Viera or Alli could hire someone... but the only sigh Alli has ever met was daxon..... and he did try to kill her... she could some how mistakenly send them after you lol

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