Rule of Two
Assassination of the Voland Administration
New Imperial Security Bureau; The Assassination of the Aculia Voland Administration; Internal statement. At the conclusion of our investigation the New Imperial Security Bureau has discovered:-
We have discovered that this so called "Fifth Wing" currently has active, in approximation, over a thousand people operating on behalf of the Tsis'Kaar, and it's leader, Darth Malum of House Marr , on Lianna and our investigation has revealed that they are also active in the other 38 star systems comprising the territories of the Empire. Our findings show that this small army consists entirely of Human men, and women, some of whom originate from the territories of the Sith Order, but most of whom were recruited directly from the branches of the Empire, such as the Paragons, Crusaders, Inquisitors and the New Imperial Security Bureau. Therefore our investigation concludes that all four main branches of the Empire's military, security, peacekeeping, naval and intelligence gathering branches have been compromised by the Tsis'Kaar in anticipation of the Sith incursion seen during the Siege of Tion which resulted in the destruction of Tion. Without the Domestic Surveillance of Direct Threats the investigation conducted into the whereabouts and operations of the Tsis'Kaar could not have been discovered. The Bureau will endeavour to locate and destroy all elements of the Tsis'Kaar and their operatives with full prejudice. This concludes our report. Long live the Empire. |
The machinations of the Order of the Sith Lords begin to take shape.
Through destruction I breed creation.
Through destruction I breed creation.
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