Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Assault on Orvax IV. (Hutt Cartel)


[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Nawd"] [member="Michael Steelfang"]

Gordosa sat on his couch and reached into his food bowl to pull out a small arachnid delicacy and pop it into his mouth. He was reading a datapad about the Slave Market on Orvax IV. They were going to have to be dealt with and the Cartel needed a quick show of force to reestablish it as a power house in the underworld. Gordosa didn't like slave trade as a whole and had his own plans for the future of his own operations but for now he had a reputation to protect and for a Hutt reputation was everything.

"Someone get the ships ready. We're going to Orvax four." Gordosa said to his protocol droid RG-13.

"Yes sir." The droid said before toddling off.

The droid walked down the corridor on the way to the small lift just as Ugbolt and Oogbolt were coming from the perpendicular passage. The droid collided with Oogbolt, while Ugbolt did a catwalk worthy spin holding a tray of datacards over his head and danced passed the droid before striking a pose.

"U droid watch where u go." Ugbolt said.

"Was that basic or stupidese." The droid replied as it began to move passed the two green pig men.

"I not stoopid. U no not even have brain jus wirers." Oogbolt added.

"I assure you my positronic brain and heuristic processor when compare to your utterly sad excuse of a cerebrum is akin to the comparison between a rich society and a rock, there is none." The droid droned.

Ugbolt and Oogbolt who only understood a third of what was said looked at eachother blinking for a moment. Then without further delay Oogbolt turned and hit the droid on the head with a club.

"Now who da smart one?" Oogbolt said as the two Gamorreans broke out into a breif rendition of the running man and posed backs toward each other with hands on chins. Finally they carried the data cards to Gordosa's chambers and stood to each side of his couch.

"Did you see RG-13?" He is taking to long in bringing the crew.

"Uhh." Oogbolt said.

"Ummm." Ugbolt replied.

"What did you too morons do?" Gordosa said putting a hand to his forehead.

"Uhh we go fine him." Ugbolt said run waddling toward the door.

"Uhh I go too." Oogbolt added following behind.

Gordosa pushed the com on his couch and called the team together.

"We have a group muscling in on our profits. Come to the crew lounge for a palnning session." Gordosa said.

This was goimg to be big.
Michael cocked his head slightly when he heard [member="Gordosa"] call for the crew to assemble he didn't bother having his droids with him for this one he was safe enough here and he didn't need to bring them with. He entered the lounge fully armed as always "So what's the plan?" He was curious what the hutt had planned and how much he could gain out of the whole deal.
A job on Orvax IV, how fun now if he could just get this limp checked out.

He walked into the Hutt's palace, and walked to his throne, his employer was talking in his comm.

He stayed silent until the Hutt finished.

The Hutt's were as sleezy as the jobs that they shell out, but for those said job he could make a fortune.

This job that they are doing now is attacking a slave market, this would put the Hutt Cartel back on the map He was ready.

The Hutt was finished with his conversation.

"Mighty Gordosa, thank you for calling me here." He said then kneeled, he got up shortly after.



Inactive Character
Nawd had been bored out of his mind ever since [member="Gordosa"]'s agents found him on Corusaunt. It was nice, of course, having food and water without having to rummage in dumpsters, and it was fantastic having shelter he didn't have to share with stone mites- but he'd forgotten how much he'd actually enjoyed being thought of as 'the monster of district district 78. He was only to happy to oblige when the large Hutt called him to his throne room.

The Cragmoloid barreled through the hallways, glancing at each door as he left to try to find where the kriffing throne room was. With every wrong door he entered, and every dead end he came across, Nawd only began to get angry. Soon, he had a vent for his anger: A small greenish pig-like alien was dragging a damaged droid towards the trash chute. The Cragmoloid reached over rather quickly, and grabbed the little pigman by the head, flinging him across the hallway in to the far wall like a rag doll. "WHERE'S THE HUTT?!" The angry Cragmoloid bellowed. The Gammorean pointed wide eyed towards onf ot eh nearby doors, sqealing and whimpeing something about his tusk, and Nawd ducked into the doorway, barely managing to fit hus bulk through the frame. He glanced to the two people already there, and then to the Hutt, wondering when he was going to actually get to do something.

(Sorry for the late reply, and rushed rp)


[member="Michael Steelfang"] [member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Nawd"]

Gordosa nodded and gave a quick chuckle that the cragmaloid had made the Gamorrean afraid. He wasn't going to waste time they had people to take over and profits to make.

"The Santeria Slave ring has gathered all on Orvax IV for their annual slave market and invited four other big slave rings to join for talks about merging." Gordosa rolled his big orange eyes to them. "We are going to move in while they are in talks and destroy or capture their ships and take over all their operations at the same time. Anyone who wants to join us can anyone you opposes can be removed from the business. I have the troops and drop teams as well as a MC70 for a flagship but we have to make sure it can't be linked directly to us. No logos and talk about the cartel. We will be possing as the BoBo CoCo pirates. Any questions?"
"Just one question how drunk were you when you came up with the name @Gordosa" Michael liked the rest of the idea though ships , battle ,profit all he needed was some women of loose morals and a bottle of wine for after it's all said and done Michael glanced over the other people assembled " My ships are ready you just need to provide the men to man the ships"


Inactive Character
Nawd blinked a few times, at the mention of a slaving ring. Slavers. They were going to fight slavers? Not only did this Slug-man rescuse him off the street, he was going to point the way to slavers? A cruel smile formed under Nawd's trunk, and he stayed more or less quiet. He was goingt o let him fight slavers. Let him kill them, like they deserved. This was going to be fun.

[member="Michael Steelfang"] | [member="Gordosa"]


[member="Michael Steelfang"] @Nawd [member="Carden Lorps"]

"I may have been slightly tipsy but never mind that." Gordosa said, "The crews have been hired from many slaves we took possession of. I offered them jobs and freedom, they will be loyal until their contract expires I assure you."

Gordosa looked at the group as he picked up a live scorpion delicacy from Tatooine and chomped it down then washed it down with a brandy.

" get ready to smash...things. Steelfang prepare your ships and begin the assault as soon as possible. Carden you organize the dropships and boarding parties. Remember we take the slaves and any of the property that we can use. I want Orvax IV run by the cartel before the week is out."
"The ships will be ready to depart in 2 hours [member="Gordosa"] so long as the troops are loaded up by then , I predict should all go to plan the station above Orvax IV will be ours within 4 hours of initial attack and another 4 days there after for the planet to fall to our forces" Michael hoped the thugs he had to work with were up to the task had it been his own clan taking this planet well he was sure within 2 days the whole system would be under their control but he made due with what he had "The key is to gain dominance over the local air space we have that we can apply the pressue in all the right places to crack this planet like an egg under a truck".

[member="Carden Lorps"]


[member="Nawd"] [member="Michael Steelfang"] [member="Carden Lorps"]

Gordosa looked at the group of criminals and grinned.

"Well lets go!" He said after a few minutes of waiting around.

He slid down and headed for the ships to prepare to do his part, direct.

The ships would take off and arrive in Orvax system on Steelfangs orders. The would be met by six frigates of various kinds and 3 BFF-1 bulk freighters. Not easy prey but they could be taken. However if the bulk freighters were lost or escaped 90% of the slave market would go with them.
Michael smiled a wicked smile he sat down in his captain's chair, a chair he hadn't sat in quite some time this was aboard not the corvette he had been forced to use out of practicality but now with the man power at his disposal his real ship a retrofited Mandalorian warship that bore the same design as the Venator class star destroyer could set once more rule the stars the real *Executioner*, he could feel the slight vibration as the engines howled into life, the gentle flicker of the various consoles and displays gave him comfort . "All ships are ready to launch to all those aboard my vessels listen and listen well you have a stand on a legacy earned through combat, every last piece of those ships was earned in the blood of Clan Castelion's enemies in battles that have echoed through the eons, take heart in that the spirits of my clan stand with you this day we shall show the galaxy once more why they feared those ships and why the galaxy should fear us" with wave of his hand the fleet was off into hyperspace .

[member="Carden Lorps"]

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