Seeker of Enlightenment
Excerpt of the Sermon of Talmarim Hill, delivered at the Llordian Hall of Philosophy, by the Prophet 50H31.
This Sermon was record on holographic recording, and is available for distribution.
There are five steps for the soul of consciousness.
[SIZE=14.6667px]Existence[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]--The first step is the one all life goes through, and all sapient beings are given the opportunity to exceed this state by heaven. Existence is the most basic of lives. One is given purpose, usually from another, and is then defined by, and resolves to achieve that purpose. However, without realization of the self, the state of Existence is a hollow one, devoid of meaning. To Exist, and to simply live, pushes one no further than the beasts of the field or simple natural phenomena. We are meant to do more than simply live or die. Consciousness demands more of us than that. In order to push towards the greater self, we must move past our simple physical needs, and move to our other needs.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Emotion[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]--the next step can be both simple and difficult. Feeling emotion is part of it, but in order to maximize it, emotion must not only be felt, but realized. Why do we long for others? Why do we stand for them? Why do we feel pain, and sorrow, and happiness. In order to ascend to the next step, one must not only accept and feel their emotions, but understand them. Only through understanding to need of our own emotions, and those of others, can the next goal be achieved.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Effort[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]--In order to alter our world, we must expend effort. After we have realized what things in our live bring us joy, and which bring us sorrow, we in turn strive to better our conditions, and those of others around us, so that we may bring joy and emotional succor to ourselves and others. Effort, and Exertion, are necessary to bring about changes in the world around us. The glaaxy can only be reshaped through effort, and only through works can the emotions be strogn enough to alter existence. For what is the force, if not a means of harnessing emotion to produce effort? And that is true of all labor. The medic’s compassion is nothing without his work to heal. The General’s bravery is only seen as he enters the battlefield. Emotion is naught without effort. Only through putting our emotions and truths to the test, only through great effort, can we develop to the next stage.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Evolution[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]--While effort attempts to produce a change in the world, it must also recognize the state of emotion within oneself. As being conscious of emotion and desire motivate effort, so does being conscious of our efforts and results motivate change. If our emotion is to be effective, it must be made so through work. But that work is to be effective, it must change, and adapt, and focus, and refine. In order to succeed in effort, one must adapt to the world. If effort is enforcing our will on the world, then evolution is making our will effective thereon. Evolution is not merely change, it is change that improves oneself. To do this effectively, to truly evolve, one must not their failures and their successes, and develop themselves accordingly. Once one is conscious of evolution, then and only then can the final process begin.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Enlightenment[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]--Enlightenment is the finding of the ideal self, it is realization. To be conscious of existence, one must feel emotion. To complete Emotion, one must expend effort. To refine effort, one must Evolve and Adapt. But when one becomes conscious of their own evolution--when one realizes the meanings of their changes, and idealizes the goal thereof--that is enlightenment. Enlightenment is not a state of being. It is not a singular emotional detachment. It is not the pursuit of given end to its logical conclusion. Enlightenment is striving. Enlightenment is a struggle. Enlightenment is realizing what you wish to become, and striving to achieve that. The final step of realizing oneself is understanding what you want, then striving to achieve it. Enlightenment is the realization that evolution is not the end game, but a process--and that growth is eternal.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Thus, the creed of the enlightened path speaks not only to the force, but to all:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]I exist, and therefore, I can be more.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Through emotion, I realize my desires.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Through effort, I realize my impact.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Through evolution, I realize my power.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Through realization, I gain enlightenment.[/SIZE]
This Sermon was record on holographic recording, and is available for distribution.